Forkplay & Spooning 🥣 A Food Lover's Anthology

Looking at the way people are organizing their meals for the week; how do you shop? Do you usually plan everything out for the week and do a big shop, or do you go a day at a time and visit the grocery store more often.

Since I've got a grocery store across the street, and no car to pack tons of stuff, I tend to shop one or two days at a time. Half the time I go food shopping I have no clue what I'm going to make for dinner. I walk around the store until something catches my eye.

I meal plan and do one big shopping trip each weekend. Except for seafood. I have a fantastic fishmonger, and I only buy fresh seafood the day I will cook it.
Looking at the way people are organizing their meals for the week; how do you shop? Do you usually plan everything out for the week and do a big shop, or do you go a day at a time and visit the grocery store more often.

Since I've got a grocery store across the street, and no car to pack tons of stuff, I tend to shop one or two days at a time. Half the time I go food shopping I have no clue what I'm going to make for dinner. I walk around the store until something catches my eye.
I truly dislike the act of grocery shopping so I try to only go once a week. I plan my meals for the week and make my list on Saturday and go as early as possible Sunday mornings.

Because of the city I live in, the only store allowed is Wal-Mart (a fact that adds to the dislike) but if I were back in Austin, I would likely go more often (who doesn't love H.E.B. ♥️) - maybe not every 1-2 days though.
I truly dislike the act of grocery shopping so I try to only go once a week. I plan my meals for the week and make my list on Saturday and go as early as possible Sunday mornings.

Because of the city I live in, the only store allowed is Wal-Mart (a fact that adds to the dislike) but if I were back in Austin, I would likely go more often (who doesn't love H.E.B. ♥️) - maybe not every 1-2 days though.

It's funny how many people don't seem to like shopping for groceries. I do. I know so many people who just get everything delivered, I'd rather go pick out everything myself.

My grocery store would absolutely be considered on the small side, especially compared to anything in the suburbs or a rural area (much less compared to Wal-Mart). But their produce and fresh food is high quality, I know where everything is, and can get in and out of the store quickly. I get very overwhelmed by a Wal-Mart size grocery store.
I'm not a fan of crock pots. If I have to smell something cooking all day, chances are I won't want to actually eat it.

I do, however, love sheet pan meals. Prep the seasoning and veggies in the morning, marinate the protein (if needed), and put it in the fridge until you bake it in the evening. If you need a starch, rice or quinoa is effortless (and you don't need a rice cooker! - ask me for my recipe :))

A few of my favorites:

Sheet Pan Bruschetta Chicken
Lemon Garlic Chicken
Greek Sheet Pan Chicken

I’m making ^the bruschetta chicken recipe tonight. Will report back! Thx!! 😘
This one, interestingly enough is a cure for hangovers- I learned from experience. Its pretty good, even without the hangover. I chop up a couple hotdogs and crack an egg into also. Yummmmm

This one, interestingly enough is a cure for hangovers- I learned from experience. Its pretty good, even without the hangover. I chop up a couple hotdogs and crack an egg into also. Yummmmm
The “Yum” is sarcastic, right?

Is the key to the cure these spicy seafood noodle? I think chilaquiles would go down easier 😂

I have a query…

Anyone have ideas for meals that I can 90% prep/cook in the morning?

By nighttime I sometimes get pretty physically tired… still recovering from my Health Stuff.

I’m brainstorming meals to prep/make ahead, when I’m fresh, so I can either cook ‘em up real fast or pop them in the oven at night - with minimal physical labor.

That’s what I’m shopping for. So far my step son has shouted “lasagne!” about ten times so lasagne has been noted 😂

So pretty busy during week with crazy kids sports. I will usually grill a bunch of meat when I have time. Chicken is pretty easy but whatever you like. And from there just make a lot of bowls with rice and beans or quinoa or whatever. I do like cooking in morning because I often go to work a little later and have more energy. I do a lot of Asian noodle or rice bowls too. I suck at planning meals but you get idea. Not a huge crockpot fan because they tend to lose a shit ton of flavor but I on occasion will do Mojo pork or chicken tingas but you have to be super aggressive with spices and dumb fucks always use too much liquid. Braise it dont boil it.
The “Yum” is sarcastic, right?

Is the key to the cure these spicy seafood noodle? I think chilaquiles would go down easier 😂

It's really pretty good. I was skeptical at first too. I think the cure is having the spicy hot soup.
This is my most favourite recipe right now. It’s winter here and I don’t do so well in the cold.. this soup makes it all better! 🤤

Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup


ETA: I don’t eat a lot of meat, therefore I only put half the amount in (that’s what she said).

Also ETA: I don’t use a pressure cooker. I bring to the boil, then simmer on the stovetop for 2 hours.
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This is my most favourite recipe right now. It’s winter here and I don’t do so well in the cold.. this soup makes it all better! 🤤

Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup

View attachment 2161839
View attachment 2161840

ETA: I don’t eat a lot of meat, therefore I only put half the amount in (that’s what she said).

Also ETA: I don’t use a pressure cooker. I bring to the boil, then simmer on the stovetop for 2 hours.
That looks so good. Thanks for sharing 😊

There is zero chance in hell that my kids will eat it, but Im saving it for myself (for when it’s not 105 deg!).
Sunday Sauce/Gravy


4 lbs of ground beef/pork/veal
1-2 bone in pork chops
2 lbs of penne pasta
1 yellow onion
1 head of garlic
batch of fresh basil
batch Fresh parsley
1 egg
1 long ring of hot Italian sausage
4 slices of white bread
Fresh grated romano cheese
extra virgin olive oil
dry white wine
3 28oz cans of tomato sauce
Dry oregano and sugar


Ok this takes most of day so start early. I suggest if you want to eat at 6pm get started early maybe around 1 or so. Go slow or you are probably going to fuck it up anyways. Pour yourself a glass of red wine and get to drinking. Dice the big onion into pieces. Take 6 cloves of the garlic and dice that up too. Chop up all the basil. Put the beef veal and pork into a huge bowl and add salt, pepper, a little bit of oregano, with half a cup of cheese and egg. Take 4 slices of the white bread and put it into a separate bowl and fill it with milk. Dont fucking cheat and use bread crumbs. They are complete bullshit in meatballs. This is what will make your meatballs good AF. Sautee half of your onion and half of your garlic, and one half of the basil in 2TBs of oil in a big pan. Go slow! If you burn the garlic you’re fucked and just throw the whole meal away and start over. Go slow and low yo! Like good fucking. When the onions are translucent then it’s ready. Maybe 15 minutes. Ok so now dump your cooked onion mixture on the bowl of meat. Squeeze out the milk bread and put into the meat bowl too. Squeeze the milk bread gently so half of the absorbed milk is still in it. Grind this huge shit together through your fingers. Mix and mash it up it up. Make sure that everything is blended together evenly for around 5 minutes. Its a goddamn workout.

Now get your gravy sauce going! Add another 2 tablespoons of olive oil to a large pot and sautee the rest of your onions, garlic and basil. Same as before. Do not burn the garlic. When the onions are translucent, add the three cans of tomato sauce and one and a half cans of water. So for every tomato can that you pour in the pot fill up half the can with water and dump it in the pot rinsing out the remaining sauce still in the can. Make sense? Now add some oregano to the sauce and a little but of sugar, stir it up like Peter Tosh and Bob Marley and simmer on medium low heat.

Ok lets cook that fucking meat! Pour an inch of oil in the bottom of your pan you used for original onions and garlic. Turn the burner to medium high. Get the oil hot AF. Shape the meatballs in your hand to whatever size you like and start adding them to pan. You are probably going to have to do this in a few batches. Dont rush and crowd the pan. The meatballs should brown on each side quickly and it’s totally fine if they’re still undercooked in the middle, they will be cooking in the sauce for three hours so fuck it. When each side is browned, remove the meatballs to some paper towels and add the next batch to your pan. When you’re done, add your browned meatballs to the sauce.

Next brown the pork chops in same pan. This should only take a few minutes per side max. Then remove them from the pan and pat some of the oil off with a paper towel and then add them to the tomato sauce too. Go ahead and brown the sausage too and add into the sauce.

Now you are going to want to deglaze your pan which is filled with bits of meatballs and pork chop and sausage. Put the empty oily pan back onto medium high heat and pour in some of that white wine. I know red wine pairs better with food but white wine tastes better here. Trust me. i have tried both. Cover the bottom of pan. Smoke will come billowing out and all of the pieces that were stuck to the bottom will come off. I like to use a wooden spoon here and break up any large chunks. Dont be afraid. My dog usually starts freaking out when I do this because all the smoke. Simmer this for a couple of minutes until the alcohol cooks off. It will smell fucking great. By now you are probably done with red wine so drink some of the white you did not use. It is good for you and will help you nap. Trust me here. Now pour the brownish wine gravy into your sauce and stir that shit up. Let it simmer for 3 hours. Sit on the couch and drink and nap and listen to music. It’s highly recommended or required here. Not a bad idea to clean up some of the mess that you’ve made here and too.

Over the next three hours your sauce is going to produce a lot of fat and oil. A shit ton honestly. I try and skim most of it off. It aint easy but I am not trying to die in a field with an orange in my mouth either. Some people believe in stirring it back in for flavor but those people have a death wish. Whatever. You can leave some and stir it back in, but dont be dumb alright?

Get the table ready and put out more wine and maybe some cheese and olives and peppers to snack on.

Cook your pasta until it is al-dente and drain it in a colander and then transfer it to a big serving plate. A large plate is better than a bowl for this. Grab some of cheese and cover the pasta with it and then toss it a little so the sauce will adhere to the it all. Now start spooning the tomato sauce over the pasta. Stir that shit up and cover the pasta. Don’t put too much sauce on it. That is kinda gross. Save some and maybe let guests decide if they want more. I dont like heavily sauces pasta but a little extra is good to dip bread in. Just cover it some come on you know.

I like to put some meat around the edges of serving plate, but take the whole pot of sauce and meat and put that on the table too. Let people decide how much sauce and meatballs and sausage and pork they want. Last but not least, sprinkle the dish with parsley and a little more cheese for presentation. Also maybe take bones out. I dont know if fancy people care or not. Enjoy muh fuckers.
Thanks so much for that^ , @Mo_Bandy! I’m certain I’ll fuck it up 😉😂
Look people have been making that forever. Dont overcomplicate it or overthink it. Please. I have made it 50+ times and I think over seasoning has been biggest hiccup or burning garlic. You will be fine.
This is my most favourite recipe right now. It’s winter here and I don’t do so well in the cold.. this soup makes it all better! 🤤

Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup

View attachment 2161839
View attachment 2161840

ETA: I don’t eat a lot of meat, therefore I only put half the amount in (that’s what she said).

Also ETA: I don’t use a pressure cooker. I bring to the boil, then simmer on the stovetop for 2 hours.
Can vouch for this and did use a pressure cooker. It's fucking fantastic.
Can vouch for this and did use a pressure cooker. It's fucking fantastic.
^^i got all the ingredients and im making it this week!!

I got all my recipes and ideas from Litsters this week! Ha ha ha

I’m aspiring to make tacos a la @Proximus, a couple sheet pan meals from @StacyLeigh and Thai beef noodle soup from @alwaysaway :D

Then I come back and see @Mo_Bandy and his posts and I am loving this thread y’all 😍

Oh! @StacyLeigh — I made the sheet pan bruschetta Friday night and everyone loved it. The kids all voted it into the regular rotation. :)

Thanks everyone for the ideas! 🧡
This is my most favourite recipe right now. It’s winter here and I don’t do so well in the cold.. this soup makes it all better! 🤤

Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup

View attachment 2161839
View attachment 2161840

ETA: I don’t eat a lot of meat, therefore I only put half the amount in (that’s what she said).

Also ETA: I don’t use a pressure cooker. I bring to the boil, then simmer on the stovetop for 2 hours.
Saved! Looks so good and I like all the veggies incorporated! 😍
Sometimes, if I can’t get bok choy, I’ll put the noodles in a bowl and add a lot of fresh baby spinach, then pour the soup over. Works well!
Oh that's smart, especially in not overcooking the spinach. I do like the crunch of bok choy. Maybe leeks could also work? Mmmm
Oh that's smart, especially in not overcooking the spinach. I do like the crunch of bok choy. Maybe leeks could also work? Mmmm

I think they would add too much onion flavour… you really need a somewhat flavourless green so as to not change the taste of the soup (and trust me, you don’t wanna… it’s amazing!). At a pinch you could probably serve with broccolini.
I think they would add too much onion flavour… you really need a somewhat flavourless green so as to not change the taste of the soup (and trust me, you don’t wanna… it’s amazing!). At a pinch you could probably serve with broccolini.
Noted! Thanks for the tip! 😁
Noted! Thanks for the tip! 😁
You can probably use a pack of summer salads like this if you avoid the one with rockets in it:

Personally not a fan of rockets, its bitter and the texture isn't great to chew. But that's just me 🤷🏻‍♀️

I like to add little slices of asparagus too, for a bit of crunch 😁