Fun Undies

I do love me some ice cream.
On those low blood sugar days. So do I!!
Oh don’t i know it I got diagnosed with diabetes a few weeks ago, and the one Ice cream bar I can eat just isn’t the same without sugar. I need a something sweet to curb my sweet tooth
I eat a lot of cool whip. Sugar free jello with cool whip is my go to when I need sweetness. I also recommend Monk fruit over Stevia. Stevia I can do in my coffee just fine. But anything you used to put sugar on. Cereal, toast, fruit. Monk fruit is way better.
Just wanted to say I love your avatar picture!
thank you. That is very sweet of you.
Here is another pair and it always makes me want to ask if you want to unwrap me? 😁😉

Those are good for Halloween!!