Egyptian Moon

Vala ShadowMoon

"Abbec Ra I thought All the Goods were dead Expetcaly after Vaughan Killed Our Father Anubis."She Looks At Talon And then Here Brother " If You Two Think Your Starting An Adventure with Out Me Your Dead wrong."
Dark Talon (The Dragoon )

" Fell Free to Join Us Goddess." He looks at Ventus" So Ventus Would you like me to Take You to LThe Last Lybrarrie AAOf the Dragoons"
OOC: Hold on, I waiting to hear from Amen Ra regarding our last PM, if any of you have some ideas PM me
Jezzie asked Rezla if she could take over for a few minutes. she agreed and JEzzie walked back to the table . She sat down. "I don't know if i can help you. I'm just a weak servent. Just a woman. Woman aren't fit to fight or go for whatever you are talking about"
Ra looked at Jezzie.

"Thou art more than a mere woman, my lady," he told her. "Thou art a priestess in the temple of the gods."

Ra bowed his head to her. "Your company with us is more than welcome."
" a preistess? Why haven't i ever heard of that before ? " Jezzie watched as he bowed his head. Her mind wondered and she thought of what it must be like to be a god . anything with importance. would she find out ? or was he just playing with her head?

Ventus stood waiting for Dark Talon to reveal his secrets when a sudden surge of pain shot through his temple. He kneeled in agony, closing his eyes tightly. In his mind he saw two pyramids, one he recognized as the northern pyramid. It had just been constructed but he didn't know what god it was in homage to. The second pyramid was unrecognizable, it looked as new as the northern pyramid but this was impossible considering that all the other pyramids in the area were old and dilapedated.

His pain left as the vision disappeared. He reported his vision to Ra to see if the god my guide him.
Jezzie looked over at Ventus. "Whats wrong?" in side shes thinking ' why does he look fimiliar?' She rushed over to his side and he looked up . They looked at each other for a second and then they both looked at Ra
Ra looked toward them.

"Thou art in touch with the Energy of Life," the god spoke, smoothing his long, black tail of hair down his back. It was the only hair upon his head, and its end was bound in a golden thread.

"The pyramids you saw," Ra told Ventus, "are important to us. The Southern one, the one closest to the river Nile, is mine. It is there that Jezzie was first annointed as priestess. And it is there that the keys to the other will be found. The other one is the temple of all the gods. It is there that my power can be regained. And, I believe, is where your destiny will be found."

Ra looked carefully at the man. "Vaughn will know his place in that temple as well. His strength will serve as a beacon for those gods who are lost. In this templel, a place for warriors is made. A place for soldiers of truth and honor. That is your place, Ventus. Are you worthy? I must warn you, I fear great danger and peril awaits us."
equip time

Ventus addressed the the adventurers:

"I guess the logical thing to do is for everyone to split up into groups and search the pyramids. I'll head toward the North Pyramid in a bit, I still have to get a hold of some weapons. I'll meet you all there later."

With that Ventus left the bar and went searching for a worthy sword.
Dark Talon (The Dragoon)

"He shouldent Go Alone . He dont Know This land Hell The last time HE went For A Walk He ended up 200 yeas A way" He than runs after him. SHaking the Earth As he runs

"Ok Ra Lead on, "

Vaughan the walk to the back room to get his wepons He pick Up The wepons He than Fills A tingal "No Not Now!"
bargin hunting

Ventus walked the streets looking for a weapons vendor. Every vendor he had met had lacked a sword of the same quality that his broad sword was. Suddenly the ground began to shake, the busy streets quickly emptied as the Gaza strip shook. Ventus was knocked off his feet and remained on the ground until the earthquake passed.

Within minutes the marketplace shoppers returned to barganing and dealing, not paying any attention to the crevas that had appeared in the middle of the street. Ventus rose to his feet and dusted the sand off himself. He began walking when he saw someting glimmering out of the corner of his eye. Ventus kneeled down and picked up a chunk of slick black rock, this gave him an idea.

Ventus approached the blacksmith with the obsidan rock in hand. "Excuse me good sir, I was wondering if you could reforge my broad sword with this black stone I found." The blacksmith inspected the rock carefully, "This is like nothing I've ever seen before, do you mind if I run a few tests on the rock before I forge your sword?" "I'll allow it if you forge my sword and perhaps my friends' weapons free of charge," Ventus answered.

"Of course, give me the rock and your blade, I'll have it ready later this evening." Ventus handed the sword over, the blacksmith was again in awe, "This is an antique! I haven't seen anything like this out of a museum or the pharoh's palace! How did you acquire such a blade?" Ventus chose his answer carefully, "It's been with my bloodline for hundreds of years." Ventus left the shop and started to walk back towards the bar when he saw Dark Talon running toward him.