Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash and Cassie (Closed for GPLockwood)


Darkside Royalty
Sep 14, 2008
(A couple of weeks after the incident in Dearborn)

I was happy that I was finally able to convince Ash to go with me. I started in my effort of trying to get out of the slasher hunting business by settling down with Ash. We found us a nice two bedroom house. The address was 1313 Elm Street. It was a nice house with two bedrooms and one bath. Though the neighborhood had a bad reputation thanks to a certain dream stalking maniac. It had its charms especially if nobody mentioned this certain maniac. Most of the neighbors were friendly. Most of them being a group of horny teenage boys that were eyeing me and making comments to me as they were walking home from school. I paid no attention and said nothing. There were some older neighbors who were looking at us suspiciously. One of them was Lori's father, who was a doctor at the local asylum. I had met him once when me and Vlad went for a brief visit with Will and Lori. I despised him considering he was still trying to keep Lori from Will, who he had institutionalized. I guess they were making sure that we were not there to start any trouble... They would have no problems from us considering we were doing our best to try to live a normal life. Though Ash and I still kept our weapons just in case trouble decided to follow us.

We were finishing up on moving what we could into our new home. After setting the last box down (a large wooden trunk which we were keeping the Necronomicon locked in to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands), I collapsed onto the couch to relax waiting for Ash to come back in. Suddenly, my cell phone rang. I looked on my caller id to see that it was my cousin, Will. The last I heard from him, he and his girlfriend were recovering from their own slasher problem. We began to keep in touch after the incident.

“What’s up?” Wait a minute… Slow down I cannot understand you. Oh my god, Lori was killed… Will, get the fuck out of there! We can meet somewhere… Where do you want to meet? I know where it is. Will, drive safely that means that you need to also get off the cell phone while driving. I can hear you speeding and talking at the same time. I will meet you at the motel outside of town. Be safe, Will!”

Lori and Will went back to Camp Crystal Lake. The lake had been renovated and the name was changed in order due to the reputation that Camp Crystal Lake had. However, as much as you try to change the name it is still Camp Chrystal Lake to Jason. The two were actually going to have a romantic weekend. They honestly thought that Jason was killed when he killed Freddy. The romance was killed when Lori was killed by Jason. Will was on his way from the camp in order to get the fuck out. I wrote the address of a motel that was located about 20 miles outside Springwood and 15 miles from Camp Crystal Lake. I hoped to god that he made it there without being stopped by the cops. I had a feeling that if he was caught, they would try to shush him about the events anyway they could to stop panic. They could even go as far as pin him for the murder of Lori. I ran out to the car to meet Ash.

“Ash, I just got a call from my cousin, and he is in grave danger. He will meet us at the Rose Motel which is about 10 miles north from here. I will explain everything on the way.”

Cassie Hack

(Meanwhile in Camp Chrystal Lake)

Jason walked back toward the lake for rest. Deep inside he was enraged by the fact that Will had escaped. Although, he did kill Lori by embedding his machete in her skull. Once submerged. He closed his eyes. He did not expect to see Freddy again… After all he destroyed him or so he thought.

Jason “woke” up to find himself back in his childhood home. Upstairs, he could hear a very familiar noise. It was a couple fucking. He readied his machete and crept up the stairs toward his mother’s room. He was even more furious considering that was were his dear mom slept. His thought was some teenage couple was desecrating it.

Ki. Ki, ki, ma, ma, ma! (a mix of his mother saying "Kill her, Mommy" which his mom said in the first movie)

Jason knew the couple could hear him, but they weren’t stopping. He made it to the door and opened it slowly. Much to his disgust, he saw Freddy on his mother who was seemingly alive and looked to be the age she was when he drowned rather than the age she was when she died. Before his death, his mom had long blonde hair and looked like she could have been an actress. They were really going at it. So much so that the bed was bouncing off of the floor. His first instinct was to cut Freddy to pieces. He raised the razor sharp machete and was about to make his move. Like hell, Freddy was going to fuck his mother.

“JASON, STOP!” his mother cried out.

Jason was dumbfounded. His mother was fucking his sworn enemy! Jason had no idea if it was a trick or not . Freddy gave him a very smartass smirk which made Jason want to wipe it off with his machete. His mother held the blanket over her naked body. Pamela Voohees said, “Jason, my special boy! I want you to help Freddy to find the Necronomicon… It was in the basement, but is was stolen by a professor. If you can find it, you can bring me back to life and relive your childhood the way it was suppose to be. It would be as though your death had never happened. We will be a family again!”

Jason could not very well voice it, but that was what he wanted. A chance for things to start over and to be alive again with his mother, who was the only person he had before she was "cruelly" taken from him by a counselor. He wanted things the way they were when he was younger and not to be under his curse of constant vengeance which started after his mother was killed. He agreed, but was very suspicious of Freddy’s intentions.

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We jumped in my Oldsmobile Delta 88. I let Cassie drive, since she knew the way and since it's hard to drive with a chainsaw for a hand. I took the metal hand I made in medieval England (long story) off, and spent a moment wondering why the severed stump of my right forearm was longer than my uninjured left hand. It didn't matter. It was time to kick ass and understand things with molecular structures, and I was all out of things with molecular structures.

I strapped the chainsaw onto my arm. Groovy, I thought. It's a good thing that I had gassed it up that morning. People around town look at me funny when I carry my 12-guage double-barreled Remington boomstick with the walnut stock, cobalt blue steel and hair trigger, so I keep that in the trunk. It's right next to my Chemistry textbook.

As Cassie swerved down the street, driving like a crazy lunatic, I thought about grabbing an extra box of shells for the shotgun, but decided that I didn't need them. My boomstick holds more ammo than any two-shot gun you've ever seen.

"So, Sugar, give it to me straight. What's the news?" I asked in my coolest voice. Looking over at Cassie, I thought about asking her to give me some sugar right then and there, but considering that she was swerving along hairpin curves at 90 miles an hour, I decided that wasn't a good idea.

Cassie was looking kind of intense, so I didn't say anything, but I would kind of like to go around her hairpin curves at 90 miles an hour, if you know what I mean.


Pamela Voorhees appeared to her son. She looked so tired, so weak. She approached him, lightly caressing his arm. "My special, special little boy," she crooned.

"You know that I've always loved you. I'm the only one that's ever loved you. And I was willing to kill for you. Now I need you to kill for me. Can you do that for me? There are some very, very wicked people at the Rose Hotel. They have the book that you can use to bring me back, but they won't let me come back to you. They're evil, son. Kill them, and we can be together again! Kill them, Jason!"

Jason shambled off through the woods. He knew a short-cut.

Pamela Voorhees laughed wickedly, but the voice was not hers. Freddy Kreuger stood where the image of Jason's mother had been. "Jason gets the blood, but I get the Necronomicon!"
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I sped down the road. "Remember the story that we were told about the incident between Freddy and Jason. Will and Lori thought that Jason was gone after the fight between him and Freddy. They went to Camp Chrystal Lake to have a romantic weekend. Jason killed Lori and is after Will. He is suppose to meet us at the Rose Motel. I just hope the authorities don't try to pin him for her death. We are going to be in for one hell of a fight. Jason has been killing people for over 30 years after the death of his mother at the hands of a camp counselor. Since then he had been racking up quite the body count. As has Freddy for 30 years. I just hope we are just dealing with Jason."

We arrived at the Rose Motel which was run down and had not been opened for years. We began waiting on Will until I got a phone call from him. The cops pulled him over and he had Lori's blood on him. "Don't worry, I am sure we can try to prove to the authorities that you had nothing to do with her death." I said. I looked down the road and about dropped my phone when I saw Jason lumbering towards us.


As Freddy told him, the couple that had the book was at the motel. He hoped that it would be a quick kill. The sooner he had the book, the sooner things would be the way they were about 57 years prior. He would have continued after Will, but knew Freddy could get him in his sleep. Jason was just focused on the gothic girl and the guy with a chainsaw for a hand. He attempted to throw his machete almost getting Cassie, but she managed to duck. Though he did not have his machete, he could still be deadly with his bare hands. Plus, he could regenerate which explained why he was able to come back even if they tried cutting him to pieces. He made his move towards the man with the chainsaw for a hand. Jason figured he could save the girl for last.
Well, this ugly lugnut of a primate starts lumbering towards me. He's probably the second-nastiest deadite I've ever seen. The most worthy opponent I've ever run into was an evil version of myself. (Long story)

He threw a machete at my girl. And that sort of thing just pisses me off. I whipped my boomstick out of the holster on my back. Time to show this ugly son-of-a-dingleberry why this baby is S-mart's top-of-the-line. I fired six shots off in rapid succession without reloading, which was very impressive for a two shot weapon. But, what can I say? I'm an impressive guy.

Big ugly hit the ground after the second shot. The other four were to keep him there for good.

So imagine my surprise when he rose to his feet and started lumbering after us again! Well, time to show this nimrod how Ash Campbell does things.

I fired up my chainsaw. "Come get some!" I taunted. Good guy, bad guy... I'm the guy with the gun and the chainsaw.
It was not going to be very easy. He was far more advanced than any slasher I fought in the past. I decided to grab his machete and was going in for a sneak attack. Jason had amazing strength so that was another thing we had to watch in dealing with him. I heard he had killed a woman just by elbowing her in the face, punched a man's head off, and crushed numerous skulls. I watched to see if Ash could take him down with his chainsaw taking my time. I needed to know fully what we were dealing with.


Jason got up from the gunshot blasts and started for Ash again. He saw the girl take his machete and was more determined to try to kill them. He charged for Ash thinking he could get the chainsaw. He got it alright. However, it was not phasing him at all. Over the years, rather than just rotting he managed to gain some regeneration abilities after being doused with toxic waste in New York City after stowing away on a high school senior trip. He decided to go for another tactic and go for Cassie. He turned away from Ash and was on his way toward Cassie until he heard Kruegar's voice. He wanted to kill her, but Jason felt a severe pain in his head.
Well, this fugly son of a gun just wasn't going to go down easily. I sliced him good with the chainsaw, and he took it like a starving Ethiopian would take a second slice of cake. He punched me in the stomach. I like to think that he hurt his hand on my abs, because one of us yelped out in pain and I like to think that it wasn't me. I flew backwards. It might have hurt a bit.

When I got back up he was going after Cassie. As the Japanese would say, "No bueno." Time to show this dirtbag a thing or two about my third-degree-blackbelt in badassery. I recovered my boomstick out of the dust and scrambled to my feet.

Jason was holding his head in his hands like a middle aged housewife with a migraine. If that was the case, then I felt sorry for him. And his husband.

He wasn't in line with Cassie, so it was safe to let loose with the ol' boomstick. Since headshots didn't seem to be getting me anywhere on the brainless sonofabitch, I let loose at his knees from behind. Yeah. No matter how ugly of a deadite you are, it's hard to walk with buckshot shredding your legs. I felt confident that I broke his radius, ulna, and humerous as well as his pituitary bone. Of course, I would have to check the Anatomy textbook in the trunk of my car to be sure. I admit it's been a while since high-school biology.

Big ugly went down like a burlap sack of maggot-infested fertilizer, and it was no trouble at all to walk up behind him and slice his head off with my chainsaw. Messy, yes, but no trouble.

"Hail to the king, baby," I said while striking a heroic pose for the benefit of Cassie. One of my feet was on the now deader-deadite, and I probably looked like the guy on a bottle of Captain Morgan rum. Only more handsome, rugged, and generally badass.

Cassie yelled something that sounded like she was scared and trying to warn me about something.

"Relax, sugar. This one's gone for good," I said with a chuckle. Women.

Suddenly, a powerful arm wrapped around my ankle, and the next thing I knew I was face-down in the dust wrestling with a headless deadite. The body is still moving? You've gotta be fucking kidding me. I tried to reach my shotgun, but that just wasn't happening. I wanted to elbow the bastard in the face, but thanks to my handiwork with the chainsaw that wasn't an option at the moment.

From Cassie's perspective, I admit that it might have looked like the headless deadite was stronger than I was, and she might have even thought that I was in trouble. That, however, was entirely due to some sort of optical illusion caused by her panic. Of course, I was completely in control of things no matter how she might remember it.

I might have yelled something like "For the love of God, Cassie, help me!", but it was all a trick to inspire overconfidence in the big ugly bastard, I swear.

I had him tricked into climbing on top of me and grabbing me by the throat, which was all part of my plan.

Cassie grabbed the boomstick from where it fell on the ground and jammed it against the deadite's ribs. She pulled the trigger. *click*

"How the fuck do you get a double-barreled shotgun to fire more than two shots at a time? The damned thing only holds two shells!" She yelled at me in annoyance.

"Sugar, I didn't have time to explain it at the moment. Let's just say that I grew up watching a lot of John Wayne."

Understanding that it's not safe to cut towards yourself with a chainsaw, at the moment I didn't have a lot of other options. I sliced down across Big Ugly's back with the chainsaw, neatly bisecting the sonofabitch.

I scrambled out from under him even as the pieces started moving towards one another. Was he re-forming? "You know, sweetheart, I feel kind of bad about picking on this poor guy. Let's get the fuck out of here before I have to hurt him worse."

Already, the legs looked fully functional, and the pieces were beginning to knit back together.


"Don't kill her, you brainless idiot!" Freddy's voice screamed in Jason's head. He wasn't worried about distracting his minion during the fight; that's the good thing about having people that can't die working for you. What Freddy really wanted, of course, was the idiotic guy with the chainsaw for a hand dead, and Cassie alive to serve as his sex slave for eternity.

Distracted by the pain in his head, Jason's legs were shot out from under him and he was neatly decapitated by Ash. So much the better. The fool went right over and posed with the body like a big game hunter on a dead bear. And now Jason was on top of him, his powerful hands groping blindly for Ash's throat.

With Ash dead, Cassie would have to accept Freddy as her lover. He smiled, thinking of all the sadistic things he would do to her. For eternity.

Freddy screamed in rage as Ash escaped from Jason's clutches. This time. The fool didn't have half of Jason's strength or Freddy's brains. Ash and Cassie were soon going to realize that they were completely outmatched.
Something seemed odd as I notice Jason was holding his head. It was odd. He was not hit there. He was still trying to kill us, but his movements were hesitant. Almost as though he was under some sort of control . Ash got in some really good hits, but he was regenerating which was extremely odd. As I fought, I observed him as a scientist would an experiment studying movements as well as abilities. He even beheaded Jason and he was able to reattach it some how. My guess was that someone was doused in some way with toxic waste or something radioactive prior to all this. Much to my dismay, he had Ash by the throat. I grabbed the shotgun and aimed. It did not work. "How the fuck did you get a double-barreled shotgun to fire more than two shots at a time! This thing only holds two shells!" I groaned frustrated.

However, there was not enough time. Luckily, he managed to get free. He healed again and I realized that at the moment it was a losing battle and we would have no choice but to get out of there for the time being until we can figure out how to get rid of him. She had to talk to Will. "Ash, I hate to say this, but we need to get the fuck out of here..." I said very worried seeing Jason get up. Before leaving, I embedded Jason's machete in his head out of frustration of the situation.


Jason was puzzled as to why Freddy one wanted him to kill the guy with the chainsaw. Freddy was fighting him for control over his body movement. However, Jason had no choice but to give in considering Freddy's powers were supernatural. Jason rose up as his legs fixed themselves and was trying once again to go after Ash.
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See, that's what I love about Cassie. It takes a special sort of girl to stick a machete in a slasher's head. See? I can even use her word for "deadite". If only we didn't have to be in such a hurry at the moment, I'd let her know without a doubt in her mind exactly how attractive I found that.

Big ugly reached up and wrenched the machete out of his own skull. I aimed the boomstick at the handle of the machete and let off three shots in rapid succession, splintering both hand and handle as well as royally boogering the blade.

Cassie gave me a dumbfounded look. "You didn't load it... and I just..." she shook her head. "Never mind! Get to the car!"

We got to the car just in time to have Big Ugly come running right in front of us. "Come to Pappa, you ugly screwhead!" I said as I gunned the engine.

The car smacked into him like a tree into Sonny Bono, and we left him behind us as we swerved down the road. As an after thought, I cut a U-turn and came back just in time to see him stagger to his feet like a college kid the morning after spring break.

"You're pissing me off, you ugly son of a bitch!" I yelled as I floored it.

My Oldsmobile 88 Delta was doing 65 when it hit Big Ugly, and he exploded like a spectacular pus-pinata. Groovy.

I was running my wipers, which did more to smear the coagulated ooze than to really improve visibility.

"What the hell was that thing?" I asked Cassie.

She glanced in the rear view mirror. "Don't talk about him in past tense yet!" she said. "He's hanging onto the bumper of the car!"

She was right. I heard a metallic thump as he climbed onto the trunk of my car, and the blade of a machete was thrust down through the roof of my beloved Oldsmobile, going right between me and the steering wheel.

I handed Cassie the boomstick. "There's a box of shells in the glove compartment, baby," I said coolly before slamming on the brakes.

Big ugly flipped over the roof and landed in the dust in front of my car. I cut hard to the side, giving Cassie a chance to put two shells in him before I kicked up a cloud of dust in his direction and went tearing down the road away from him.
Jason was certainly giving us a run for his money. He took the machete out of his head and was about to throw it at us. However, his hand and the handle were blown all the fuck to hell. His hand formed again, but he had one less weapon. I really could not see anything he could grab right away. I was shocked that the shotgun actually fired considering it did not work for me. "You did not load it... I just..." I said in complete shocked. Though Ash got on my nerves sometimes, I still loved him.

Jason charged us once again but we had a bigger weapon. Though he splattered everywhere, the fight was not over. Not by a long shot. "What the hell was that thing?" I asked Cassie.. I replied, "He is a slasher. Don't talk about him past tense since he is hanging on to the bumper. I got into the glove compartment and grabbed the shells loading the gun. This time it was damn well going to work. I shot him blowing a big hole through his midsection. It gave us a chance to get away. I was exhausted and had to see Will the next morning knowing that they did not allow late night visitors at the Sheriff's Department. Plus, I could use some loving from Ash after what we went through.


Jason proved that he was close to being invincible. He could hear Freddy in what was left of his mind complaining about his progress. He would get them. If he had his way about it, he would not listen to Freddy and try to kill the girl, but Freddy was persistent.
Well, we got home in one piece. I was plenty pissed that a classic car like my 88 Delta now had a mangled, handle-less machete through the roof. What sort of nut job grabs a mangled machete that doesn't even have anything suitable to hold onto and uses it as a weapon? Was this primitive raised in a barn? Well, that's why God made Bondo.

I took my car through a car-wash on the way home. Cassie and I got some looks, and not just from ladies wondering how I got to be so handsome. I was covered in deadite guts after chainsawing that big fugly bonehead in half, and I still had the boomstick slung across my back. The front of my car was covered in something that looked like Linda Blair had projectile vomited guacamole and split-pea soup all over the damned thing. And it smelled like deadite guts.

When we got home, I asked Cassie if she minded if I took the first shower. Even as awesome as I am, chainsawing a deadite in half can get a little messy. I stripped off in the laundry room, putting my clothes directly into the washing machine before tracking green slime all over the house.

"Of course, there's no reason that you have to wait until I'm done with my shower to come in here and take yours. Why don't you give me a few minutes to scrape these deadite guts off of myself, and then get in here and join me?"
I was glad to be home after the hell we went through. Though it was not over, at least me and Ash would get some rest. We were being glared at by some of our neighbors and a lot of talk. They gave us dirty looks, but I gave it right back to them. They maybe too cowardly to face their past, but we would sure as hell do something about it. My clothes were pretty messed up as well so I had to throw them in after Ash. I was walking around the house bare ass naked. I waited for Ash to get ready for the shower and joined him. I kissed him passionately. I was worried about Will, but at the moment there was nothing that I could do about it.
"Gimme some sugar, baby," I say in my smoothest voice. That pickup line has never failed me.

I pull Cassie into my arms, our lips pressing hard against one another as I kiss you deeply. Our lips part and our tongues meet tenderly, the warm water beating against our skin and washing down over our bodies we press our bodies together. I run my hand down your back, the wet skin feeling slippery beneath my calloused hand as I reach lower to caress your ass. You feel incredible.

I pull your face to mine, our kisses becoming hotter and more desperate as I push your body hard against the cold tiles of the bathroom wall, my tongue plundering your mouth as the head of my cock presses against your vulva. You're shorter than I am, so we can't comfortably have sex in this position, but you can feel my cock pressing hard against you as we make out. My hands travel the wet skin of your breasts as we breathe in the steamy air inside the shower.

My hands travel your body; I want to feel every square inch of you. I want to fuck you, claim you, make you mine. I want to enjoy everything about your beautiful young body, and you have no trouble sensing my desire.

I soap up my hands, and begin washing your back, feeling your body as I go. I wash your back, your arms, your neck. I don't use soap on your face, but I wash that as well. Your soft breasts feel amazing beneath my soapy hands as I lovingly caress them before rinsing them clean.

I wash your abdomen, loving how it feels to me, and lovingly run soapy hands up the length of both of your legs, and the beautiful mounds of your ass.

I kiss your hips, and then I kiss your vulva. I think again how beautiful you are. It's hard to breathe as the water falls on me, but it's worth it as I run my tongue up your feminine slit, tasting your arousal. If possible, I'm even harder and more ready for you.

I reach behind you, cupping your ass in my hands as I begin licking and sucking between your legs, the water trickling down your tummy splashing in my face as I go down on you.
"Gladly." I moaned before kissing Ash back. As he kissed me, I caressed his chest and back. I can feel him so very hard against me. I leaned against the wall as he washed my body and kissed me all over. I washed Ash as well to get the rest of Jason's blood off of him and leaned in kissing his neck and chest affectionately. I spread my legs opening my pussy for him lick. "Ohhhhhh, Ash! I love the way that you lick me." I sighed with a smile. I became very relaxed regardless of the situation with big nasty earlier.


At the moment, Jason had to go back to regroup. The camp was not too far away. There was not much he could do until he got more information from Freddy. As he lumbered back to the camp, he noticed 3 hunters relaxing at their camp from a long day of hunting. Since he did not have a machete. He improvised. He grabbed a very large tree branch and made some noises hitting some of the bushes startling the animals to startle them. They took off in different directions to try to find out what was making noises. He snuck up on one using the tree branch to knock his head off. He then found a bear trap. He grabbed another hunter by the head and slammed his face in the trap causing it to snap on the guy's face. The last one met his fate with the same tree branch which was used to stab him. Jason walked away awaiting his orders.
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I licked Cassie's sweet pussy as the water beat down upon us, lovingly caressing her wet slit with my tongue. I love how it feels, how it tastes. I love everything about Cassie's pussy, as a matter of fact. I roll my tongue around her clit, close enough to be providing it with some stimulation, but not close enough to be building her up too quickly. I thrust my tongue out, caressing the folds of her beautiful slit before returning my attention to her pussy.

The clean, refreshing water splashes down upon our wet bodies, caressing and refreshing us as I lick you faster. I rub your clit with my tongue, lovingly working to please you. I use every ounce of my skill to try to bring you as much pleasure as I possibly can.

When you finally cum, it's almost as good for me as it is for you. I love how you look and feel as I lick and suck your pussy through your orgasm, the wet skin of your body pressing softly against my face.

I stand up and have you bend over, facing away from the shower-head. I move behind you, placing my cock against the entrance to your pussy.


Freddy couldn't believe that Jason has been so foolish as to allow Ash and Cassie to escape. He knew that Jason was a mindless killing machine, but it shouldn't take a rocket scientist to outwit Ash Campbell. If it weren't for the fact that Jason was so damned useful, Freddy would enjoy spending the rest of eternity repeatedly killing him.

For now, what mattered was getting the Necronomicon. Cassie's sweet pussy would be a nice bonus, of course. For now, why not wait until nightfall and sent his idiot servant to go do his dirty-work at Ash and Cassie's home? Jason Vorhees would get to enjoy killing the idiot, but Freddy would get everything else he wanted. He laughed wickedly.
"Ohhhhhh god, Ash!" I moaned as he licked my pussy. I was tired, but sex was definitely helping me relax so that I could get to bed after the shower. I held onto wall due to my legs shaking from the pleasure that Ash was giving me. "Ohhhhhhhhh, Ash!" I screamed as I came for him. He positioned me and I could feel his cock pushing in against my pussy from behind. "Mmmm yes, baby! Fuck me!" I moaned. I moved in rhythm with his thrust.
Ash thrust into Cassie's sweet pussy from behind as the water from the shower beat down upon their backs. Some of the water trickled down the groove of Cassie's backbone to her butt-crack, making a wet slapping sound and sloshing forward every time Ash slapped against her butt from behind.

Ash couldn't believe how amazing Cassie felt- she had to be the sexiest girl that had ever lived. As he fucked her passionately from behind, the water washed over them from the shower head. He reached around her, caressing the wet skin of one of her breasts as he mated with her, his other hand reaching low to massage her clitoris. Warm water poured over their bodies, splashing loudly against the floor of the shower.

His thrusts were becoming harder, more passionate. With each slap against her ass, water splashed upwards from their union and ran down Cassie's back. The glorious juncture of Cassie's thighs welcomed Ash's manhood into her as he claimed her over and over again.

His body was trembling with need and desire as his own orgasm approached. The slippery walls of Cassie's pussy caressed the thick surface of his long, hard cock as he slid into her body from behind. Pressing his cock hard against her cervix, Cassie could feel her insides flooded with heat and moisture as Ash groaned aloud. Deep within her pussy, she could feel his cock swelling, bucking, pulsing, spurting within her as his fingers moved over her wet clitoris.
My body was trembling as Ash fucked me harder and harder. I ground my body against his seductively. "Mmmmm, Ash! You are amazing!" I moaned loving the feel of his cock buried inside of me. I caressed his hand as he fingered me as I used my free hand to stay steady in the shower. As Ash came, I came with him screaming his name. I turned my head slightly and kissed him passionately. We took a moment before getting out so that I could enjoy the feel of him holding me. Ash was the only person I had left after losing Vlad when he became a deadite.
Carrie and I went to bed together. Sex sometimes seems to have opposite effects upon men and women. She seemed hyped-up by it, whereas I just wanted to go to sleep. I cuddled up against her, enjoying the warmth and softness of her body against mine. Finally I had found a girl that I could trust not to turn into a deadite on me. This girl could hold her own against anything that the forces of Evil could throw at her, and I loved and respected that.

I was almost to sleep when she started shaking me. Damn, was she ready for more sex already? That's my kind of girl!

"Gimme some sugar, baby," I said as I rolled over towards her.

"No, Ash! Do you hear that?" she said.

Really, she's going to wake me out of blissful half-sleep because she's imagining some sort of nonsense?

"Relax, baby. Even a deadite would have more sense than to come to Ash Campbell's house! This is kind of like worrying about zebras breaking into the lion cage at the zoo!" I flexed my muscles for her as best I could while on the bed. "But, while we're both awake..."

She pushed me away. "I'm serious, Ash. I hear something!" she insisted.

I sighed. Women. "OK. I'll go check it out. But if it turns out that it's just a raccoon getting into our garbage, would you be up for a quickie?"

She shooed me out of bed. I slid on my pants and grabbed my boomstick before stepping out of the bedroom.

"Wait up for me- I'll only be gone for a minute!" I said with a wink.

Carrie looked at me with annoyance. She was slipping her clothes on. Damn.

As I was admiring her gorgeous body before she was dressed, I heard the sound of the front door being splintered. That wasn't a fucking raccoon. Double damn.

I went back into the room with Carrie, shut the door, and locked it before throwing a rope ladder through the window in case we needed to get out in a hurry. Ash is always prepared.

As Carrie stood beside the door with her baseball bat, I shoved my pistol into my belt and hooked up my yellow diamond-bladed chainsaw to my stump. Then I grabbed the hand-cannon that one of my blacksmith ancestors had made for me back in Colonial Dearborn. (It's a long story.)

I turned to face the door as heavy footsteps were coming up the stairway towards our room. "Come get some," I said in anticipation as I loaded the hand-cannon.
I went to bed with Ash needing my rest after what happened with Jason. It was so strange, but I was having the beginning of a very odd dream. In the dream, I was biker girl walking down the halls of Springwood High School. I had on a leather jacket, a short skirt, and wearig a tight pink blouse underneath the jacket. My hair was long in the dream. Instead of being teased and made fun of at the school I went to, I was actually treated with respect by the other students while the teachers glared at me. I was getting some stuff from my locker. I closed the door and was startled by some guy with short blonde hair wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I noticed how the other students stared suspiciously at him and began to whisper. I overheard a guy say to his friend, "Jackie needs to steer clear from him. He is trouble and I don't like the way that he leers at her. He is smiling the same way he did when he killed the class pet, but more perverse.". I felt weary and asked the guy what he wanted. He asked me out and started calling me Jackie. I told him repeatedly that my name was Cassie, but he would not listen. He asked me out, but the dream ended when I heard the crash downstairs.

I shook Ash awake and he was wondering if I wanted to be fucked again. It was such a lovely thought, but something was not right at all. "No, Ash! Did you hear that!" I exclaimed. "Relax, baby. Even a deadite would have more sense than to come to Ash Campbell's house!
This is kind of like worrying about zebras breaking into the lion cage at the zoo!" he flexed his muscles for her as best I could while on the bed.
"But, while we're both awake..." If it was some random intruder, he would easily be dealt with and we could fuck again. I hoped it was just that. A random intruder. I got dressed as well. I had the worst feeling as I heard the loud stomping of boots on the wood floor. "No, it can't be!" I think to myself wondering how the fuck he found us.

I grabbed my bat and joined Ash as we locked the bedroom door. It was punched open. "Oh god, how the fuck did he find us?" I thought to myself as he approached. We were not really prepared for this. "Ash, just subdue him so that we can escape. Be careful and climb right the fuck down!" I exclaimed. Until we could find a way to stop him from regenerating, we could not do too much. I started climbing down, but I was watching Ash to make sure that he would be okay. "Please hurry. Ash!" I yelled. I was half way down when I slipped in my panic and fell back. Everything went black.

I found myself back in my dream where it left off. I was lucid, but could not fight my way out of it. The guy was still asking me to go out with him. "Look, I really must be going. This is not really a good time to be asking me. I have a boyfriend." I said. I manage to get away from him by running down the hall, but the scene changed and I found myself in a boiler room. It was clear how Jason found us, but why the hell was he assisting someone that he hated the most. I walked down a darkened hallway and could hear claws scratching. "None of this playing around shit! Face me, Kruegar!" I said defiantly. I was trying to wake up so that Ash would not worry.


Jason lumbered his way to Springwood after recieving his marching orders. He was to go to their house to find them as well as the book. Along his way, he slaughtered several people. One man he threw onto his sharp picket fence. He crushed the skull of a drunk wandering the streets aimlessly. He made it to their house. He was so determined that he was not quiet this time. He wanted them to know he was there. He found a medieval axe and took it from the wall intending on using it to try to destroy the guy, so that Freddy could have the girl though he had no idea why considering he did not really fully know about what sex was about. He seen and killed many at his camp who had sex, but had no idea why they did it or the deeper meaning of it. Before his death, his mother would often yell at the counselors for doing it due to the fact that they were not watching the kids.

He went up stairs and found them waiting for him. It was more sporting when they were awake. Jason loved a challenge. He went to swing the ax at Ash, but he ducked causing Jason to miss. The girl was escaping and Jason tried going after her to at least try to knock her out himself, but in terror she accidentally fell from the ladder. He could see that she was knocked out which meant Freddy would be able to get to her. His focus was on Ash.
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"Yo, Ugly! Let's go!" Ash yelled, but when he heard Cassie fall from the ladder, his desire to spar with Big Ugly suddenly dissipated. "Crap!"

Ash didn't know if there might be more of the damned things down in the yard. Deadites often travel in packs. Letting Big Ugly have it with the Hand Cannon didn't even seem to slow the son-of-a-motherless-goat down. And that thing packed some punch.

Jason charged at Ash, and took a chainsaw across both of his arms for his trouble. Even before the severed limbs hit the floor, they were already re-forming on the damned thing's stumps! Man, if Ash could have done that when he lost his hand-

But now he had to think about Cassie. She might be hurt, and there was no telling what might have happened to her.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got to run," Ash said. He holstered his Hand-Cannon and jumped out the window, grabbing the rope ladder as he fell.

Now for the problem of trying to climb down a rope ladder when one of his hands was a chainsaw.

He made it about halfway down when he looked up. Jason had the saber that Ash had brought back from Civil-War-era Dearborn (it's a long story) and hacked at one side of the rope ladder. Damn.

The rope ladder swung wildly to one side as Jason hacked the other. Ash grabbed one side of the rope ladder and began sliding down. The coarse fibers burned the palm of his hand, and the rope cross-beams bent his fingers painfully. But Ash Campbell doesn't complain about piddly little shit like that.

Frustrated that his efforts to make Ash fall and break his legs had been thwarted, Jason hurled the saber down at him. Fortunately, the tip of the saber was deflected by the window pane, and the blade flew low, embedding in the dirt.

"Thanks, Fugly!" Ash yelled as he grabbed the saber and shoved it through the handle at the top of his chainsaw. It wasn't easy for Ash to carry things.

Scooping up Cassie's prone form, Ash sprinted for his car. It was time to get the fuck out of here.
I ventured further into the boiler room irritated. I had to get out of this dream and help Ash. Things were getting worse. "I know all about you... Quit playing games and get out here! I could feel the heat from the boiler as I entered the room. I could still here the scratching of his claws, him laughing, and him calling my name. I saw a yearbook laying on the ground and picked it up. All of the faces in the pictures were slashed with the exception of his when he was not burnt crispy and a girl that resembled me named Jackie James. I put the book down and again found the scene changed. I was back at the high school but in the gym where the looked to have been a dance. My clothes were replaced with a long black frilly dress. "Goddammit, Freddy! Get your ass out here now!" I yelled furiously. "Ash! Jason is working with Freddy!" I screamed hoping that I would talk in my sleep to get his attention.
I loaded Cassie into the car. She was out cold, but I positioned her in the back seat on her side so that she wouldn't choke if she puked. When you've battled as many deadites as I have, it pays to know some first aid.

I shook Cassie's arm and called her name, hoping to wake her up. Nothing. I checked for a pulse. If those deadites had killed her, there would be hell to pay. Thank God. She's alive.

But, before I left, I sprinted into the garage. I unlocked the box that contained the Necronomicon, and replaced it with a fake one that I had brought back from Medieval England. This one looked just like the real Necronomicon, but this thing was booby-trapped with something like a black-hole inside of it. The poor screwhead that opened this book would at very least get a chin so stretched out they would look like a caricature of Jay Leno. Maybe whoever was after that damned book this time would get a nasty surprise.

I took the dust jacket off my Chemistry textbook and slid it over the Necronomicon in hopes of disguising it somewhat, and then took off towards the hospital just as Big Ugly came bursting through our front door after us. I was really starting to hate that guy.

"Hey, Cassie? Are you awake?" I asked. Nothing.

I squealed my tires around the corner as I headed for the hospital.

I threw her over my shoulder as I sprinted into the Emergency Room.
Freddy was really starting to tick me off with his games thinking he could scare me. I looked around the room. Nothing. I kept calling out for Ash hoping that he would hear me. "Ash, wake me up!" I screamed. Since I had control, I made my bat appear with a few extra nails embedded in it for extra bite. I ran for the doors, but they were locked. Romantic music was playing perversely in the background. Suddenly, the room was filled with zombified versions of some students in formal dress dancing. It was like I was invisible to them. "I am not afraid of you, Kruegar. Show yourself! Now!" I screamed. There was a strange scene of the girl that looked like me dancing with Freddy. They were the only ones normal. He was not even burnt. I watched. The two were seemingly having a really good time dancing and laughing before leaving the room which finally a door opened. I followed. They were in the hallway heavily making out. They were kissing and Jackie's dress which was similar to mine was moved down at the top so that her breasts were bared. His hand was up her dress playing with her pussy. "Mmmmmm" she moaned. I noticed Freddy's hand move to his pocket and saw him pull out a switchblade a made a small cut on the top of her breasts causing her to cry out.

"Freddy, what the hell are you doing?! That hurt! Everyone is truly right about you! I guess they tell the truth every time they tease and taunt you! Let me go!" Jackie screamed before slapping him in the face before running in panic. I felt a bare hand and a clawed hand on my shoulders. A claw lightly drew blood. I hoped Ash would see it and wake me up.
I looked down at Cassie, and saw the cuts appear on her shoulder and the blood soaking through her shirt where she was cut. How the fuck was that even possible- unless she was being attacked by something in her dreams? Some slasher sonofabitch was going to kill her in the one place I couldn't reach her! I shook her. "Wake the fuck up!"

Cassie shook like a rag doll in my arms as an ER nurse came running into the room.

He eyed me with suspicion. "What did you do to that girl?" he asked, his eyes narrowed. Some people tend to discriminate against a man who has a chainsaw for a hand and openly carries a sawed-off shotgun on his back.

"Nothing. She fell off of a ladder, and she needs to wake up!" I insisted.

"If she fell off of a ladder, you shouldn't have moved her. She might have a neck injury. And those cuts didn't come from falling off of a ladder. We're not going to be waking her up until the doctor has time to give her a full examination."

Craptastic. She's at a state-of-the art hospital, and we could be getting her better healthcare from a well-supplied junkie.

I thought fast. "Yeah, let's get her back there and examine her. Go get a stretcher!"

I grabbed the oldest doctor I could see. "This girl was knocked unconscious when she fell off of a ladder. These cuts just appeared out of nowhere, just as I was carrying her in here!" I said.

His eyes grew large.

"I don't know what could cut someone out of nowhere while they're asleep somewhere where they should be-"

The doctor interrupted me. "Injectable Hypnocil, stat!" he yelled.

He shot a syringe full of the dream-stopping drug into Cassie's arm. It's usually an intro-muscular injection, but he shot it directly into a vein. It should work almost instantly, he assured me.

"Doc, we need to wake her up!" I said.

"She'll be fine now. The Hypnocil will stop her from dreaming, and so Freddy won't be able to hurt her. Do you know about Freddy Kreuger?" he asked.


"Yeah. So we've got Freddy Kreuger and Jason Voorhees after us now," I grumbled.

"Jason Voorhees?" the doctor said in shock.

"Yep. Speak of the devil-" I said as a shambling form in a hockey mask approached the sliding glass door into the ER.

"Follow me!" the doctor yelled as we wheeled Cassie down a hallway. I ducked as a fire-axe whistled over head, slamming hard into the wall behind where my skull had been a moment ago.

I could hear people screaming behind me, and a security guard emptying his revolver behind us as we ran.

"Doc, I've got to go back there and help those people!" I yelled.

"You can't help them if you die. Now follow me! I'm your only hope of waking your friend up and stopping that thing!"

We reached an examination room where the doctor prepared a syringe of yellow fluid and thrust it into Cassie's arm. She jerked awake, her eyes large, her pupils dilated, gasping for air.

"You can't kill that thing out there. But I've got a pretty good idea of how to stop it. Only extreme cold and medical sedation are going to work on him. You aren't going to have an easy time doing either, but the local veterinarian has a dart gun and some sedatives. I would suggest trying those, but they won't hold Jason Voorhees down for long. Freezing him can keep him subdued longer, but keeping him frozen will be the trick, especially if he's working with Freddy Kreuger," the doctor explained.

"How the fuck do you know this, egghead?" I asked suspiciously.

"Because I worked for the government at the Crystal Lake research facility," the doctor said as he handed me a pair of bottles.

"This one contains Hypnocil. It can prevent dreams. Use only as directed, or you'll spend the rest of your life in a coma. This one is a stimulant that can wake someone up. Just put it under their tongue if they're unconscious; they don't have to swallow it. This is some pretty potent stuff. Use it in moderation unless you want to die of a heart attack. Any questions? Good. Now get your ass to the Crystal Lake Veterinary Clinic, and tell Dr. Williamson that I sent you," the doctor said.

"And your name is-"

"Mike Kreuger," the doctor said. "I was Amanda Kreuger's brother, which would have made me Freddy's Uncle."
I could feel Freddy's breath on my neck and felt his tongue on my cheek. I cringed and began to struggle before finally waking up very roughly. I woke up panicking, but was very glad to see Ash. However, there was not too much time for me to show him just how glad I was to see him considering Jason found us again. It seemed like everywhere we went this asshole found us. I could see the slaughter through the windows. It took me a bit to recover, but I managed. I moaned in pain as I felt the wound that Freddy left on my shoulder.

"We have to do something! He is killing everyone out there!" I gasped. There were some mothers and children that were in the waiting room, they were safe considering he would never under any circumstance hurt them because it made him think of the way his own mother cared for them. They were allowed to escape. I knew this from what all I had read about him. I had questions to ask Dr. Kruegar about his nephew in regards to the dream I had especially about the woman in my dream and if she was around, but did not have time due to the onslaught outside. "What is the plan?" I asked.


Again Freddy was griping at Jason about going after Ash. He had Cassie or so it seemed. Jason made his way to the hospital right as Ash was getting her checked out by a doctor. The chaos with the patients screaming at him made things worse and difficult for him to get to his target. He cut through security, some patients, nurses, and a couple of doctors. He noticed terrified women clutching their children and avoided them. He could not bring himself to hurt them regardless of Freddy's ranting and ravings. He did not tell Freddy how to do his job (because he cannot talk anyway due to all the damage the water had done to his lungs as well as of course his death before being resurrected again and again), so Freddy could not tell him how to do his job. The waiting room on into the ER was a bloodbath. He could see Cassie and Ash as well as a man that Freddy said was his uncle. Jason could not get through the doors. He furiously beat on them and even tried using the ax.
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