Fun times ahead for all!!!!


OOC: Not going to let this die... :)

IC: "Hey sarah wait up!" I hear from behind me as I near the school. I turn around and see chad jogging towards me, looking great as usual in his kakies and white shirt.

"Do we got a test in science?" He asks me.

"HAVE," I reply, "do we HAVE a test in science," I smile at him. "No, we don't."

"Oh, ok," he says, then falls into silence. I didn't mean to shun him, but I hadn't decided if I should encourage him very much. He was cute, no denying that, but I wasn't too willing to be the flavor of the week. Just then Alana came up next to us.

"Hey guys," she says, "how's it going?"

OOC: you don't need to be so mean to me...'flavor' ack! he he he. good to see its back.

IC: man...she never gave me a break, i had tried to date her once before, and she shot me down so i had dated a couple other girls, one which i thought i loved, but she was just pawning me, the others, i only dated for like a week, cause...i thought i liked em, but then you know, sorta died, course, i wasn't a virgin anymore, but only once before, and im sure she thought i was a sex addict or somethen, that was with the girl i thought i loved, and felt the same for me, but i was so off on that. Just then Alana was running up...phew a save. I turned to Sarah real quick, well might as well try again...the first girl i thought i loved pawned me, but she was...well different. "hey sarah" i said quickly before alana cought up, "what you doing after school?"

OOC: Ok, I can't spell, but I'm a stickler on grammar! :) And I'll try not to be too mean... I'll make up for it latter. ;)

IC: Before Alana caught up to us, Chad turned to me and asked, "Hey Sarah, what you doing after school?" I smiled, at least he never gave up, and he was always nice, even though I'd said a few bitchy things to him.

"Well, as far as I know I don't have any plans for before the game," I replied

OOC: Before Alana/Nikket said it was Friday game day (by the way, what are our school colors?) And then I'm guessing they'll be a party at someone's house after? Or not, don't know, it's not my thread, so I'm not going to say for sure. :)

OOC: lets have the school black and white, like my old high school.

IC: I smiled when she said nothing before the game, i had an hour or two before i had to go to the locker room to get ready " wanna go out and maybe grab something before the game?" i smiled hesitantily, sorta scared at what she would say...

Chad smiled at me, " wanna go out and maybe grab something before the game?" I smile, is it me, or does he seem a little nervous? Well, I think to myself, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give him a chance, it's not even a date really, just hanging out after school, right? Before I had any more time to argue with myself, I replied, "sure," then bit my tounge to keep myself from saying anything else that might sound mean.

It wasn't that I didn't like Chad, it was just that I had dated a football player freshman year, who wasn't exactly the nicest guy, but at least he'd transfered after that year so I didn't have to see him any more. At any rate, that whole nasty experience had made me just a little leery about dating football players. I had run into my ex-boyfriend/football player, Dylan, just a couple of days before the last time Chad had asked me out. Of course I'd jumped all over him, and he had no idea why, no one really did. They knew I'd dated Dylan of course, but I never told any one how mean he'd been to me when no one was around. He never hit me, but words can hurt just as much. Despite all of that, part of me was glad that Chad had tried again.

OOC: I'm not trying to turn this into a 'poor little Sarah' thing, I just thought it would help explain the whole me being bitchy to Chad thing, since there's aparently no other reason for it.

...she said yes, finally, maybe i could get another chance, the last time we had dated, well once...i screwed it up, of course, i feel alot for her, and yet she seems to not want to get in a relationship...maybe i could show her how much i loved her...i only could hope...i was about to say something when Alana ran up to talk.