
John had just walked into New Reno and he stood staring at the lights lit up over the city. Snapping out of his daze he realized he had no idea where to look except the Mordinos were supposed to be a powerful crime family.
"Excuse me miss," John says walking up to a young woman wearing a short skirt and a very low top, "could you direct me to where I might find the Mordinos?" "Don't you want to spend some time with me?" the woman answered leaning over against a lamp pole. "Well ... actually I kind of have some buisness I need to take care of," John managed blushing at the sight of the woman's cleavage. "Then don't waste my time," she said and turned around to talk to another girl. John had no idea where to start looking for the Mordino family so he decided to start with the biggest place he saw there, the Desperado. John was amazed at the number of humans and ghouls at the slot machines. Don't these people have jobs he wondered and walked up to the bar. "Excuse me bartender," John said waving over the man behind the counter. "You don't happen to know where I could find the Mordino's do you?" The stared in disbelief at and began reaching under the bar for something. "You are in the wrong place," the bartender spat.
Lucky strolled into the Desperado. He hadn't been in here for some time! Now why was he kicked out the last time? Oh yeah! Freaking out the clientelle! Oooh that trick with his nose never got old! Anyway, the slots in here always seemed to pay better. A grin plastered on his wasted lips, he slumped on the bar. "Ey Gordo! Stop playin wi' ya big stick an' get me a gamma gulp! I'm parched! Even me flakes is got flakes!" He laughed
"Excuse me sir," John asked the ghoul who had just sat down at the bar. "I'm new to the city and I seem to be lost. I was looking for the Mordino family I'd buy that drink for you if you could show me the way."
Lucky squinted at the man who had probably just made one of the biggest mistakes of his life - mentioning one Family name in the casiono of another. Twice! It probably wouldn't be long before Gordo let rip with both barrels of that shotgun under the bar.

Lucky grinned and took a swig of his gamma gulp beer. "Sho'nuff ah can! Fry mah hide! In fack we sh'd hoof it right away. Th' nice guys who own this hyar establishment haf sho't fuses an' trimenjus guns, eff'n yo' git me"

Lucky took another swig and stood up, waiting for the man to follow his suggestion. Thankfully Lucky knew the way all too well. Mostly because he used to hang out at their stills. Silently he wondered if they had gotten over that whole missing 12 bottles of booze thing...
San Fransisco.

They said once it had been a cultural hub back before the Big War, before the bombs fell and handed humanity it's own ass. Before there was suburbs and SUVs and McDonald's burgers, and people bowed to the almighty Kodak and Hewlitt-Packard.

Now, there was work. And dinner. And sleep. And work.

"Seven, let's move it!"

They said once there had been baseball and leisure time. Nail polish and parrafin treatments for your hands. There had been places a woman could go to, to get large silicone bags implanted under her chest muscles to make her breasts look bigger.

"Seven! Come on, girl, haul ass!"

There isn't anything like that anymore. Not in San Fransisco. Not anywhere. And espeically not here.

"I'm coming, Marco. Hang on!"

I gotta go. I've got to outfit a APC with new armor before the science cheeses go to the Outside for supplies again.

Seven out.
OOC: Fallout exists in an alternate reality in which science is based on 1950's American science fiction. Things like SUV's and breast implants didn't exist at any point in it's history. And please try to avoid using real company names if at all possible.
Getting up John followed the ghoul out of the Desperado and up the street.
"Thank you very much sir," John told the ghoul, "My name is John, John Avers." John hesitated for a moment, but stook out his hand to shake.
Craig ordered a Nuka-Cola and started looking around while enjoying the warm, flat soda. He eventually found a line formed in front of some folding tables. There was an assortment of voices, making it hard to pick out anything in particular.

"Shut the fuck up!" "Line forms to the left!" "No reference, no work!" "No you're not hired you crippled idiot!"

Sure that he was in the right place, he waited for his turn.
Lucky energetically shook John's hand. "Pleased t'meet yo'. ah's called Lucky Joe on account of mah winnin' streaks" he wheezed. Lucky continued to walk down several streets, most of which were appearing to be similar. "We is not too far fum th' stills now".

Coming out into a relativly open area, Lucky pointed at a large bungalow-type house, and a huge building behind it. First he pointed at the big building that looked like it had seen better days. "Thet used t'be th' stills..." He then pointed at the house "an' thass whar yo'll find th' Mo'dinos"