
I like this configuration - makes it look like a single wider cuff. Plus symmetry. But, yeah, seeing more options couldn't hurt. πŸ˜„
I think this one is my favorite so far. Symmetry, as you say. And I like the mix of beads and rings. Thanks, hun! β™₯️
i'm participating in a foursome tomorrow. before we start playing, i'm leading a meditation. here's the script...


get into a position that is comfortable for you. settle in. begin to relax.

when you’re ready, close your eyes. just breathe naturally. in any way that feels good and right to you.

take a moment to scan your body. see if there are any areas that might need a little more focus or attention to relax. your head. your neck. your back. your arms. your hands. your legs. your feet.

just check in with your body.

we set an intention for this meditation. we set an intention to be present. present to this magical moment we share. to each other. to our bodies. our hearts. our eternal spirit. we set an intention to create a safe space. a space where we can explore ourselves and one another. free of any guilt. or shame. or any other feelings other than pure love. pure love and unrestrained joy. a space where we can fill ourselves and one another with the bright and shining light of universal love.

now. as you breathe, i want you to breathe in deeply. breathe deeply with your chest and your belly. until you are full of your breath. now hold it for a moment. and then breathe out slowly. empty yourself of your breath. when you have breathed all the way out, hold it again.

continue this pattern. breathe in deeply. hold for a moment. breathe out slowly. hold for a moment.

as i talk to you, listen to my voice. focus on your breathing and listen to my voice. you will hear other sounds. you will become aware of other sounds. let these sounds enter your consciousness. and then release them. let them go. do not dwell on them. return to the sound of my voice. return to your breathing.

as i talk to you, listen to my voice. focus on your breathing and listen to my voice. your mind will want to wander. ideas will come into your mind. thoughts will come into your mind. let these ideas and these thoughts enter your consciousness. and then release them. let them go. do not dwell on them. return to the sound of my voice. return to your breathing.

and as you breathe in, and as you listen to my voice, imagine that you are breathing in a warm, rose-colored light. feel the breath as it enters you. pay attention to the small details of how it feels. how the air feels as it enters your mouth or nose. this breath is the rose-colored light. feel the light as it enters you just as you feel the breath as it enters you. feel it fill your lungs. feel this rose-colored light warm you from the inside. feel it reach into your heart. feel its warmth shining onto your heart. this is the light of universal love. of unconditional love. feel the warmth of unconditional love wrapping your heart and warming your heart as you breathe it in.

and as you breathe out, feel the breath as it leaves you. pay attention to the small details of how it feels. how the air feels as it leaves you through your mouth or nose. as you breathe out, you are sending your unconditional love back into the space around us. this unconditional love is filling the space around us. we are surrounded by a shared, warm, rose-colored light. the shared light of universal, eternal, and unconditional love.

as you breathe your love out, i breathe it in. you breathe out the warm, rose-colored light of unconditional love. i breathe in the warm, rose-colored light of unconditional love.

as i breathe my love out, you breathe it in. i breathe out the warm, rose-colored light of unconditional love. you breathe in the warm, rose-colored light of unconditional love.

you breathe out. i breathe in.

i breathe out. you breathe in.

we begin to glow with warm, rose-colored light of our shared, eternal, unconditional, and universal love.

The more love we receive, the more we give;
as we grow clear and open,
the more complete is our joy.
And the more our souls resonate together,
the greater the intensity of our universal love,
and, mirror-like, each soul reflects the other.
Thank you, darlin'! I could use some hands-on assistance with these pics... ;)
Hmm, are you saying you have an opening for a fluffer? I think I am very qualified for that, um, position. I'll send you my resume right away.