Feedback for most stories

So what does everybody else think? I take the point about reader interest, but Humour and Satire has always been a bit of a backwater and I for one would like to see it promoted and, perhaps, standards raised a little.

I'm not going to promote or join in yet another author-organized event.
Mind if I join you on the bench?
NotWise said:
Have a seat. There's plenty of room.
From behind a tree, the moose looked on. He was a patient moose, and the bench was long. More would come, more writers suffering from contest overload, and soon the winter food stocks would be complete.
From behind a tree, the moose looked on. He was a patient moose, and the bench was long. More would come, more writers suffering from contest overload, and soon the winter food stocks would be complete.

You've invented a carnivorous moose? I know they're pretty bad-tempered, but that's very original.
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Sorry, but the Op's opinion is just that — one person's preference. While one person prefers nothing but the sex scene details, the next person would read a few paragraphs and go looking for a different story. There is no "reader" here — there are thousands every day. This delusion that all stories need to be crafted in a certain way is equivalent to going to a bookstore expecting nothing but comic books to be on the shelves :rolleyes:

To be a happy reader, find the authors who write what you like and favorite them. I can assure you that most authors here write for their own pleasure and not to please a reader who paid $0.00 for the effort.

It gripes my ass when people complain about something that is free.
You've invented a carnivorous moose? I know they're pretty bad-tempered, but that's very original.
There's probably a genetic link to drop bears if you go back far enough. Land bridges, don't you know ;).
There's probably a genetic link to drop bears if you go back far enough. Land bridges, don't you know ;).

You know, those drop bears are going to escape Oz and find a home in Canada, and then there will be the carniverous moose vs. drop bear Armageddon.

Oh well. It's gonna be ta-ta sometime. Why not then?
You know, those drop bears are going to escape Oz and find a home in Canada, and then there will be the carniverous moose vs. drop bear Armageddon.

Oh well. It's gonna be ta-ta sometime. Why not then?
Yukon will save us. He has a high porch. Have faith :).
From behind a tree, the moose looked on. He was a patient moose, and the bench was long. More would come, more writers suffering from contest overload, and soon the winter food stocks would be complete.

You've invented a carnivorous moose? I know they're pretty bad-tempered, but that's very original.

They tried to keep it all under wraps, the weapons depot kept secret since long in the past. Had the explosion not blown, there might be a chance, but now for the world the die it is cast. The slow moving chaos is spreading too fast, extirpating all normalcy— serenity has lapsed :eek:

Word it spread by dog sled and foot — everyone's cry; Find Yukon! Yukon the Good :heart:

While all that is holy is being cut loose — harmless creatures eaten by mutated moose — and even small children snatched up by a goose! As mother's wail, and pull out their hair — Yukon himself has nary a care — his face it is buried deep in a daze — Yukon is lost in the folds 'tween her legs — soft folds they have captured the one who could save — all Yukon hears, the piano below his tune they do play — that and the moans, the groans and the praise, as his dear Lady Lou spreads wide her legs.

As the world goes up in a nuclear typhoon, all seems quite normal up north — just another day for Yukon and Lou and The Driftwood Saloon, :confused:
Yukon will save us. He has a high porch. Have faith :).

I'm both sorry and ashamed — my love of Lou and her sweet perfume as doomed to death the rest of you. I'll remember with tears, comrades held dear and each year that comes a tear I will lay. Farewell dear souls wherever you go — may the whiskey be cheap and ladies real sweet. For all that survive I'll hold you a seat, the drinks on me, come take a seat — the fire's a crackling the piano plays, at The Driftwood Saloon, all is still just great! :D

I think Brother Yukon has cabin fever. The man's delirious :).

Hah, time will tell. The last I heard the moose have all fled — they're all swimming south — Australia, they said :eek: Da men of da north, too brawny and brave, the moose have gone looking for easier prey :rolleyes:
The nights in Alaska are long this time of year. Sometimes the spirits flow more freely than they should.

Well, while this right here does have some truth … it seems unclear if the intentions are true . My head is a pounding, my mouth all dried out … I can't quite figger just how to parse out … if you's words they're meant to honor and praise, or did you intend to sully and shame … :confused: