Feeling "hmmmm"

For all your fussing over qualifications and how this is “not a feedback site but a publishing site,” I’d like to point out that the way you’ve been so adamant that @SimonDoom can do reviews properly, despite him also not having any qualifications and not much to show for his ability so far, just reveals your argument to be “I just don’t like AwkwardMD and Omenainen doing this”. Which is an opinion, and you’re entitled to yours.

I don’t need qualifications to post on this free site and I don’t need qualifications to offer my opinions to others on the feedback forum here. I’m not getting in any virtual pissing contests with you. I’m not denying your experience. Giving advice in the type of “I didn’t read your story, but” has its place, and good for you for doing that here for years and years. I just don’t get why it bothers you so much that sometimes, people want more specifics, and someone else is willing to offer that.
Simon declared off the top that paramount for him was reviewing from the perspective of how the author realizes his/her own intent. When I stopped reading your reviews, you both were judging the writing of others based on your own prejudices and preferences.

You don't need qualifications to post here but sure as sure can be, those, like you, who denigrate training and experience, do so because you don't have them and want to bring those who do down to your level.
Simon declared off the top that paramount for him was reviewing from the perspective of how the author realizes his/her own intent. When I stopped reading your reviews, you both were judging the writing of others based on your own prejudices and preferences.

You don't need qualifications to post here but sure as sure can be, those, like you, who denigrate training and experience, do so because you don't have them and want to bring those who do down to your level.
I will say Keith this time around, it was about my writing and not about me.
I've asked Simon to review Watching Her as well. Because I want to learn.
Phantom Flings was my attempt at trying to be clever. I basically got myself in a utter tense mix up. Trying to write two different styles in one story confused me and ultimately having read the review, the reader too.

I need to work harder!
Simon declared off the top that paramount for him was reviewing from the perspective of how the author realizes his/her own intent. When I stopped reading your reviews, you both were judging the writing of others based on your own prejudices and preferences.

If people want to hear what we have to say, what do you care? You’re trying to impose your preferences onto others.

You don't need qualifications to post here but sure as sure can be, those, like you, who denigrate training and experience, do so because you don't have them and want to bring those who do down to your level.

I haven’t denigrated training or experience. I just don’t see a point in claiming qualifications because this is an anonymous site. What am I going to do, post pictures of my diplomas? Yeah right.
If people want to hear what we have to say, what do you care? You’re trying to impose your preferences onto others.

I haven’t denigrated training or experience. I just don’t see a point in claiming qualifications because this is an anonymous site. What am I going to do, post pictures of my diplomas? Yeah right.
You could change your avatar to Ajatar. Then I and maybe four other people would know you mean business. ;)
I haven’t denigrated training or experience. I just don’t see a point in claiming qualifications because this is an anonymous site. What am I going to do, post pictures of my diplomas? Yeah right.

I can't recall a single interaction with you that hasn't involved you looking down your nose at me or otherwise telling me what a rotten person that I am. You are nothing but arrogantly judgmental to me. So when I see you pissing with Keith while in the same breath pretending to take the high road by saying that you refuse to piss with him, the irony goes way off the richter.

Now, you're assessment of Keith may or may not be accurate. That's not the point. The point is that you of all people accusing anyone else of anything remotely pedantic is so laughable that Alanis should butcher a song about it. : P

And here you are continuing to piss with Keith. Popcorn is a tired reference. I prefer to be more cutting edge. I'll just use my opera glasses. ;)
I can't recall a single interaction with you that hasn't involved you looking down your nose at me or otherwise telling me what a rotten person that I am. You are nothing but arrogantly judgmental to me. So when I see you pissing with Keith while in the same breath pretending to take the high road by saying that you refuse to piss with him, the irony goes way off the richter.

I can’t recall having a single interaction with you. Maybe you’re confusing me with someone else.
I need to work harder!
If you can't be satisfied at the level of just enjoying yourself in writing and seeing that some others enjoy what you write as well.

Sorry, but that's what I saw in your original posting--that you had been enjoying the experience until you went looking for scrutiny and that you're not that happy with the writing experience now.
If you can't be satisfied at the level of just enjoying yourself in writing and seeing that some others enjoy what you write as well.

Sorry, but that's what I saw in your original posting--that you had been enjoying the experience until you went looking for scrutiny and that you're not that happy with the writing experience now.
I need my writing to be better.
For the first 3 years of writing I was just publishing on a smoking fetish website.
I would get half a dozen "thanks" as feedback from about 500 readers.
I took my 'back catalogue' and started uploading it here. I then started getting actual feedback from anonymous. I took it on board. But more recently they've got bored of my stories.
Useful feedback dried up. So I have reached out.

Yes, it's depressing to hear what you're doing wrong, but conversely I now know what to do better.
I appreciate the time that both reviewers to read my waffle.
By the way, that doesn't mean you shouldn't improve your editing process. I can vouch for my own writing that it does matter to readers, even though it's not crucial.

Whilst I do agree with this, and think what you say is correct, the more difficult question is if one's readers prefer a better edited and more polished story, or if they prefer for us to upload twice as many stories overall because we spend less time trying to turn them all into diamonds?

I am only guessing, but I think the vast majority of our followers prefers quantity over quality once you've established some sort of "base-line of satisfaction". If I spend over 20 hours on the editing process, I stop and ask myself if it's the correct choice to keep going, or if I should just stop fiddling and upload it so I can proceed to the next story - which is certainly more fun for myself, and perhaps preferred by readers as well? Just a thought. ☺️
Laugh it up, Omenainen. I'm not laughing with you, I'm laughing at you.

I can't recall a single interaction with you that hasn't involved you looking down your nose at me or otherwise telling me what a rotten person that I am. You are nothing but arrogantly judgmental to me.

I puzzled about this a bit more, because I honestly don’t remember ever having a conversation with you. Then I concluded that coming at someone like this, without even checking to see if it’s the right person, is so bizarre and uncalled for that I’m just going to put you on ignore.
Whilst I do agree with this, and think what you say is correct, the more difficult question is if one's readers prefer a better edited and more polished story, or if they prefer for us to upload twice as many stories overall because we spend less time trying to turn them all into diamonds?

I am only guessing, but I think the vast majority of our followers prefers quantity over quality once you've established some sort of "base-line of satisfaction". If I spend over 20 hours on the editing process, I stop and ask myself if it's the correct choice to keep going, or if I should just stop fiddling and upload it so I can proceed to the next story - which is certainly more fun for myself, and perhaps preferred by readers as well? Just a thought. ☺️
I'd say that readers mostly want more content so in that sense I agree with you. Then again, I don't think editing takes that much time in comparison to the time it takes for us to think of an idea, work it out, and then write the story. I mean, it does take time but nowhere close to the time needed to flesh out a story. For me, the trouble is more with the tediousness of that process rather than with the time invested. It's worth mentioning that I do not edit my story meticulously, I simply make 2-3 careful passes and try to catch errors and possibly rewrite some spots that I am unsatisfied with. Some small errors and imperfections always survive such a process but it's a reasonable trade-off, in my opinion.
I need my writing to be better.
For the first 3 years of writing I was just publishing on a smoking fetish website.
I would get half a dozen "thanks" as feedback from about 500 readers.
I took my 'back catalogue' and started uploading it here. I then started getting actual feedback from anonymous. I took it on board. But more recently they've got bored of my stories.
Useful feedback dried up. So I have reached out.

Yes, it's depressing to hear what you're doing wrong, but conversely I now know what to do better.
I appreciate the time that both reviewers to read my waffle.
OK, you certainly can decide for yourself what you "need" (and what you'll give up to get it).
I puzzled about this a bit more, because I honestly don’t remember ever having a conversation with you. Then I concluded that coming at someone like this, without even checking to see if it’s the right person, is so bizarre and uncalled for that I’m just going to put you on ignore.

Not only have we conversed before (a few times I might add) but I do believe that this is the second time that you have replied to my same post more than once with an hour or two in between with no further interaction from me. No one else does that to anyone, so yes not only have you conversed with me, you have dwelled on my viewpoints quite hard and have stewed and let them gnaw at your brain. You often care quite deeply with what I have to say.

Don't remember talking to me, you say? You're probably lying, but I can give you the benefit of the doubt.
A review is just somebody's opinion. It means nothing.
Do not let somebody elses opinion distract you from enjoying what you like to do.
Every story posted on literotica is littered with mistakes. Every single one. Including the people who reviewed your story.
A review is a personal assessment by somebody who at the end of the day knows no more than you. They are humans and fallible because of that.
If you can step back from the review. Ask yourself one question.
Did I enjoy writing the story?
Was it enjoyed by others?
If the answer is yes, then the review is meaningless.
You made mistakes... Who cares. So long as you enjoyed it.
Don't let others dictate how you view your creation....
Don't let others criticism detract from that enjoyment.

Whole lot of responses here from people who didn't read a word Bazzle said, and instead projected their insecurities for the whole world to see.
I need my writing to be better.
For the first 3 years of writing I was just publishing on a smoking fetish website.
I would get half a dozen "thanks" as feedback from about 500 readers.
I took my 'back catalogue' and started uploading it here. I then started getting actual feedback from anonymous. I took it on board. But more recently they've got bored of my stories.
Useful feedback dried up. So I have reached out.

Yes, it's depressing to hear what you're doing wrong, but conversely I now know what to do better.
I appreciate the time that both reviewers to read my waffle.
It sounds like what you want is a broader range of reader engagement. Sure, the "Thanks, when will you write more" is nice, but it's a great feeling when you get commenters that are getting what you're going for.

Within the realm of "success on Lit," which is not always the same as strong writing (the thing Omen and I usually try to foster), one effective way to do this is to play into the expectations of the readership in the category you're posting in. I think most of your content will be going into the Fetish category, so it might be worth looking at the tags of Hall of Fame stories there to see what things they might have in common. It costs you (functionally) nothing to add, for example, a little bit of focus on a woman reclining in a chair with her legs crossed and her high-heeled shoe dangling from her toe, and that might be enough to justify adding in a foot fetish tag.

In my own writing, I've learned that using the "First Time" tag in the lesbian category is worth about 20,000 extra views on a story over the course of a year or so. I don't game plan my stories to take advantage of that, but I capitalize on it when inspiration is already heading in that direction anyway.
Not only have we conversed before (a few times I might add) but I do believe that this is the second time that you have replied to my same post more than once with an hour or two in between with no further interaction from me. No one else does that to anyone, so yes not only have you conversed with me, you have dwelled on my viewpoints quite hard and have stewed and let them gnaw at your brain. You often care quite deeply with what I have to say.

I do care what people say and I do read the conversations I participate in. English is not my first language. It takes some effort to express myself as precisely as I can, and sometimes it takes effort to try to deduce what others mean by what they say. However, if this is how you want to converse with others, to see some malice and attacks where there is none and then bitch accordingly, then by all means do that with other people. That’s not what I’m here for.

Don't remember talking to me, you say? You're probably lying, but I can give you the benefit of the doubt.

I don’t, but I’ll check my posting history here to see what you’re on about. I do think that to repeatedly tell you “what a rotten person you are” I probably should have some kind of personal opinion of you, which I didn’t, before this conversation anyway.

Okay, so, before this one, I found two conversations where I've had more than one response to you:
https://forum.literotica.com/thread...tten-is-any-good.1567547/page-5#post-95357739 from June 2022
https://forum.literotica.com/threads/i-will-love-my-story-even-if.1600917/ from December 2023

I still don't see what you're saying. I feel like "if you reply to someone's message twice within an hour without them answering in between, it means you are actually saying they're a rotten person" sounds a lot like the "hidden flower messages" of the bygone days or something. "A dozen red roses is a proposal, but if you send them one yellow daffodil it means their hair is ugly." I'll try not to do that in the future if it's so unsettling to some people. I had no idea.
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