
genesis1101 said:
Lol this is rele stupid but how do you access pm's?

Click "home" on the top buttons ::points up:: That will bring your to the main Literotica Discussion Board page. Scroll ALL the way down and you will see a place marked Private Message, just click that and your there.
A7inchPhildo said:
... Snooper If they are still milking by hand in the UK they are about 20 years behind. ...
OK. So another little bit of sarcasm bites the dust.

I did learn to hand milk some 60 years ago, but everyone is automated now. One of the problems some years ago, when we had power cuts because of stroppy unions, was that when cows need milking they need it urgently to avoid the risk of mastitis. We had several people who knew how to do it, but the cows didn't understand or know what to do!
I will try to write the story about the slave of farms,but people please give me more ideas and I will try to write it to the best of my ability.

Fantasy is Reality and Reality is Fantasy!