Fat people

pretty_lil_stranger said:
I agree. Curvy, vuluptous, etc., all describe a slightly larger person... but the person who started this thread specifically said "fat." I don't look at someone who weighs 140 pounds and say they are fat...

Well that's good, or you might have been in for a whoopin
okay, then you're safe. I do think that there ought to be more stories with less-than "perfect" characters, though.
We should lock all the perfect people of the world into a room and force feed the fudge covered oreo's until they're NORMAL
I'm sure we could find someone = ) For instance, in my case, people with brains.
for instance, the skinny fuckers behind the register whenever I go to buy my cookies. You know, the ones that give you the look up and down right before they tell you your total <I'LL KILL THEM ALL!>
LOL yeah no shit. But seriously though at my last job I worked in a bakery, and we had an espresso machine. Students from the high school would come in and order hot chocolate, and I was evil and gave them whipped cream and whole milk every time.

when I was a high school student (oh, so long ago...3 years...) I think every calorie went straight to my thighs <chicklet stares at her thighs> and my breasts.

<chicklet stares at her thighs> and my breasts

Stares at chicklet's thighs and breasts...I agree. But thats good. ;)

Me I always was big, am always going to be big.
At least, some went to your boobs, for me it was all downhill; hips and thighs. I look like a pear!

I agree, alot of the stories exclude chubby, non-perfectly built people. I'm going to try a story about this, if I can get a plot together.
pear people make the world go round = )

but seriously, I'd be interested in reading a story with normal people in it.

As would I, in fact one of the several stories I am working on know includes a larger, but not fat woman. I like stories that are a little bit different and unexpected. In this scenario a young man and woman have been dating for a while. Finally it is time for the man to meet the mom. She is natually an older, grayer, version of the daughter maybe 20 pounds heavier with a less firm body. However the mom has some "thing" the daughter seems not to and the man is immediatley attracted to her, but tries to push it away. The mom also feels something, but fights it as well. Then at some point when the daughter and husband are away, the man and woman loose their self control...

Needs a lot of work but I think an interesting story.
Chicklet said:
pear people make the world go round = )

but seriously, I'd be interested in reading a story with normal people in it.


Funny. I'm struggling to become 'less normal' for health reasons. But I understand what people are talking about when they say that a lot of stories don't reflect reality. We're not all drop dead gorgeous or GQ models.

Tiggs said:
We're not?


Why didn't somebody tell me?!!!?

You are the noteworthy exception, Tiggs. Love that AV of yours. You'll never see my mug up on display, that's for certain!
