Erotic Illustrators & Writers

You have such facility with this stuff, Rhino. Thanks for doing what you do.
this is a plea for an artist.
Litstock, a new cult compound is in need of one...
please take a look
rhinoguy said:
drawing as per a suggestion.
(hmmm the guy's head seems a bit small...)

Lady's head seems smallish, too.

This one would do more for me without her tongue -- just adoring, cuddling.

I think this is my favorite of the series thus far!
I agree with Impressive. The last one is much better with her just cuddling.

rhinoguy said:
as I had mentioned somewhere above...

This is somewhat more homoerotic than I TYPICALLY draw...but hey! it's my twisted fantasies, phobias, fetishes, dementia...

been there done that (just not on such a "grand scale"..heeheee)

If only! Even tougher for a woman to imagine -- although who hasn't wondered what those disgustingly flexible Olympic gymnasts can do?

Auto cunnilingus, anyone? (I'd probably never leave the house!)
rhinoguy said:
I can imagine it!
and did!
not sure how possible it is...(don't really care..because i can draw it)
yes, yes..i know her thighs aren't long enough etc... with a bit of study I can make it work.

Oh, I believe it's possible. I can get my knees to the floor above my shoulders in that position ... just need a longer neck :p