Wife watching (closed for Biker_Faerie)


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2008
The big black Land Rover pulled into the driveway outside their nice big suburban home, some Oasis blaring out of the open driver's window. Ryan had his jacket on the passenger seat, his shirt sleeves rolled up with the sunny weather. He smiled as he thought of the pub they were going to that night, hopefully it would be fun and he could watch Jane dancing with her mates and flirting with a few of the other guys there too.

It was a couple of months before their third wedding anniversary and they had been planning a trip away for a while. Now that everything was booked, Ryan felt like celebrating and he hoped Jane was in the mood too. He closed the window and grabbed his jacket from the car and killed the engine, walking up to the front door with it hooked over his shoulder. Their house was nice and big, the rest of the street similar to theirs, but they'd had a nice conservatory built onto the back and he'd built an outside bar and kitchen for when their friends and family came over for a party. He was proud of the house, and the money he'd made. Not quite forty, he'd made enough for most to retire on, but he was hungry for more, something that pleased his boss and Jane, his wife no end.

Both Essex born, they were new money, fans of designer labels and expensive things. Some people might accuse them of having no taste, but what do they know? They're just jealous.

He went inside and slipped off his shoes, carefully putting them on the shoe rack by the door. "Hey Jane, do you want to get some food before we go out, or do you want to eat at the bar?" He shouted, waiting for his wife to reply before he got changed."
Jane had not long been home herself. Fridays at the salon were always busy with customers wanting their hair done for the weekend and, as owner and chief stylist at “A Cut Above”, Chigwell’s premier salon, she had to be there.

When they’d first met, Jane had been a hairdresser working in a salon in Romford. Ryan had bought “A Cut Above” for her as a wedding present. Something to keep her occupied during the day while he was up in the city working, or playing golf with his mates. When they’d got married though, Ryan had asked Jane to stop working Saturdays and she had complied.

Ryan usually bought Jane pretty much whatever she wanted. The diamond white Porsche, the jewellery, the clothes, the handbags, the cosmetic procedures. In return, Jane made sure she kept Ryan happy. It seemed like a fair trade. Some people were born intelligent, some rich, some had other talents. Jane had been born pretty and over the years she’d exploited this asset to the full.

Although she wasn’t intelligent Jane had been smart enough to bag herself a rich husband. Ten years his junior she knew Ryan had married her primarily for her looks. That was ok with her as she’d married him primarily for his money.

Jane made sure that she was always turned out just the way Ryan liked her. Which was usually flashy and on show. She didn’t have a problem with this and Friday nights tended to be the night when he expected her to look her best.

On a Friday they would usually hit the town. Have a few drinks then party a little with their friends. They usually ended up in a club and Jane liked dancing.

“ …do you want to get some food before we go out, or do you want to eat at the bar?" He shouted, waiting for his wife to reply before he got changed.

“I’m running late babe,” she responded, “can we get something at the bar?”
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"I'm running late babe." Came Jane's voice from upstairs.

He wasn't surprised. The salon he'd paid for kept Jane busy, especially on Fridays. He shook his head, it was always the same on a Friday. She'd get home later, take an age to get ready, doing her hair, picking out a classy but slightly slutty dress, designer heels and handbag, all paid for with his money of course. She'd take ages over her makeup even though she was beautiful and sexy already, but he didn't mind. He liked seeing her get loads of attention, making his mates jealous at how sexy his younger wife was. It was a bit of a turn on to see how she'd flirt and tease them and then come home to him.

He headed upstairs, "I'll grab a quick shower then babe. Give you time to get ready." He went through to the main bathroom, knowing Jane would have had the en-suite in a right mess already.

He stripped out of his shirt and pants, turned on the shower and caught sight of himself in the mirror as it slowly started to steam up. He was in his late thirties and pretty proud that he was still toned and athletic looking, he went to the gym often to counteract his relatively sedentary day job, he played 5-a-side on weekends too. His teeth were straight and white, his dark blue eyes held a certain hunger and he was tall and tanned, what's not to like?

He showered and shaved, did his short, dark brown hair and wrapped a towel around his waist before heading to their bedroom to find out how far Jane had got with her makeup.
Looking her best was important to Jane. Not only for Ryan but for herself too. Her friends were the same. They all wore more makeup and fake tan than was essential but that was the ‘Essex’ look.

And of course, you couldn’t own a hair salon and not have your own hair looking spectacular. So in a way she needed to be a walking advertisement for her services really.

In truth, this was only a part of the reason for wanting to look good though. Basically, Jane liked men admiring her and she liked the attention. In fact she’d have gone as far as to say that she enjoyed being on display. The appreciative looks that guys gave her made the effort she’d gone to all the more worthwhile.

She knew Ryan liked that too. She saw how he got pleasure from other guys looking at her. To begin with she’d thought it was pride. The idea that he owned her and that, while other guys could look, they couldn’t touch. But she wasn’t sure if there wasn’t more to it though and sometimes she wondered what Ryan would do if they did touch her. Jane wasn’t about to put herself in that position without knowing whether Ryan really wanted that though. If he did, welll who knows.

When Ryan appeared in the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist she was almost ready. It was summer and so she wore a plain white mini dress that showed off her legs but barely covered her modesty. She’d have to be careful when she sat down but it was worth it for the effect.

“I’m ready babe,” she said giving him a twirl. “What do you think?”
Coming into the bedroom Ryan caught sight of Jane sat at the dresser by the window, her tanned legs and arms contrasting with the pure white mini dress she wore that seemed to start just above her cleavage and end most likely at the bottom of her pert little bum. He smiled appreciatively as she got up and gave him a better look, his manhood twitching under the towel as he tried to figure out if she was wearing any knickers.

“Damn.. you look bloody gorgeous as usual.” He said. “I’m sure the rest of the lads will think so too!” Ryan laughed as he opened his wardrobe and started looking through his clothing. He was actually getting a little turned on at the though of his mates, and anyone else for that matter, getting an eyeful of Jane’s body.

“What do you think?” He asked, pulling out a couple of shirts for Jane to choose from. There was an Armani or a Gucci, both of them very expensive. He waited for her to pick one before he dropped his towel to the ground and grabbed a pair of CK briefs from his drawer and started to get ready. He wondered if she’d comment on his slowly growing erection.
Jane could see that she was having the desired effect on Ryan. He was getting the beginning of an erection just looking at her and, while this was welcome in one sense, the last thing she wanted was him fucking her now or even touching her really. She’d spent far too much time and effort getting ready, to waste it all on a quick fumble or a fuck.

Although in her experience the chances of Ryan wanting her now were low. Ryan liked to watch on a Friday night. Jane knew he liked to be teased, cuckolded almost, and she was only too happy to put on a show for him.

There wasn’t much to choose between the two shirts Ryan had suggested and so Jane chose the Armani simply because she knew it to be the more expensive. Ryan put the other shirt back then pulled out a pair of briefs. He dropped the towel giving Jane a clearer view of his semi hard-on. She’d made him aroused and she liked that she had this control over him. She walked up to him and stroked his cock lightly, just once with her fingers.

“Mr Happy seems pleased to see me,” she giggled. “But we can’t have him coming out to play tonight can we? Otherwise we’ll have to lock him away.”

She walked out of the room and left Ryan to get dressed, giving him a view of her backside in the ever so short dress as she left.
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Jane chose wisely, he loved the feel of the Armani shirt, though a lot of it was down to how good he felt wearing something so expensive. Knowing his outfit was more expensive than just about everyone else's in town was maybe a little arrogant, but he'd worked damn hard to make his money and it turned Jane on too, he knew that. They both liked the finer things in life and his money had bought most of those things.

Finer things like the shirt he was putting on, or the mini dress that was barely covering Jane's beautiful body. When she walked over and ran her fingers over his semi, he felt it twitch a little and continue to grow, eliciting a gentle giggle from her. 'Mr Happy' was her pet name for his penis, something she'd called it for a few years now. It made him smile, especially when she referred to his chastity kink. It was something discovered quite by accident when his mates got him plastered on his stag night and locked him in one. He only discovered this on the morning of his wedding and had to go around all his mates looking for the key.

It was a bit of a joke between him and Jane, but part of him wondered how it would feel to watch her with someone else while he was locked up. He'd never been brave enough to say as much, but it was something he would love to try.

He watched as she swayed out of the room, his erection filling his briefs while he pulled on some matching CK socks and black trousers with an Armani belt that cost more than most people's wardrobes. Gold Armani cufflinks finished his ensemble and he put on some expensive cologne before heading downstairs to catch up with Jane.

"Damn, you're going to turn some heads tonight babe." Ryan grinned as he pulled on a pair of shoes near the door. "I'd love to see how many of the guys get as hard as me." He added, playfully swatting a hand at Jane's barely covered bum.
"I'd love to see how many of the guys get as hard as me." Ryan told her.

Jane didn’t know if Ryan really meant what he said, or whether it was more of a throw away comment, a compliment in a way. So she decided to call him on it.

She turned back to face him, putting her hands on her hips for effect.

“Is that a challenge babe?” she teased then chuckled. “Mind you, if it was, then I guess I’d have to check if they really did get as hard as you are.”
When Jane turned and put her hands on her hips, Ryan knew she was taking his last comment seriously.

"Is that a challenge babe?" Was her reply.

"Maybe." He replied, a grin on his face. He'd often fantasised about how hot it would be to see her teasing other blokes, like she did with him sometimes.

"I don't think you'd have any trouble getting some of the lads hard, but I don't think you'd be cheeky enough to feel them up." He replied, egging her on.

"I guess there's only one way to find out though, right?" He winked. "How about I get you those Louboutin boots you've been after if you do?"
"How about I get you those Louboutin boots you've been after if you do?"

"You're on," Jane told her husband. "But you choose the guys, ok?"

Jane knew exactly the boots she wanted, and while she was sure Ryan would have bought them for her at some point anyway, his offer meant that she could start thinking about what she wanted next. Besides, what she was offering to do wasn't exactly a hardship anyway. A couple of Ryan's mates were really fit and besides, there were always plenty of men around on a Friday night. Obviously she'd have to feel them up in front of him though, in order that there was proof she'd gone through with it.

When Mark had finished getting ready the two of them caught a taxi into town. It was too risky to drive these days and they both wanted a drink. The plan was the same as for virtually every Friday night. Meet up with a crowd at the Lucky Duck wine bar for a few drinks then, at around ten thirty, on to the Sugar Club nightclub next door. Both places would be heaving, especially as it was such a warm night. Fortunately Ryan had paid for annual VIP passes for the Sugar Club. This way, they didn't have to wait in the queue outside and were allowed in the VIP area inside.

As predicted, the Lucky Duck was busy. Some of their crowd were already there and for a while she and Ryan separated, with him joining his mates while she talked to the girls. While she was friends with most of them there was always a bit of rivalry for who looked the best. When it came to how they looked, Ryan's mates weren't so competitive though, unless it was to do with watches.

She recognised a few of the guys from the five a side team he played in. Most worked up in the city, in jobs like Ryan's. There were plenty of guys she didn't recognise as well though. She wondered if Ryan would select guys he knew for the challenge her or whether they'd be strangers. Would he want his wife coming on to friends and acquaintances or would he prefer the anonymity of a stranger. She'd have to wait to find out she guessed
"Alight, I will. You might get a nice surprise." Ryan winked as the pair left the house.

The taxi ride was mercifully short, Ryan was turned on already and he wanted to get a few drinks in before he watched Jane earn her boots. He tipped the driver a few quid as they pulled up outside their regular, The Lucky Duck. It was an old bank or something before it was taken over, a large building on the corner of the street with loads of big windows, high ceiling and a long bar. Outside were some tables with parasols and those big heaters that seemed to be so trendy these days. However, inside was where they headed to meet up with the lads and all the cool people.

As they walked in, the noise hit them, dozens of conversations competing against the music, meaning you had to get close in to be heard. It would be fun to watch Jane teasing some of his mates, and maybe a few randos too.

Mike, Andy, Chris and Will were there already, dressed in their smartest gear. A few of the girls were there too, talking to the lads and some of their other crowd. He knew Jane liked to dress to impress the girls as well as the guys, they could be very competitive. Ryan thought some of the other girls were quite attractive, but to be honest, in his eyes Jane was by far the sexiest of them all.

They weaved through the crowd, Ryan holding Jane's hand as they went. For the lads, it was all back slapping, handshakes and banter. Jane stood among the other girls, most likely comparing outfits and talking about the customers she'd had in her salon that week.

He got a round in for the lads, chatted about the coming weekend's football and broached the subject of being teased in public. He knew Will as engaged and unlikely to be up for it, but Chris, Andy and Mike especially were always chatting shit about how Ryan was such a lucky bastard and they'd love to show Jane how much better they'd be than him. It was a running joke that Mike was hung like a donkey and Ryan was pretty average. So he told the trio, once they got to the club later, in the VIP lounge, he'd encourage Jane to flirt with them and they were free to show their appreciation, so far as she would allow. He told them he might even let them pick someone else to join in, some stranger for added fun.

They were all up for it and after a few more drinks, they were all ready to move on to the Sugar Club. He re-joined Jane and chatted a little about what her and the girls had been talking about, a little excited about what was going to happen later.

As they walked next door, he whispered in her ear "Time for you to have some fun with the guys... The Likely Lads are up for some teasing, but Will's off limits as usual."
Jane had made Ryan chose the men he wanted her to flirt with because she needed to be sure he meant to go through with the challenge. It would have been just as easy for her to have chosen some random guy at the club but this way Ryan couldn't complain that he hadn't consented.

In a way Jane was surprised he'd chosen his mates to be involved, but then again she suspected that might have been a bit of the show off in him. He did like parading her in front of people. Apart from Will, whose girlfriend was a bit of a ballbuster in Jane's opinion, Ryan's other mates were all single and in no hurry to get hitched. They weren't averse to putting it about though, Mike especially. In fact, Jane had heard from friends who'd hooked up with him that Mike was particularly well endowed. Jane had been dating a pretty well endowed guy before she'd met Ryan and, while Ryan had been a far better prospect than her previous guy, she couldn't help looking at his cock sometimes and feeling it was somewhat disappointing in the size department.

Chris and Andy were like chalk and cheese, Chris was probably the best looking guy out of the lot. Male model material. But he was quiet and unassuming and a genuinely nice guy she thought. Chris didn't have to try too hard where women were concerned, they tended to throw themselves at him. But somehow none of them had managed to get their claws into him yet.

Andy on the other hand was the opposite, a short slightly wiry guy, not particularly attractive but with a huge personality. Andy was the life and soul of the party, he could charm the birds out of the trees and he had a reputation for pushing things as far as he could and sometimes a bit too far.

Once in the club they took a booth in the VIP area looking out onto the dance floor. a waitress served them drinks and after she'd gone Jane asked,

"Who's up for a dance then?"
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