Final Fantasy RPG

OOC; I'm waiting for an post from ethan. It's been awhile since he posted.

ooc: sorry, got a html job with the government... I can only post once a day...


Ethan looked into the entrance of the cave. For some reason it felt right that they were there although he couldn't explain why. The blue light on his wrist flickered. Blue? ice? could there be something there he was missing? Shana also noticed gently rubbing her fingers over the stone.

"It's alright" Shana said with assurance.

The light grew stronger, and suddenly the jewel around capri's neck began to glow a matching blue. It suddenly stopped.

"There's something in this cave... I don't know what but there are to many connections for this to be a mistake."

Ethan looked deep into Shana's eyes and entered the cave.
"Let's go" Kayla said as they stepped in.

He felt a little different when he took that first step onto the ice. It was as if he was stepping into his destiny, and his whole body shuddered at the thought. He had fallen onto the ice before, and felt nothing but a bruise on his ass, so dismissed it as a trick of the mind.

There were a number of monsters lurking in the cave. Rabits and Dender wolves were the most common, though Snow gorrilla's and Mamoths liked to lurk in the misty sections. These monsters were around level 15-20, so they were a real challenge. Before long, most of the potions and Shana's cure magic was used up. The rabits luckilly dropped some high potions, so they were able to manage.

They had just defeated a group of 4 mamoths, when they noticed a fork in the tunnel. Left or right? Kayla asked his team.

"I don't know" said Capri.
"I'm not fealing anything from either path" Replied Ethan.
"I'm with Ethan." said shana.

so when it came down to it, Kayla flipped a coin and headed right. Before long they came to a large room, where the temperature was a little warmer and the walls and floor were allways wet, as if never allowed to completely freeze. The pillar of flame contributed to that. Upon closer inspection (as close as any of them could get from the side) revieled that there was an entire tunnel behind the pillar of flame, and the entire tunnel was burning just as infernicly as the enterance. "So how do we get past here?" asked Kayla, to noone imperticularly.

Capri was examining one of the walls when she called out "I found something. It's a sign. It's pretty frozen over but I think I can still read it." they all walkedover to her and listen anxiously.
"Let's see. 'When the queen blows her kiss....the path to your destiny you can no longer miss' What's that supposed to mean?"

"Is anyone here a queen and failed to tell me about it?" he looked around, giving Ethan a mock, suspicious eye. Everyone just shook their heads. "Well then. there's nothing more we can do here. Let's try that left fork back there"
OOC: ok

Geri hugged her mom again and went back to talking to her and sipping her tea
OOC; in 24 hours that's it? Man, it's just like last year. Summer ends, and in just 1 day the entire place goes dead. It reminds me of the first time I dissapeared. I think that I had just achieved Really Really experienced status then. Oh well. Patience is a virtue.
OOC: I am here lol sorry I didn't get a chance at the computer yesterday

IC: Shana followed the group down the right path her eyes opening in surprise at the fire. "What the.. " her voice trailed off as the intense heat of the flames made her back up a step. Just then Capri found writing on the wall. Everyone listened as she read it "'When the queen blows her kiss....the path to your destiny you can no longer miss" She frowned in confusion. " What the hell does that mean?" she asked looking to her companions. Everyone just shrugged. Finally Kayla spoke up "Lets try to left fork back there" She nodded her agreement and followed everyone away from the heat and once more into the cold.
Re: Drake

He enterd the desert that stood between Geri's mom's House And the kindom he was leving. he staired in to sthe scean With his sad eyes . He steeped Forward And Found him self serounded By Three Blue High level Imps, Four Trolls, ANd A Mook. He looked at them With his Sadend eyes And spoke softly. "Leve now and You Eight Might life." The Eight High level Monsters all laughed. Drakes eyes flashe A crimsom red as went to turn his Onix Colord Bracelet in to His deadly talon. It Changed as did the rest of his Body He be came a giant Red dragon With one Black Arm He growled An drelesed A breth Of Black flames the monsters wer Burnt to ash. He than re turned to Normal size ANd Blacked out.

Drake's dream

He found him self in that same black Room Again. Hlooked around And than saw a Man he did not reconize. He Questioned the man " WHo Are !"
Then man looked at Drake And answerd " I AM Ramuh."
Than the Man Laughed And dRAKE LOOKED AT HIM. "dont laugh at me ." drake yeld.
The man smiled "I am not laughing at you I am laughing at fait." Darke now asked him " WHy laugh at fait?"
" Because it put A man you cant even falow his hart in charge of leading a group to their destanys." Drake was now puzzeled.
"Explain Your self?" He assked Ramuh
" Yoou Couldnt EVen Tell The gil You Love How you fill You Let her just leav."
"I Did not . I dont know if I Love her or not"
" Yess you do Cetruians Know When they find their mates Imeditly."
" And WHat did you Mean About leading peoppel to their destainy?"
" you Will lead A soilder to his past, And Woman to what she is, Wtyou will Help life save the world And Girl Become A queen"

" Relly?" Drake was now more sceard than ever.
Drake Awakes
Drake A woke In Small room. He had no Idea Where he was. He hered the voice of Ramuh in his head "Controll Your emotins or they will Controll You." He shook it of as remints Of is Dreams. He gotUp And walked to the door And looked out In to the hall. He didnt see no one so he walks Down steers to see that he was now in Geri's hous and he had no idea how he got here.

OOC: Ihave Classes, I Manage A Band And I writing a new Book And I just got Ingaged So if it takes me a wile to post Its because I am realy busiy
OOC; welcome to the club. Just, try to use only ONE screen name while posting here. We all know it's you so you might as well try to simplify things a little. Also, since things are slowing down so much, please don't be offended when I try to progress the story a little. Any objections and I'll be glad to erase the posts and start anew.

IC; Deep Gash Ethan turned in a complete circle and brought his blade in a downward arc, the inertia and strength causing the blade to effectively split the tough mammoth flesh. It fell dead.

"Wow, how did you learn that?" asked capri, impressed.

"I don't know" said Ethan. "It just seemed like something I could do when I first equipped this sword. though, when I deequip it, I completely forget that attack."

"I have heard a legend about special techniques being etched into equipment that you can only learn when equippin it. I guess this prooves it's true" said Shana.

"Hush" said Kayla, as they came up to a large boulder, blocking the path. THe combined strength of Kayla and Ethan managed to move the boulder, opening up a way into a large room, not unlike the last one.

THe room was shrouded in mist so thick you couldn't even see shadows. They stepped in, coughing on the moisture and shivering from the cold. After a moment, they composed themselves. Then, out of nowhere, and seemly from everywhere, an etherial voice sounded. it was beautyfull, yet sorrowfull at the same time. and laced with ice.

Young adventurers who braved the cold. What have you come to seek?

"We need a way through the wall of flame" said Kayla, being more bold than he felt. How did I get myself into this?

THere is doupt in your heart. Doupt and fear, and an evil I have not sensed in centuries. Ramuh seems to have given you his blessing, however he can sometimes be mistaken. I will test you, and see truly what is in your heart.

Suddenly, the mist cleared, and a horrible evil stood in wait. It was a huge creature made of darkness, with no physical form. Or so saw Ethan.

Capri saw a swarm of Naga's, huge creatures with 6 arms each holding a wicked looking weapon. THey are naturally immune to magic, and their skin is tough enough to resist even the sharpest of knives.

Shana saw her wors fear personified and attacking.

Kayla saw nothing.

the monsters attacked, each warrior trying in vain to fight off their worst fear, only seing their own. And while they hacked, and slashed and grappled with thin air, Kayla merely stood there, seing nothing. Nothing but an empty cave.
Orvillae Kinneas

ooc: Bio: Name:Orvillae (Pronounced Or-Ville-ay) Kinneas
Weapon: Varies, He generally uses guns. Ranging From Pistols, To Machine Guns, To Rocket Launchers. But he has always prefered his Dual Colt Single Action Armys for fights and Duels.
the Look: Think Irvine (from FF8) Except in black instead of brown, and with bluish white hair. good natured face and Gun's sticking out of every pocket and dozens of holsters.
the Attitude: Badass with Big guns. He's Cocky, Arrogent, and one hell of a ladies man. He is The Anti-Authority, And when he DOES follow orders, he does them His way, in his good sweet time. Only Ladies seem to be able to hold a candle to his heart. He is ruthless in battle.
Quote:"Aquire No enemys by Leaving them All dead."
Past:Highly Unknown, And Orvillae really doesnt give a hoot. He knows his dad was some sort of big hero that helped the good guys and did everything he was supposed to, and he really resents him for that.
Other Equpitment: A HydroCycle, Lots of Armourers Materiel for Making bullets and such. Explosives, Wrist Shelth for last ditch gun (His Castor Like weapon called "The Silveron" Very dangerous.

Bring me up to speed and I can get into it!
Geri was tired from her travel home and went to her room to rest . falling into a deep sleep she dremt of a horrible feep coming after her. he's big purple eye buldged when she kicked him in the stomach. he fell back and retreated . then Drake came up to her and kissed her lips for a job well done . She smiled in her dream and the smile crept on her sleeping face

OOC: If you are refering to Dark talon That's My Brother Not Me But I do see where you can get con fused. WHats this About there Being No Dark Crystal I was Playing Mr.Zain As the Dark Crystal. Oh where Do you want me and geri to meat you whene we get done with our STuff?

IC: He just sat in the bed That Geri's Mom Had set up for him to sleep in. He staird Thinking Adout What the man Said in his Dream when he blacked out in the Desert . He had to admit the man was right about his fellings for Geri But He was sure about the stuff about leading The others to Thier destanys.
OOC; Uh... I could have sworn I made it a point that the crystal of darkness was nonexistant, because this story is about the crystals, and there has to be some plot twist that allows it to extend.

Right now, as merely filler, the heroes of the thread are finding espers and eidolons. You can try to find us at any time, just remember that we'll be on another continent in a few moments, and you don't know that.

If you decide to write in a few espers into your side of the world, try to avoid Bahamut, Odin, Edin, Kajar, and alexander. The powerfull ones should be saved for much later.

One last point. I'll see you in a couple of weeks. I'm off to another country. If you see me posting, it's lady Siren covering for me.
Shana stared in horror at her worst fear. A shadow in the shape of a man. It was the unknown voice. She had heard the voice for so long she couldn't remember when it started. And now it took shape stepping toward her. His laughter mocked her and she frowned her eyes shining with her fear. Tears streaming down her face. Then she heard it Ramuh's voice once more Calm child and look for your inner light" Her eyes met the Shadow's and she straitened her back. The room was becoming black and she was alone with the Shadow. CLosing her eyes she drew in on herself until she found that light hidden deep within her heart and she let it free. Once more Shana became the wild green skinned and gold eyes esper. Her eyes stared unblinkingly at the Shadow. "You no long scare me, you no longer exist. I have people who love me and I know who I am" the shadow backed away. "I am the Esper Shana, daughter of Melinda and the Esper Terran I am the human Shana with friends and all that I need. You no longer are a part of me!" the shadow seemed to shake his head. Shana began advancing "Now begon!" the Shadow seemed to writh "BEGON!" the Shadow shuddered then disapeared and the room returned to normal.
Kayla watched as his companions all cringed in fear. Why did he see nothing? He heard a cold voice in his head "You are a strange one indeed. I cannot show you your worst fear for your worst fear is your geatest desire. So the test in itself in useless. I sense evil in you I cannot explain but I will let you pass. If you prove unworthy then my brothers and sisters shall stop you I have faith in them. Now I grant you all my power and my strength. Howvere because you are the leader and I sense that this leadership is your destiny. You will hold my true power in your hands. Please take care of my neice Shana she does not know it yet but she holds incredible power within her. Now go my child, through the hall of fire to a new world wher eyou all shall discover what few learn. Who you really are." Kayla watched in wonder as a block of ice appeared containing a beautiful woman. Her skin and hair both blue, her eyes suddenly opened and met his. Then a glowing appeared and a bright blue light filled the room. When it cleared the woman was gone and a small glowing crystal was held in Kayla's hand.

Ethan looked at the crystal, He had seen one like it before but where>? Ethan held Shana close, he was afraid that she was in shock but she seemed to have no reaction to the recent incedent. He held her close and looked at her.

"Did it just say that your it's daughter?"

Ethan looked in Amazment. Where were they going? And why did he feel stronger?
Kayla looked at the crystal in his hands then at his companions. "Shall we go to the hall of flames?"
Shana huddled in Ethan's arms and shook her head. "No it said I was it's neice. That would make her my fathers sister" she frowned "this is just so weird. Ethan I am becoming scared" she buried her face in his chest a moment until she felt once more in control then she looked up at him then at the other two. "Off to the hall of flames I suppose"
ooc: Scince I have No idea what the hall of flames is, PLease warp OUTSIDE of it first.....So you can pick me up.. :D
Kayla led everyone back to the fork in the tunnel then once more took the path to the Hall of Flames. The heat beat at his face as he moved closer and closer the the flames. He motioned for the others to stay back then took out the Esper that was Shiva. Holding it in the air he closed his eyes acting on instinct. Concentrating on the crystal he silently asked Shiva for her aid. The crystal falshed once, twice, then a brilliant blue light filled the room and Shiva appeared facing the flames. She kissed her hand then blew softly into the flames. Icy power covered the flames putting them out slowly but completely. When finally they were out she turned to the others 'Good luck and may the gods shine down upon you' then she was gone. Everyone looked at one another for a moment then all headed down what was formally the hall of flames. Walking for what seemed like hours they finally saw light at the end of the tunnel.

He Could fill the crystal Of fire inside of him . It Seam to Brun With in But it didn't hurt But He knew he need to move and cetch up to the others He still wasnt redy to lead theem to their destanys but he was redy to help. Than he thought of Geri and smiled and fround at the same time He stood up ANd got dressed and walked to Geri's room . he slowly oppend the door to here room Their she was sleeping in bed with a smile on her face he wondered what she was dreaming.
Kayla and his companions finally enmerged on the other side. Everyone looked with astonishment at the surrounding landscape. They stood upon a large feild full of wild flowers, in the distance was a forest. But something was missing, the usual life and beauty that should radiate from the plants and animals was gone, replaced by a dull and forboding feeling that made everyone's hearts heavy. "Where are we" Kayla asked softly. Shana stepped forward looking towards the sky then around "I don't know" everyone shrugged their shoulders as clueless as Kayla was. Kayla looked to his friends. "come one lets find a town" then they were off.
Geri shifted in her sleep. The room seemed to have gotten warmer,.. to warm for her. Thinking she was alone she pulled the covers off her body . stretching her long naked legs and unbuttoned a few of the top buttons of her nightgrown.. doing the process with her eyes closed and the smile still plastered on her face . She rolled over onto her side and her small breast started to poke threw the night gown.
*he stood near the edges of town, not far from the heros as they came towards it, he had guns in both hands, he slammed a heavy boot down on a catapault like thing, twirled his colts, and filled the flying soda can with twelve, unlapping holes....and snatching it outta the air, with a superior grin, he tossed it away on the road and headed into town and home..*

Ethan looked towards the small village. Something didn't fit... something set him uneasy. What was it? As he took his first steps into the town square he noticed that there were very few people in the marketplace, strange for a town center. With one hand on his sheathed sword and the other on Shana's shoulder he pressed forward. A wind rushed by him blowing the leaves along the ground. Ethan heard a noise from the nearby forest. What was it... where did the townspeople go to? They were right there. From the looks on everyones face the group was thinking the exact same thing. Ethan pulled out his broadsword.

Ramuh: Use the weapon within you.

A bandersnatch jumped out of the forest and tackled Shana from behind. A rage grew inside Ethan. Light was shining all around him. Lifeforce seeped out of his body and covered his armor and sword. With one last scream the light diminished and Ethan was left with strange matalic armr and quite a fancy sword. Ethan took one swing hitting the bandersnatch square in the side.

"Shana are you alright?"

Ethan stood above his love watching and calculating his next move. There was a large gash on her throat. Blood was pouring out. Ethan cut open his wrist spilling out pre lifeforce onto her wound.

"don't die on me!"