Game of Thrones, Drogo and Daenerys (Closed for AlwaysFaithful)

Happy to have an offer from one of the strongest of the Khal's Khalisar Londi went with him after she had her Khaleesi's blessing. Jorra stayed for a little longer but soon excused himself too.

"I will say good night my Queen." Charsi said. She seemed a little down that Londi got the offer and not her. She as a slave was concidered a little to pale for the Dothraki to take any real notice. Though beautiful, when it came to the Dothraki Londi got a lot more attention. it was a few hours before there was another rukus and a lot of yelling and screaming.

Jorra went to to a group of men he thought he got along with and joined them at their camp fire. Soon a fight broke out and was getting his ass beat by several men from Drogo's army. None of the Khalisar were there as fights were common with the men. The noise was soon to much for Drogo.

"Can we not have one night of peace in this world!" Drogo yelled getting out of the warm bed and grabbing his weapons. "Come my dear let us deal with this matter together!" he said motioning for her to follow. Even if she couldn't understand all his words she knew his body language now and knew he wanted her to follow him.
After they were left alone The young Khaleesi prepared for bed, curling up against her husband. Head resting on his chest she snuggled, her hands traced over his chest, enjoying her hands on him as she relaxed herself enough until she fell asleep. But the shouts and the ruckus woke her, groaning she rolled to let Drogo get up, she watched him through half lidded eyes. Surprised at his motioning she got up and dressed decently before following him out.

It wasn't hard to find the fight. But she was shocked to see Jorra in the middle. "Stop!" She ordered sharply, thankful she knew that word in Dorthraki. Jorra certainly looked to be on the loosing end as he bled from several cuts and already had bruises forming. She eyes her husband, realising she may have stepped out of line, controlling the men was really his area she didn't have control over these warriors.
When she yelled at the men to stop fighting they did immediately not just because she ordered it, or because their Khal was with her but because she said it in their language! She was learning it quickly and soon the men would need to deal with her directly.

"Khal this dog is not wanted here any more! He doesn't belong amoung us!" the one who was doing the beating said. It was made clear to Jorra that what he took as friendship with some of the men was in fact tolerance and the tolerance had now run out.

"My queen please worry not for me! I am at fault here!" Jorra said not wanting to worry the Khaleesi with this fight, he felt she had been through enough and didn't need more trouble especially from him.

Drogo had seen these sorts of fights a hundred times and was more angry that they couldn't keep it down while they fought. Looking at his wife. "Let them fight! Men should fight it's good for them!" and started to walk away.
He didn't hear what she heard.

"When they leave you die!" The instigator said in a hushed, threatening tone. Daenerys didn't know to much of the language but she now knew you and die and was able to easily put two and two together and knew he was going to die!

(sorry had a nice long post written up, my phone refreshed and lost it and I'm too frustrated to rewrite all of it,)

Dany frowned seeing all the fighters who stood before them. She was about to follow her husband until she heard the mumbles words. No! She ordered both to her husband and the men. "Jorra. Come with me immediately. I will tend to your wounds." She waited until he started to follow "Tell him what they said." She ordered knowing her husband would be questioning her actions. Arriving at their tent She knew none of Jorra's wounds required tending, it was just an excuse. "What were you all fighting about?" She asked softly. Wondering what started the almost deadly fight between the Dorthraki warriors and her aid.
Drogo's looked back when she spoke to Jorra and he started to follow them, he did as she asked and told the Khal what the men intended to do. Dogo let the two back to the tent while he went to confront his men.

When she asked about the fight he smiled a soft smile at her. "I mistook them as friends my Queen. The truth is the lower warriors who are not in the Khalisar view my presence as a front to men. I am in their eyes a dog at the beck and call of a woman! Even if that woman is a godess to them, I am still a dog, they would not have given me trouble if I were a slave but I am a Knight and in many cultures I am socially superior to those men. They hate that, they hate having me mingle with them, they think I act superior to them!" Jorra stood out side the tent and looked at the million starts that lit up the sky. "They are my queen petty men who are angry at the life they have. I trust you saw that every one of them have short hair! Some shorter then my own. They are the weakest in the horde and I guess they wanted to win a fight. One on one I might have taken Norri but four on one I think Khal drogo or Qhotho would have the only chance at winning that fight!" Jorra said building up the power of the Khal, though he had won fights with worse odds then that. "Thank you Khaleesi. You've been saving your aids a lot as of late and I want you to know it isn't unseen or unappreciated by the three of us." Jorra bowing to the Khaleesi.

The two could hear a man scream in pain back at the fire and soon Drogo came back there was blood covering his knuckles. "A true warrior dose not need his friends to hold his opponent while he beats on him!" Drogo said putting a hand on Jorra's shoulder. "There will be no shame if you wish to ride for Dos Dothrak and await our return. There you will be given the courtesy you deserve!" Jorra listened and thanked him but said he would prefer to stay and fulfill his duties to the Khal and Khaleesi. Drogo nodded and then went back into the tent. Qhotho came up to see how Jorra was, Londi who looked like she litterally just got dressed was close in tow. "They were all beaten and Norri is dead. This will show that the Khaleesi's aids are not to be harmed. A slight that those men learned had dire consequences" Londi repeated what he said to Dany.

"Thank you Qhotho. And again thank you my queen. Good night!" Jorra said and started to walk off.

(I have done that so many times I know your pain. lol)

Dany listened to Jorra, smiling when her husband returned, she didn't mind the sight of blood. After speaking with Jorra Drogo disappeared into the tent. "I value my aides too much to let them get picked on." She said to Jorra with a smile. Seeing Qhotho and Londi, she thanked the woman for her translation, saying her goodnights before going into the tent. She walked over and got a wet rag before approaching her husband, taking his hands quietly, she cleaned the blood off. Tossing the rag off to the side, she leaned up to kiss his lips before stepping back and returning to their bed. She stripped off her clothes before curling under the furs. "Maybe now we might get some peace and quiet for the night." She mused, knowing he wouldn't understand most if any of it, but still, she liked talking to him, just as he spoke to her in Dorthraki without the assumption that she would understand.
Drogo let Daenerys care for his bloodied hands and then fell asleep to her caressing his skin. The next weeks ride was very uneventful soon they were riding through high mountain passes and the land was rough and there were very few plants.

"We are entering Volfeds lands my Khaleesi!" Jorra said as the landscape around them began to change. His face now resembled a steak that had been trampled on for a few days. His right eye was shut and his right side was swollen and yellowing. The men had managed to knock out two of his teeth too.

It wasn't long before Volfeds riders were beginning to make them selves known to them. After another two hours them came upon a large clearing and Daenerys saw her first permanent settlement. A city of large wooden buildings and paddocks with thousands of horses, crops and pens with goats, pigs and cows. at least 20000 thousand Dothraki lived here, and that wasn't including the slaves that were scurrying around everywhere. The main building stood in the center of the city, and was easily identifiable.

Four large mean looking men rode up to Drogo and his Khalisar, They didn't exchange words but instead seemed to stare each other down. After what seemed like an hour they let the caravan pass and head on into the city.

"Volfeds city is only one quarter the size of Dos Dothrak. Though still an impressive site. We should be treated well as long as Dogo and Volfed continue to get along!" Jorra said as they rode through a pair of great gates and into the city.

Daenerys handled the long ride well, even though she was very sore, and she'd lost a bit of weight and replaced it with muscle. Her stallion was still eager, despite all the long rides. She saw the city and paused to admire it. She saw the rough look men approach and she reined Sky in, remaining in her place in line, a few riders back behind her husband. SHe listened to Jorra and nodded. "It's beautiful here. I can't waited to see Dos Dothrak. " She murmured quietly. Eventually the soldiers let them pass. She continued on, in line. "What are the chances of them continuing to get along?" She asked curiously of her aid as they rode. SHe did not want this to turn into a trap, being behind enemy lines so to speak, if her husband and Volfed argued or decided to no longer get along.
When she asked Jorra seemed to think about it for a moment. "I think Volfed will be angry about what happened but Seeing that The Khal punished the men who were guilty severely I believe that Volfed will see it as delt with and move on. Besides he really does need your husbands help and will not get it if he doesn't see things that way!" Jorra told her. When the Caravan came up to the main building Slaves came out holding water and food for the tired riders. Volfed came out and greeted them also. "My Queen welcome, welcome. Please let the maidens show you where you may rest and freshen up. Drogo I have been told that my men are not with you?" Volfed said welcoming Daenerys and the others. Drogo and his riders got off their horses. Drogo whispered something to Qhotho who came over to her.

"I am to take you right in my Khaleesi!" Charsi translated.

"Your husband does not want you to be here while they talk about what happened!" Jorra added. Qhotho held out his hand for Dany waiting to take her in. Jorra and the two maidens got off their horses and waited for her too.

((Welcome Back!!))

The Khalessi was relieved to finally arrive at their destination. She heard Jorah's words and nodded, "Alright." Sliding off of her stallion, she handed him off to be tended do. She saw Qhoto walk over to her, offering his hand. She smiled slightly and set her hand in his, letting him lead her into the tent. She wasn't sure why Drogo had sent him with her, but she wasn't about to question it. She eagerly took a glass of water, she was always dehydrated after a day's ride, she never could seem to drink enough to keep her body happy during the ride. She ate a bit of bread and cheese, but didn't eat much, as she wanted to wait for Drogo before eating dinner. "Perhaps I should bathe. Will we be dining with Volfed, this evening?" She asked of Jorah, as he would know proper customs and what would be happening, most likely.
Jorra agreed with her. "Yes you should bathe. The Khal will for surely be throwing you a grand feast this night and you should look your best!" and when the two maidens came up he knew it was time to leave. "I wouldn't worry about Volfed he is a reasonable man and since we brought Jakin back for proper burial he will know we dealt with the killer. Wenta deserved to die and I believe that Volfed will see things our way. Or at least understand what happened."

"Khaleesi the bath is ready!" Londi said helping Dany out of her clothes after Jorra left the tent. He joined Qhotho out side and the two waited for their queen to be ready.

Drogo walked with Volfed and a couple of his Khaliar. Though not happy about what happened he was grateful that Jakin was brought back for a proper burial.

"When will we meet the other Khal's to discuss peace?" Drogo asked after all the formalities were observed.

"Tomorrow, Trolo and Wontha will come with their Khalisar to talk with us, or you I should say. Camca will not come he will fight us till the end I am afraid!" Volfed explained of the one hold out Khal. Drogo was not worried, he knew his army could crush Camca in a single days battle. He did want to get the others onto his side though not just for his sake but also for Volfeds.

Daenerys nodded and once the men had left she stripped and bathed, with her maiden's help she untied, washed, brushed and braided her long silver hair. Her hair has often bothered her, as a child she had wanted to cut it. Now many days it still bothered her, but she knew better than to cut it. She may not be a warrior but she doubted the Dothraki would take kindly to having a Khaleesi with short hair.

Once clean she asked her maiden's to pick out an outfit that would be appropriate for its dinner. Once she was dressed and presentable she called out to let Jorah and Qotho back into the tent. She sat in a chair, resting from the long day's ride.
The men re-entered the tent. Qhotho bowed. "You look beautiful my Khaleesi!" he said. Jorra smiled.

"Yes you are radiant my queen!" The maidens were happy that they picked clothes that pleased Qhotho, who would only say a complement a person when he meant it. Jorra they knew would complement her no matter what.

When Drogo entered the tent he had to do a double take. "You... look... nice!" he said in broken tongue. He walked up to her and gave her a kiss. He unlike her was sweaty, hair was frazzled and he looked tired and hot but happy to see her.
"We are expected to head to the feast soon are you ready my love?" he asked revering back to his comfortable tongue.

She murmured her thanks to both men, pleased that her outfit was acceptable. When Drogo entered, she heard her compliment in her language, and that simple compliment meant more to her than either of Jorah or Qhotho's compliments. "Thank you," She murmured in reply, returning the kiss softly. "Yes, I am ready. She stuttered through the Dothraki words. She stepped back offering the bath tub to her husband, if he wished to clean up before dinner. She sat back down, sipping at her water.
When offered the bath Drogo stripped and stepped into it. Jorra excused himself as did Qhotho, the Maidens waited to be asked to leave. "After we feast some of his slaves will put on a show in your honor!" He said. Charsi translated. "Then the night will be ours to do with as we please! What would my Khaleesi like to do tonight?" Again Charsi translated. Soon Drogo felt he was clean enough and called for a towel to dry himself.

Jorra watched as all the Dothraki looked at his wounds, having no idea how he got them and thinking he was the new Khaleesi's personal guard they all gave him a wide birth. The night was clear and soon music and raucous laughter could be heard throughout the land. "Should be a good night for her!" He said to Qhotho who looked at him oddly. Jorra gave a smile and repeated it in Dothraki.

"Yea it should provided she does not let anything embarrass her or the Khal. Some of the Khalisar will try and make her uncomfortable. She must not lower her self to their level no matter what!" Qhotho said. He had been to such dinners before and they often ended badly when the hosts would try and call out the guest. Especially foreign guests.

The young Khaleesi listened to the translated words, but she was pleased to discover that she could catch bits and pieces of what Drogo was saying, without the help of the translator. Of course she still couldn't understand full sentences. She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't really know what there is to do, around here. Perhaps, is there a place we might be able to swim?" She asked curiously. If there wasn't she was perfectly fine doing whatever Drogo deemed appropriate. She had never been to this city, so she wasn't sure what there was to do, as far as entertainment went.

Unlike her maidens, Daenerys did not look away when her husband stood and dressed, instead she admired his body, her pale eyes looking over him with a faint smile.
Charsi smiled when the Khaleesi asked about a place to swim. "Not for a days ride. They have wells for their water here but not any ponds or rivers no."

Drogo looked deep into Daenerys's eyes as he toweled off. "I will enjoy this night with you my Queen. Come tomorrow it will not be fun for you. There will be much fighting and blood shed. I will permit you to stay in the tent while Volfed, Trolo and Wontha discuss our plans, some of the Khalisar will fight to show which Khal has the best riders! I may be the head Khal my men have to prove their worth against the other Khal's men!" As he spoke Charsi translated. She was happy that more and more her Queen was picking up the Dothraki tongue and needed less and less translating. As he spoke he dressed. He wore he best leather doublet and wrap. He tied his back again and grabbed his sword and daggers. "Shall we go my Queen?" He asked motioning to the tent flap.

Outside Jorra and Qhotho were standing and waiting with twenty other of Drogo's Khalisar.

She listened to the translated words and nodded, sh was starting to enjoy their time together. Once he was ready she nodded "Yes She was ready, setting her hand in his, she let him lead the way to dinner. She was curious about dinner with another Khal. But honestly she wanted time with just her husband. Whether that meant they took a walk, sat by a fire or went to bed, she always felt more settled after getting to spend time with him. It amazed her how quickly she'd changed, no longer did she fear this man, she trusted him and she was starting to believe she was falling in love with a man who she never thought she'd like much less love.
Daenerys and Drogo along with her maidens, Jorra, and his Khalisar walked out to where the feast was being held. In a large long house which sat what looked like a thousand people the walls looked like they had been removed for the supper. In the middle of the room was a roaring fire.

Volfed, his Khaleesi, and his Khalisar were already seated. When she and Drogo entered everyone rose. "Welcome Drogo and Daenerys!" Volfed boomed. Dany heard everyone in the room welcome them at the same time. These men were not the warriors that she was used to These men all bore the looks of beat dogs. Many were disfigured and had deep nasty looking gashes. Even Drogo had scars but these looked like torture scars.

There was a low seat set up for Dany and Drogo beside Volfed and his wife Helena. Helena was older and looked just as beat down as some of the others. She didn't smile or even look at all like she wanted to be there what's so ever.

Volfed rose and gave Drogo a robust hug and then Dany kissing her hand first. "Please sit and enjoy yourselves!" He said gesturing to the seats. He gave a clap and soon slaves were bringing wine food and anything else people wanted. Daenerys looked on as some of the men would grope slap and even hit the slaves for what looked to her as no reason at all. Slaves were being forced to go down on some of the more aggressive men. Even Helena's maidens were being abused. Drogo saw the look of revulsion on her face.
He motioned for Londi who came over from the side were their men were seated. He said something into her ear.

"The Khal hopes you do not think that this is normal behavor. These men are more savage then his own and Volfed is not a leader who cares about slaves! He will let his men do as they please. Helena is particularly mean to them! Unlike you who is caring and kind! These acts will not happen in Dos Dothrak!" Londi explained hoping to put her Queens mind at rest.
