erotic world of warcraft play

"Very well. Breakfast and we make way for Ratchet." She had accepted! Of course, there was always a catch. An extra tidbit that made it more complicated than he had preferred. Getting to Theramore wasn't too tricky if they hired goblins for travel, but that cost gold of which Marouka had little, and time with explosive loving mongrels. 'I've seen worse. At least we won't be grabbed by kraken,' he thought to himself remembering another memory.

After they packed things together, Marouka tidied the camp to make hospitable for any wanderer who came across it. 'I may never return here... and that might be okay' he thought again scratching his head. This party would be different than he'd ever had... except that one time he'd been turned to human... 'No! Not remembering those! Bad me, bad!'

He was giddy. He didn't know why to this extent, but at least it was better than dwelling in the past, and longing for the old. Cruise was packed, and when time to go came, he pulled the bearpelt from inside and wrapped it around Zadia.

"This will be more comfortable than the chafing and oversized leather. Hu- Kasindor, have you ever ridden a direwolf? Let's make this a first time. Guard Zadia atop Cruise; if anything happens I want you to make her safety your top protection! I would never pit you a coward." Cruise gave Kasindor a lick of approval taking him by surprise. "He'll let you ride him almost as well as he lets me ride him. Let us move out? At this point, the Quilboars will be taking their post-hunt nap." He was making friendly remarks with a human. He'd always longed too. He felt no hatred for them, and if anything was intrigued by them... and Draenei. Well, to be frank, Marouka hated no race. There was only respect. Though sometimes, tricksy trolls caused trouble.