Gate of Kelga: Lost Orb (IC)

Taujiel gazed at Tamaria as she strode away towards the path. How much he hated her now.
He turned to the man , to see if there's a chance of survival. It was too late. He was gone.
"Someday you and i will have a duel. One to the death." the elven wizard said to himself before rejoining the group.
Falkreath wasn't far ahead, and Taujiel couldn't wait to reach her inn, he'll eat, rest and study from his tomes.
His mind now coming back to earth, he realised the wraith was walking behind him, following them.
Well if he's interested in slaying the screeling that means they share same goal and best he could do was be civilised.
Turning his head slightly he asked, "You were once human right?"
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Tyr's eyes widened when Tamaria drew her blade and made for the man. There was split second when Firaga started to insist he defend himself before Tamaria stabbed the bandit in the gut. "I guess that solves that." Tyr said with a slight shrug, then she stormed off threatening more violence.

And then they were on the road.

With a monster.

A monster that had escaped the from the other side.

Tyr decided to walk with Tamaria mostly to be at the head of their order, almost daring the monster to attempt to attack his back.
Fearcried blinked in surprise at the elf's civility. He had not anticipated anyone acknowledging his presence.

"That is correct. Long ago, my name was Fane Inf and I was a member of the Order of Oraclos. Back then, chivalry was still common among warriors. These days, though..."

Fearcried looked right at Tamaria when he said it.

"My task in those days was to hunt the creatures of the Underworld...long before the Gate of Kelga was originally sealed. Screelings were nowhere close to the most dangerous creatures roaming about."

The wraith shuddered at the thought of the creatures he had once fought. Even being trapped in the Underworld for millennia didn't make them seem any less disturbing.

"May the gate be resealed before those...things...get out again."
"The coldlander's logic is right. If everyman pick up arm to defend his home from this onsters rather down coward away inside their walls, our quest will be a lot easier."
Taujiel signed heavily, he wasn't their guide and true he hasn't travelled the road before but it didn't take a genius to figure out that they were close.
"We're close, a few more steps and we'll be out of the woods, before Falkreath's great walls. Fane, hope you don't mind me calling you that, can you transform into a more unghostly form, maybe something more human. This people are paranoid and agitated by anything out of the norm."
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"I don't mind at all. I'll assume the form I had as a human."

Focusing his energy inward, his appearance began to change. His skin reformed and pale blonde hair appeared on his head. His infernal armor was replaced with a coarse black robe, and a thin chain was wrapped around his arm.
Tamaria ignored Fear's comment. She was ahead of the group, and was still pretty pissed. She would get even with Fear too. It would be a bumer if some innocents life were to be killed... His hands will have all the blame for whoever I kill... Tamaria thought to herself, her mouth curving up a little. She used to be much better then this, but after the incident with Phalloz she became angry and cold, and darker.
"I like this you Fane. The armor and the eerie look only create a bad impression about you. And a first impression is a lasting impression." Taujiel said with a slight cheerful smile.
He had to shade his eyes from the sudden intrusion of light as they came out of the woods. As they trod the green field, Taujiel could make out the soldiers on the wall.
I think it'll be best if i speak to them, we might be the selected warriors of light but we're also strangers, and the humans don't take lightly with strangers. Especially blood thirsty ones." Taujiel said out before running to the front of the party.
When they neared the wall, the guards stood and aimed at them, archers took position and swordsmen had their hands to their hilt.
"Who are you and what do you seek?" A guard shouted to them.
"We're the warriors of light, appointed at the sacred stone of Skr'ndor, here now on request of your king to hunt down the screeling that has harmed you for four moons." Taujiel replied.
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Taujiel was mindful of mentioning the vayne cult and the coldcomb, he knew ofcourse that though the screeling wasn't their goal for heading to Falkreath, it was a pass into the feeble city.
"Is that why you used the condemned path? Or aren't you aware that such a route has been banned from use?"the man asked with a scowl, apparently he was their leader.
"Such information is not lost on i, for i am a Northlander and wizard of the fourth. But wwere told by your concerned king that it was an emergency and hastiness was required. Should we have taken the main route and spend three days on the road?" Taujiel reasoned.
The man nodded.
"Open the gate!" he yelled.
"Sometimes brute force doesn't achieve anything but pain and haunting memories.Taujiel commented as he turned back to his teammates, his eyes fixed on Tamaria.
"Shall we?" he asked before walking towards the opening gate.
Tamaria clenched her jaw and unclenched her jaw as Taujiel looked at her. And her green dragon like eyes flashed and glowed for a moment before returning to its normal color. She walked behind Taujiel. In a swift steady pace. Her hand resting on her sword. "You. I know you, you lived in the forest. Your a monster!" A young soldier said accusingly at Tamaria. Tamaria slowly turned, looking at the soldier, she cocked her head, and if somebody didn't stop her, she was gonna go on a rampage. Really, really soon.
All this time Druz had waited patiently as his comrades had acted out the events which occurred. Druz watched each of them as they reacted to one another, but most of all, Druz listened to what was said…and sometimes what was not said. Most of all, he studied what was happening all around him; analyzing and filing away tiny bits of information until such time as he might have need for it again. While he kept to himself, the actions of most of the Special Gitz just confused him…and that troubled the orc more than anything else. Things might have to happen…sooner or later.

The woodlands were thinning and the Pointy-ear made mention of a Humie city being nearby…Fall-reek or something like that… ‘Cities’ were just odd to him anyway. Orcs were largely nomadic, following wherever the greater need led them, be it for shelter, food or war. Whatever the need, the clan would simply pack up and pursue. ‘Cities’ were places where the Little Unz just plopped down and stayed forever…Weird.

Druz had remained silent since the incident with the bandit, aside from the occasional slurp as he drank from his makeshift beer mug anyway. Suddenly out of the blue, he turned towards the Dead Un who had been speaking to the Pointy-ear earlier.
“Wut is ‘chiv-ry’?” he asked plainly.

The chance for discussion faded however as they neared the city walls. As they entered, one of the humies didn’t seem to like the girl…(not that Druz could blame the Humie…the girl –was- a silly git after all) but Druz didn’t think a fight was a good idea at the moment.

“Wut you mean Little girl is a munster? Girl no more a munster den Druz is a munster!” the orc said, coming up behind the soldier Druz then bent down, looking the Humie in the eye as best he could.

“Yoo sayin' dat Druz is a munster too?”
The soldier visibly shook, orcs were rare on this side. They rarely travelled from their lands, continually the battled for territory against the dog race.
The soldier gulped repeatedly to find his words, he hadn't seen the orc on time, if he had, well he wouldn't have mentioned monster.
"No! No! You're not a monster sir. Infact none of you are." he waved to a soldier clearly below his rank.
He turned his gaze to Tyr, the only person close to looking human among the strangers.
"He'll guide you to a reserved house, and also to where the screeling was last spotted. It normally hunts at night so it'll be best if you rest now." the man said hurriedly and walked away, very much wanting to get rid of them.
Tyr shrugged. "Okay, we seem to be getting along. So lets go get some food, some beer. . .for those of us who had to walk this whole time sober. It's sooooooo long, and a place to sleep.
"Food will do...and a place to sleep." Taujiel said as they followed after the soldier. Not willing to have to share same room with Tamaria.
"How many rooms are in this house we're assigned to?" Taujiel questioned the elf.
"Ten sir. Its a mansion meant for the late advicer of the king. Unfortunately the screeling killed him..." he paused then added "in his own home. The place is still filled with the blood of both his servant and family. The palace maids will be coming evening to scrub the place, food and drink will also be delievered as well.."
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Pallox looked at Tauijel spoke of casting a spell to wipe the bandit's mind clear. It was an odd choice to go with, but not one he would have picked. He wasn't a fan of someone else sharing his current predicament. After all, if he could remember his past, albit slowly, then so would the bandit. He was going to say something about that when Tamaria took the lead, stabbing the bandit.

"Well, that is taken care of then."

As the group set off once more, he took up walking behind Tamaria. He stayed quiet, listening to the conversation to get a feel of everyone. There was a wide variety of personalities here, and that was also an air of animosity among the group. If they actually worked together and didn't kill each other before it was over would be a miracle to him.

He gave a little chuckle for a moment as they were stopped at the city gates before a soldier called Tamaria a monster. He reached forward for a moment, putting his hand on her shoulder once more.

"Easy there. No need for bloodshed right now."

He smiled for a moment as the elf spoke of the mansion they would be staying in. Ten rooms would be plenty for everyone to let off steam.

"Despite the blood that was shed, I would suggest you take us there sir. We all need to let off a little steam before we start killing each other before we do what we came to do."
The soldier took a quick glance behind him, Kill each other, just how insane were this people? He couldn't wondering.
Hurrying onward without a single word he led them to the villa.
Fane smiled when he saw the soldier's disbelief over Pallox's comment. He stayed silent and watched how everyone else was acting, thinking about how good it would feel to rest and not be disturbed by the sounds of battle.

Stroking the chain on his arm absentmindedly, he decided to do a quick patrol once everyone else was settled into their new accommodations.
Tyr ignored the others as they found the building they were going to spend the night in. It was certainly larger than buildings he was used to in the Coldlands. even the Jarl didn't live in such splendor. "So that's why they didn't burn it down." Tyr said to nobody in particular. He still wasn't going to sleep inside it, he'd gladly take his chances with the Screeling so he headed out towards the back of the building and pulled out his sleeping gear setting up a small camp for himself.
Taujiel stared at the villa like it was a horrible statue, disappointment clearly writen on his face. The blood on the wall, the guts on the ground, the small pool outside the main door was a spiraling color of blue and red.
Taujiel turned to the soldier, "when do you say this place is to be cleaned?"
"Before the sun goes down Sir, infact i'm sure they are on their way already." the man replied. Then started heading out of the gate.
Taujiel turned from the hurriedly departing soldier, he assumed his haste was due to fear of his crowd, if so then he'd every right to hasten away. His so called team was capable of anything, especially Tamaria who seemed to exhibit hightened uncontrollable emotions. Especially towards folks weaker than her it'll seem.
Taujiel sighed heavily, threw his gaze from Tamaria, picked up his bag of scrolls and headed for the main door.
As he walked ever slowly near the door, he couldn't remove gaze from the two baby wyverns at the sides, couldn't shake the eerie feeling that they were alive, watching him, with a scowl.
He only knew he had stopped walking when Druz placed a hand on his shoulder, then remarked about her weak and scared humans was.
Taujiel just smiled and nodded dismissively, how narrow minded the orc was.
On reaching the door post, Taujiel felt a wave of nausea, then a loud shrieking sound in his head, before he realised he was on the ground covering his ears and screaming to the heavens.
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As the pain and sound subsided he was surprised to find his team mates looking woriedly and concerned at him. More surprised even when it was Tamaria arms around his shoulder as he struggled to a sitting position.
Taujiel gasped and panted like a kid who was just forced to do a marathon in exchange for his only pony.
His eyes darted to and fro, searching for any magical artifact or symbol that must have affected him so, for clealy his friends didn't encounter what he had.
Not seeing anything he dismissed it as the effect of being with a dark creature, like Dane who despite his perceptions was the opposite of his magic fundamentals.
"I thought you didn't care." he said looking up at Tamaria.
Druz looked at the huge structure with mouth open in surprise along with many of his comrades. Not at the carnage of course, although the scene was indeed horrific and grizzly, blood and carnage was familiar to Druz. In fact, orcs were sometimes known to make face paint out of the blood of those that had killed in battle and orcs had left more than a few gruesome reminders of what an orcish raiding party could do.

No, the blood, the smell, the carnage were practically unimportant to Druz, but the massive structure was a wonder to him. This house was HUGE! and it was made of smooth stones which were shaped into colorful pictures and weird shapes! Orcs seldom built anything so grand just to live in, and never so permanent. The only real, stationary city was Orcraez, the so-called capitol of the orcish nation where Big War Chief GunderBasher the King lived and ruled. At least before the bad Pointy-Ear and his Windy Boy slaves killed him anyway. But even then, the orcs did not build big things like this. Even as Chief and WarSinger for his clan, Druz had only a single hut to live in and that was all he needed. This place, it was...different.

The other Special Gitz didn't seem to like the place either, although they didn't seem to like the mess more. Well, The Little Unz were still trying to figure out their own things anyway, so Druz set down his nearly empty barrel, (which reminded him that he needed more beer before they left again) and stepped over a bloody mass of...whatever to kneel down nest to the fountain. Heck, this place even had water bubbling out of the ground and the Udder Unz still didn't think it was a wonder! Sheesh! Scooping his hands into the water, (ignoring the bits that were not water at all) Druz splashed a great handful over his face, scrubbing the traveling dust from his eyes and scruffy beard.

Then there was a noise, a shrieking, irritating sound. Druz looked over to see the little Pointy ear fellow on the ground covering his dainty ears and shouting like a young whelp who had just had a bad dreamwalk. Others moved to help him and the noise stopped as the Little girl helped.

Druz frowned at the sight, not for what had happened, but Druz knew that the little Pointy-Ear was one of those Flashy Gits who sometimes had weird, unnatural things happen to them and that unsettled Druz a bit. Weird things happening to a weird person in a weird place... that was, well, weird.

Looking around carefully, Druz stood and walked into the first room.

"So why no un talk to Druz?" he asked. "No one speak when Druz asks; 'Wut is chiv-ry'?"
Tamaria was reassured by Phalloxs hand once more. Which annoyed her but comforted her. Although she was angry at herself for having conflicting emotions once more. When they walked through the door, something didn't feel right, but she couldn't place her finger on it.... She watched in suprise as Tuajiel fell to the floor, everybody seemed to watch in horror at first. Tamaria surprisingly cared for people. But them more, even though she hardly knew them, instincts over took her and she grabbed him, helping him into a sitting position.

When he spoke, Tamarias concerned face that also held worry.

"There's a compliment in that somewhere." Her tone calm and sarcastic again, along with her face.
"There is." he responded with a smile, not minding her sarcasm. "Thank you."
Taujiel turned his gaze to the opening gate, his team mates followed it too. Coming through the thick iron gate were seven girls, all carrying a brush and a bucket of water.
With Tamaria's help he was able to stand, Taujiel watched the approaching ladies who seemed to be in a hurry to get to the front door where he and his team mates were.
"We're from the palace, on orders to clean this place and make it suitable for your stay. Please who is the leader, the king asked us to deliver a message to him." a long blonde haired said.
They were dressed in simple purple silk gown that stopped at their knee. The gown was quite V around the neck, displaying lots of cleavage to the warriors.
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When nobody spoke Tamaria walked foward, "for gods sake, there doesn't have to be one in every damned group, just tell it to all of us." She wanted to claim the title but knew that it would be rather selfish of her to say it.
Druz grunted to himself when the others again ignored his question. Maybe 'chiv-ry' was an old Humie word for silence? The Dead Un was certainly quiet and the Little Girl was certainly Or it could have meant 'ignorance', but that seemed to be as common now as it had been in the past, so probably not. It seemed to be a warrior thing, but Druz had not heard of it before. Maybe it was just for the Little Unz, they seemed to like making up rules and stuff...

As Druz pondered, he wandered from room to room, looking about. The place was certainly rich-looking...except for all the blood and broken stuff of course... Druz noted the remains of at least four 'people' all in a rather unfortunate state of dismemberment. The smell was strong and flies still buzzed about with glee at their provided smorgasbord of remains. He cocked his head at the weird writing, but could make out none of it. He also noted the bloody symbol, but had not seen it before either. He knew they were odd, but the written word was not a strong point among the orcs.

But listening was, especially to those things that were unsaid.

At one point, Druz righted a small table and plucked his wolfskin bag from his belt. Opening the end he dipped his massive, green hand in ans scooped out the collection of finger bones. Muttering to himself and shaking his fist a few times, Druz cast the bones out, noting how they fell and their final resting place among the others upon the tabletop. Grunting, he scooped them up again and with another shake, cast them out once more. The orc studied, then snorted and finally scooped them up again, dropping them back into their carry sack and tucking the sack into his belt. He heard the metal gate open and definitely heard the Little girl and her angry voice. Newcomers, females by their voices, had arrived.

Druz turned and saw a tiny camp through the back window. Looking, Druz saw the Fuzzy Humie man setting up his tent in a little clearing. Oddly enough, Fuzzy seemed to be the only one who had any sense among the Little Unz, even though it only showed through every now and then...but still, that one might be useful...
Druz looked about and picked up a small rock, a little piece of broken masonry. judging the distance, Druz cocked back his arm and threw, hoping to get Fuzzy's attention.

Unfortunately, 'small' to an orc and 'small' to a human was not quite the same thing...

With a 'Ka-thuwomp!' the foot long chunk of brick thudded, spun and bounced through Tyr's camp, causing mayhem on whatever it struck before bouncing through to stop on the far side of the clearing. Tyr looked up to see Druz in the window, jerking his head back in a tell-tale 'commhere' motion before the orc stepped away, heading back towards the entry foyer.

As Druz returned, he saw the newcomers for the first time, little Humie females, each with a bucket and wearing a near-see through purple gown. One of which seemed to be speaking with Little Girl while the others filled their buckets and started to come towards the foyer. The rest of the other Special Gits seemed to be entranced by the Humie females as each stood about and watched. Druz grunted again and stepped forward, scooping up two of the girls with one arm. buckets fell and women squeaked as they were lifted off the ground effortlessly. the other Humie girls hastily retreated back towards their leader and the gate.

"Druz has question." he said, dropping the girls near the fountain and looking towards the blond-haired female.

"Does Humie girlz clean nekked?"