Food for eyes...

Mae I?


You have amazing curves! Your body is beautiful, not at all like the waifish "supermodels." Excellent pictures, and to echo countless others, your eyes are beautiful as well.

Have a fun trip.
Very nice pics Mae13. Very nice indeed. :D

The black and white ones are alot more erotic, in my opinon. Post more of those! I look forward to seein more!
As usual your pics are great. You are so sexy I would let you lean back against me any day. It is a shame that you are leaving for so long. I will miss your wonderful pics.
Some fantastic pics Mae, I sure hope that you have a great trip and that you get some more of these pics. thanks for sharing
ok...came back for seconds!!!
i just keep thinking i need to move to south dakota
u are amzing
i love the pictures
Mae, oh Mae, oh MY !!!!'ve gone and done it've raised my bar !!! What are we going to do while you're gone ?!? LOL

I keep looking back at your earlier stuff and am starving for me erotic and sexy shots of your lovely body....mmmmmmmm :)

I wish it was me you were coming to visit !! I'd make sure to worship you and relax you and make you feel *sooooo* good..... <eg>

I just can't say enough how good your pictures are !!
I would like to say that we are all incredibly lucky to have someone so sexy, so provocative, so beautiful willing to share pictures of her extraodinary body with us. People here tend to be, hmmm, very generous with praise of amature posters; but you are undeniably a true beauty. A diamond in the rough, if you will.

Asphalt loves...

Thanks to you all for your kind words and encouragement :) And not just for this thread. You know it's kind of odd how some things can comfort you after your world has been shaken on many levels. *Injects serious note here* It's odd how some road trips throw me into thoughtful, nostalgic moods, driving on paths I've taken so often in my past. Odd how part of healing from the ending of a long relationship could include tossing nude pictures of yourself on some site you find and miraculously feeling better about yourself because you are beautiful to others at a time where you are not so beautiful to yourself. So to all of you who reply to these threads, or send me PM's telling me about the things you find attractive about me, or sexy, or wanton...a big thanks to you back. In a curious way (I'm sure Freud and his cronies would have a heyday with this) you have helped me in my journey to reclaim myself. Hugs and kisses to you all!


Ohyeah...toss on some personal responses here too ;)
Aaron, you know I'd stop for you anytime babe. My breath stops whenever I see pictures of you! Would love to do some camera talk with you, just call me Natalie....<eg>

Coogee, Oz is definitely high on my list of places I want to visit! But then, my wanderlust only grows, never diminishes, so travelling everywhere sounds exciting! But to see the spaces there, to dive on the Reef...*blissful sigh*

Druce you sweetie! You scent the world with roses.... :)
very nice

mae that was very nice what your heart had you say..............what ever made you feel that way about yourself did not waiver your convictions...................or take you off your path through life.......

My dear, beautiful Mae

You are such an incredible beauty. I could feast on your body for hours. Thank you so much for sharing it (and your heart) with us.


Excellent pics once again. You have a very beautiful body. I would love to be the one to feel the smoothness of your skin. Hurry back.
originally poted by mae...Thanks to you all for your kind words and encouragement An

what? not that beautiful?! it has been discussed. you are amazingly beautiful. and it's not ordinary run of the mill beauty either. you actually make me feel guilty fo enjoying your nudie pics. (well, almost) believe me, if i met you in the street, or at a coffeshop or bar or something, do you know what i'd say to you?
nothing. i'd be way too intimidated.
stay gorgeous.
and how about some of those road pics you promised?

"I crack a window and feel the cool air cleanse my every pore, as i pour my poor heart out" -Eve 6...Open Road Song
Mae......(whew) It's hot in here.......

I have to say...I particularly love the B&W photo's. I think those are by far the more sensually erotic. You're not only a very attractive looking woman anyway, but the "curves" really show through magnificently in the natural "coy" poses. Though again....I love the black and whites the best.

Thanks for a lovely review......

To sleep.....perchance to dream - William Shakespear

I remain........
Hi Mae,

Just had to have a look at this thread when my StarGirl (Sienna) told me about you.

Very good photo's, and the black & white shots make a nice change.

I know that we both can't wait to see more of you.


*+*+* StarField *+*+*
Mae, I am sorta new here, so I don't know you as well as some of the others, but I really enjoyed the pics. And even though I am a breast man, the pic that really got my heart pumping was the one of you looking over your arm at the camera. WOW, I am still lost in those eyes, and they aint even on my screen no more.


You've gained another fan! I'm smitten with your sensuality.

Oh, to be a wooden inanimate object (hey, that describes most men, doesn't it)!?! Love the photos that hint at your more evocative aspects...keep them cumming!
lovely pics i hope to find more chat is good i hope to see more of you soon
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