erotic comics

lol i love that pic mainly for the style of it cute girl wielding a knife in one hand and a dilenger in the other lol i agree the age could apper a little older but the pic it self is rather cool :p i think im going to have to save that and show it to my bro lol laters and i cant wait to see the story that you make out of the alice theme i think it'll be interesting to see how the decendent of alice takes to the thrills of wounderland lol
Here is my initial design for the main character, Lydia Veronne, looking tentative in her bookstore uniform. While likely to be unusued for any other purpose, a page like this helps me decide if I actually like the basic design for the character, and if the end product really should be in color. Flash tends to favor bold, flat colors that don't favor realism, but does evoke storybooks and older classic comics.

Lydia comes from Liddell, the last name of the original Alice. Making her a clerk in a large bookstore chain felt right, since it embraces both the dullness of everyday work life with the unlimited imaginative potential found in literature.

The next step is to come up with some genuinely sexy pics of Alice, as well as some of the supporting cast and characters. In whole, I realize I've set myself up with a project much larger than 'Of Anna 333', and will definitely take some time to complete, even when broken down into individually submitted chapters.


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well i must say thats a pretty good drawing and i cant waitt o see the story that you write wither its in color or black in white.. anna 333 was pretty good... heres looking forward to your newest storie