Female Horniness

wildsweetone said:
The feedback I've received from my story Watching clearly indicates that watching two men making love is an intriguing fantasy for many...

disclaimer: Watching does not involve a shower.

No shower :confused:

There goes my ending, with the Watcher flushing the toilet, and scalding the guys. :mad:

Watcher could always reach in and adjust the water to cold, but that's another story. And, Watcher would be less likely to escape. Next stop, a threesome? :eek:

Maybe I better READ your story, WSO, huh? :(
Quasimodem said:

Maybe I better READ your story, WSO, huh? :(

lol don't let me drag you there dear. if you're into ratings, it's at 4.44 at the moment with 174 votes. plenty of room for improvement, though that's understandable considering it was the second story i put up in Litland way back in february.
a girl I know would really really like to watch 'two blokes shagging in the shower'

I have a set of stories that I like to run in my head...I may release them as Literotica stories at some time, I may not--who knows--but yes, there's a pair of guys shagging in the shower....and the girlfriend of the one who's taking it up the ass, and the wife of the one who's giving it to him are listening to their bellows and roars of pleasure and fingering each other like mad...
Here I go again

As I see it we have four terms to deal with, one desire, two arousal of the sexual nature and three horniness. Not to mention the term foreplay, which in my way of thinking means something entirely different to men then it does us.

Let us start with foreplay….Defined as…Sexual stimulation preceding intercourse. I would’t have any problems with that definition, if that did not define everything other then intercourse as foreplay. You may, or may not, know this, but this definition is defined by men for men, foreplay does not have to end in intercourse. For most of us, us meaning women, if us meant men then intercourse is the real deal, foreplay is the real deal, right from the first kiss all the way to the stimulation of our vulva, in my case specifically my clitoris. Being that well over 50% of the female population do not experience vaginal orgasms, I’d say foreplay is the real deal for most of us. Don’t take that the wrong way, vaginal stimulation if wonderful, don’t stop on my account. I define good sex as something that gives me orgasms, I want those, if I don’t get those then it isn’t good sex, if I don’t have good sex, I’d rather just cuddle. I need my clitoris stimulated for that, fingers are fine, unless it’s a man’s finger, men just don’t seem to be able to find the spot, and when they do they can’t keep it, but I prefer oral, at times a toy is nice. I’ve decided not to cover the g-spot, which of course is in our vagina, because for me it’s just not a big deal, but even if it was, a man’s penis is not built to stimulate our g-spot, taking us back to foreplay.

I for one, can have a vaginal orgasms, but, isn’t there always a but, I need to have some orgasms, and I don’t mean those little ones either, before intercourse. If you happen to be a three minute wonder, forget it. When I used to do men, yes I did men, three husband and more lovers then I’d care to admit to, no matter how great my lover was at giving me orgasms, it felt incomplete if we didn’t have intercourse, chalk one up for you men. Don’t get to cocky men, I don’t miss intercourse at all, my lover is so much better then the men I’ve been with. I never had the desire to be just slammed.(thank you TaffyJ, I like that term) A quickie yes, but that’s about a time and place, not orgasms, it can be very exciting. Example, slamming some guy at a party, in the bathroom, while your husband is trying to hot dog it with other women. A certain amount of flirting is fine, maybe even healthy but if you go overboard, I have a caution for you men, we can slam a lot of guys, behind your back, before you even get to first base!!!!

Let next cover desire…Verb 1.) To wish or long for; want. 2.) To express a wish for; request. Noun 1.) A wish or longing. 2.) A request or petition. 3.) The object of longing: 4.) Sexual appetite; passion.

I would suggest we just forget this term, I don’t think it’s what dr_mabeuse means. I may want or long for sex with a long lost lover but I don’t have to be aroused or horny to have those feeling. I may even desire to experience sex with this hunk, or hunket sitting at the end of the bar, but I don’t have to be horny, nor aroused, to have that want. Of course at some point I’d have to feel aroused. Whether or not I have sex with that person, depends on the circumstances and what he/she is like when we finally talk. In other words does talking to them cause me to become aroused, I don’t have to be horny to be aroused but if I’m horny, I’m much more likely to become aroused, which makes it more likely I’ll have sex with this person.

horny……..Vulgar Slang. a. Desirous of sexual activity. b. Sexually aroused.

Personally I don’t find the word horny in the least bit vulgar! I’ll pick definition A myself, I don’t see being horny and aroused as the same, although I can be horny and sexually aroused at the same time. My opinion is being horny is a mental state, I’d like to feel sexually aroused, I’d like to make love, have sex, so on and so forth, so in a way it’s a desire. I can’t say I feel anything physical, it’s more a longing, at times a need, to feel the physical. I can meet that need with a partner or alone by myself, admittedly there are times I’d prefer to have a partner meet that need. That said being just horny is not necessarily going to lead to sex, with myself or a partner, that feeling can just go away. I’m in control.

I really think arousal is the key word here, defined as….an awakening in this case, a sexually awakening. I further define it as party a physical feeling. If a person is sexually aroused it’s physical. So isn’t what’s being asked is the degrees of sexual arousal. It can be as small as the need to be close to someone, to touch someone, rather like a longing but you actually feel it physical. It’s never really start the same way does it, nor does that feeling always progress. Then at times that feeling of arousal can make you horny, so now we have to deal with both the physical and the mental. Perhaps we are always dealing with the mental, isn’t the mind our main sex organ?

Can we describe the states of arousal, yes we can, but does that description make for a good story, NO. We need the metal to write a good story, then a hint of our character’s arousal. Whether I physically long for him to touch my breast, or I mentally long for that is not really important. What is important is to convey to the reader just how much or how little, I long for that. Is it really important that I have a 90% physical longing or is it important to know I have a longing, and to tell you the god awful truth, I have no idea if it’s mental or physical causing my longing. Although I believe my physical reactions are just an extension of my mental reactions. Wow, I took a long time to make my point, which is, the mental is more important then the physical. In other words get into your character’s head, then show how her/his physical state is being effected by her/his mental state.

By the way Earl, I’m more then a little aroused when I want to rub up against someone. Of course, I may not be aroused at all, I may just love that person, I may just want to feel their body against mine. That rubbing, may or may not lead to my arousal! Aren’t we such complicated creatures?

I don’t want to leave you hanging, but I just can’t do justice to what you want in this forum. What I’ll try to do, when I can fit it into my schedule, is write a story, it may be a while, I’m working on one now I dearly love. I’ll try to cover all of what you want in that story. Being horny, having a desire, and then my states of arousal. Lets say at a party, one that has a dance floor, I just love to dance. Of course, I tend to be rather wicked when I write here, so I’ll retain that. Which means, I’ll most likely put my story in the context of the loving wife. Maybe this time it well be really about cheating, in other words not having a husband who wants me to cheat! I had one of those, you know the wanting type, note the word HAD.