Literotica Guru
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- Mar 16, 2019
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You say that women like to dress sexy because it makes them feel good about themselves... I say they feel god about themselves because others say they look good.I'm not saying that women don't dress to suit a male ideal, but plenty of women also dress and wear makeup because it makes them feel sexy in their own eyes. And it's only human nature: it feels good to look good, whoever is doing the looking.
In my Pink Orchid story earlier this year, by the way, the main character (female) is a CEO who finds herself becoming less sexual because of the demands of her job, instead of sexing herself up (because that's been my experience with women in leadership roles). The story is about refinding her sexuality and individuality. The response from female readers was very positive.
OK, I’m not going to win any friends here, but here goes.
Yes, all humans have egos, and like to feel they are attractive by their desired love interest...
You say they like to wear makeup, dress accordingly. How do they know what they’re wearing is sexy?
Because that's what they see every time they open a magazine, watch TV, or movies, or music videos, read books...
Like it or not, it’s a mans world...
In my opinion. Women have been forced to conform. If you want to see yourself as sexy and attractive, then you dress to suit. You wear makeup, wear the ridiculous high heels.
Yes, you feel sexy, because men see you that way.... They reinforce the concept by encouraging women when they have fitted into the male fantasy.
You know the old adage... If you say it often enough, it becomes fact...
You can call it social programming, or whatever you like. We are guided and influenced by all of those elements.
It’s why I say a woman becomes empowered, when she frees herself from the beliefs of others, and lives her life how she wants to. Free from the need to dress or act in particular ways...
When she is comfortable in her own skin... That is freedom, and that is empowering...
Freed from the shackles of conformity and the need to fit in. That my friend is empowerment.
When a woman no longer feels the need for male approval. She becomes free to be the person inside... That is empowerment.
Of course the same arguments hold true for the males of the species... Freedom and empowerment is releasing yourself from the need to be accepted...
The counter argument, and yes I’ve heard it before. If a woman feels comfortable dressing sexy and embracing her sexuality. She is empowered...
I personally disagree. I think that while you are locked into societies or other peoples expectation of what sexy is. You are living to fit their ideals and expectations and you are not empowered..,. While you feel driven to dress or act according to already designed perceptions. You are not free, just running with the heard...
Nothing more than my thoughts... Not saying it’s right. Just the way I see it...