Fractured Stars casting call

Screech don't be silly orcs don't live in space.

Space orks do, but yes. There are no orks in Starcraft. You got the humans, the hightly advanced Protoss, and the all-consuming Zerg
im interesten in joining your thread and wondered it it would be posible for me to join here is my character concept

name: shinsuke yamato a.k.a the blade master
race human ( with cybernetic enhancement in the arms and eyes)
age looks about 27
class bounty hunter

description: shinsuke stands just over 6'4" with long blood red hair. he his skin is slightly taned except for his arms witch are covered in a deep black metallic finish his eyes are pure white. he has broad shoulders and weighs just over 200 lbs witch is mostly lean muscle.

cloths/equipment/armor: he usualy wears a dark blue vest with a black silk shirt and black pants on his back he carries a large cloth bundle containing his only weapons two large half moon shaped blades. on his feet he wears black leather boots and on his hands he wears black leather knuckle gloves.

personality: shinsuke is a man of few words and keeps to himself a lot he has a strict code of honor that he follows

back story: shinsuke was raised in a military family, his father was in the direct service of the emperor and his mother was a hight ranking cleric in the church. shinsuke was trained at a young age to follow in his fathers foot steps but when he turned 15 he stowed away on a trade ship and ran away from home . he spent another ten years wondering around moving from colony to colony until he his twenty sixth birth day when hes was cought up in a hostage situation and lost the use of his arms and eyes in the process of helping others escape. now a year later after undergoing extensive surgery and physical training he has devoted his life to helping as many people he can.
Name: Liara T’Sali, Commander
Gender: Female
Age: 126
Race: Asari (from Mass Effect)
Allegiance: Asari Republics
Class: Specter, Captain of the Swift Silence
Description: Blue skin, no hair, wavy horns pointing back (inaccurate, but closest term I could think of), light blue eyes, purple lips, 5’6”, 96 lbs
Genetically enhanced: reflexes, mental processing, psionics, psionic resistance, sensory perceptions, and dexterity significantly greater than Empires, however, physical strength and toughness are proportionally inferior.
Regeneration: genetic enhancement and nanite assisted.
Omni-tool (bionic implant in left arm, produces holographic interface around arm. Used for communications, hacking, and scanning)
Natural Psionics: Liara surpasses most Terribilitas Knights, none can equal her with Telekinesis and Neural Shock powers. Singularity: Liara can sustain one affecting a 40ft area for 23.6 seconds before it collapses.
She has an almost regal, catlike way of carrying herself
Weapons: rail pistol, rail shotgun, rail sniper rifle, 2 energy short swords (light blue, wavy), grenades (typical load: 1 frag, 1 flashbang, 1 plasma napalm, 2 heavy plasma, 1 EMP), and 2 “Door Buster” bombs or 2 Hunter Killer bombs (heavy plasma grenade with a computer, scanners, and hover propulsion)
Other gear (armor etc.): Specter light body armor, other assorted infiltration gear, Specter light combat armor.

Liara is the daughter of an asari matriarch (respected wise woman) and an asari scientist. She joined the Marines at the age of 51, and the Commandos at age 99, a testament to her prowess, since 99 is still very young for one to achieve such a honor. At the age of 112, while off duty, she saved some members of a visiting Alliance diplomatic team from a radical terrorist group, including the son of the owner of a powerful Alliance merchant cartel. She nearly died in the battle, taking a hit meant for him, without body armor. The group turned out to have been funded by the Empire. In recognition of her exceptional service, she was inducted into the ranks of the Special Office of Tactical Reconnaissance, the Specters. The agents of the Council, responsible to none but the Council itself. Specters are tasked with the protection of the Asari Republics at any cost, from both within and without. The method maters not, only the result. She was the youngest in almost 1100 years to make the cut.
She is currently in command of the Swift Silence, a new advanced infiltration frigate, the 14th ship of the Silent Breeze class frigate. She is currently investigating the silence of an asari colony near the edges of Alliance and Reaper spaces.

The Asari Republics (tweaked by me)
Their economic power and diplomatic reputation allow them to wield persuasive influence. They are located on the southern edge of Alliance space, and border Netherspace. They are allied with the Alliance. It is unlikely that they will join the Alliance since they are quite happy with their own government.

Military Factors
Their military subscribes to the “Quality over Quantity” school of thought, leading to the development of a small but elite fighting force. They also make extensive of commando teams for lightning pinpoint strikes. Technologically, they are roughly on pare with the Alliance, more advance in some areas, less in others.

Political Factors
The asari have no government per se. Policy is decided through the ebb and flow of public opinion in a sprawling but well-organized electronic democracy. The closest analogue to an executive decision-making body is the opinion of the Matriarchs. In a crisis, the public turns to the experience of these millennia-old "wise women" for advice. The exception to this is the Council. The Council group of 5 matriarchs, whom are the face of the asari to the rest of the galaxy. They dictate foreign policy (may be over ruled by the bureaucracy or matriarchs if deemed necessary, but doesn’t happen often) and command the Specters.

Economic Factors
The asari possess a powerful economy for their size (1/7 of the Alliance size wise, 1/5 economically). They have extensive trade and social contacts with most nations. Craft guilds, such as those of the cities Serrice and Armali, hold a virtual monopoly on numerous advanced psionic technologies. Given their political influence, an embargo by the asari would damaging to other nations.

Cultural Factors
Because of their long lifespan (1000 years is not uncommon), asari are more comfortable with observation and study than immediate action. In diplomacy, this manifests in a tendency to centrism. The asari seek to maintain stable balances of economic, political, and military power. They prefer to work their will through cultural influence. They believe that their ideals and beliefs will inevitably shape the general galactic culture.

Biological Factors
The asari are of slighter build then humans, not as strong or physically durable, but quicker and more resistant to psionics.
The asari are an all female race. They reproduce by temporarily tuning in their nervous system with their partner’s, taking traits from the “father’s” genetic memory and combining it with their own. This allows them to mate with any gender and any species; however, the child will always be an asari. The unique asari reproductive system naturally inclines them to psionic abilities (93% have some psionics). In fact, lack of biotic ability will exempt a young asari from military service. Asari psionic commandoes are more powerful than the best adepts of other races, and possess skills others cannot emulate. Furthermore, most psionc powers activate at the speed of though, and do not tire them or interfere with any other activities.
This further makes it unlikely that someone will invade the asari, short of a scorched earth approach. Its kind of hard to take over if 9 out of 10 asari over the age of 20 can knock you on your ass from at least 50 ft.
Asari have 2 unique psionic powers:
Singularity: creates tiny, weak, short lived Singularities: slowing or halting (based on distance for singularity) anything within its influence while damaging it as its molecules are ripped from it. However, it is draining. For the next 4-5 minutes, the strength of asari’s powers as well as her resistance to psionics, is half of normal, and she is winded.
Barrier: creates a telekinetic force field millimeters from the asari’s skin. The barrier only stops incoming dangers. With increased training, the barrier becomes stronger, and it may be extended further from the asari, like to cover body armor or even combat armor. After using a barrier, the asari must wait a short period (10seconds- 3 minutes, depending on the experience of the asari with Barrier) before reactivating it. Barrier is very effective against solid weapons, even railguns, but significantly less effective against plasma and energy weapons.
So in Master of Orion terms we have the fallowing races: Mrrsion, Human, Sakka, Ithkul, and now the Evon. Mind you the Ithkul and Evon look very difrent from the Altur'zek and the Asari, butin terms of social policy they serve the same role.
So in Master of Orion terms we have the fallowing races: Mrrsion, Human, Sakka, Ithkul, and now the Evon. Mind you the Ithkul and Evon look very difrent from the Altur'zek and the Asari, butin terms of social policy they serve the same role.

Ah, you must mean Moo3. Ithkul and Evon never showed up in the classic Moo2
I used that book, but I own the 3rd and had the book handy, Moo2 I also own bu who knows where it is, and I can't run mac software any how. Moo 1 is among the best games ever made and I have it, but never bought it.