"Girls Gone Wild:" A Fantasy Adventure in a Fantasy Land

Before the fighting begins:

Sharla cannot believe how nervous she is. This is different than that first fight, when she rode into Riverbend on the back of a horse and only really knew one spell, magic that made mud. She has become a Sorceress, or perhaps, still is becoming one. The last week has been like nothing she could have ever imagined, what with the Tome of Magic opening up to her ... and Meena opening up to her as well.

Meena, she thinks for a moment. Sharla could never have imagined being so deeply in love with another woman. Or is it lust? Does it matter? Sharla is so new to love or lust both that she doesn't really know how to tell the difference between them. What she does know is that each morning when she wakes, her first thought is to pull the naked body of the beautiful, vivacious, young redhead up tightly against her own naked form; her last thought at night is of how no one deserves to feel such euphoria after having spent minutes or hours making love to such a creature.

And their relationship isn't just sex, sex, sex. Meena is central to Sharla's understanding and advances in her magical training. The girl -- Meena is 4 years junior to the 22 year old Sorceress -- has been the driving force behind Sharla discovering what the Tome of Magic has to offer. She has helped Sharla interpret the runes and understand the spells. Without Meena, what is about to happen now on the East Road would be much, much different.

"They're coming," a swordsman a bit lower on the west deer trail calls up softly before ascending to his position with the others. "There coming. And Count Turan's banner is out front. I thought he was supposed to be in the middle?"

Sharla considers that fact for a moment, then dismisses it as momentarily moot. She gathers the swordsmen together, telling them to link hands, which she does with the two men flanking her as well. She begins softly chanting the words from the "Power of the Earth" spell, and both she and the others can feel a tingle rising up through their feet and legs, then out out through their hands to those beside them.

"Good luck," she says when she finishes.

They move to their positions, hiding in the bushes, as Sharla moves up the trail to a middle position between the next group of combatants to be her concern. Rachel has been training with the 12 mostly female archers, and everyone is genuinely impressed.

Sharla hears, then sees the scout who she'd seen riding west earlier return. He skids his horse to a stop on the road near Count Turan; he waves to the west while warning about hoof and boot prints. Sharla whispers to the right, the left, "Light them up!"

As the archers use flint and stone to spark their oil soaked fire arrows to life, Sharla presses one hand to the dirt at her side while stretching another hand out toward their primary target. She has spent a lot of time at the Magic Pool with Meena over the past week, and during that time they have spoken a great deal about the men, women, and children Count Turan kidnapped and sold into slavery. By this point, Sharla is so furious at the Lord that she would gladly descend this rise and try to beat him to death with her staff.

Fortunately, Sharla is a Sorceress and has another alternative: she concentrates deeply on Turan and the ground beneath him, then casts the "Mud" spell. Suddenly, there is absolute mayhem under and around him. His horse sinks and flails, as if it a bog of quick sand, and the Lord is off his mount and flailing as well in the thick mud.

All around Turan, Elite Bodyguards are falling from stumbling horses or being thrown by unsettled beasts. Sharla can't help but smile with delight at the success of the spell. She looks up and down the line of archers and calls out, "Reign down fiery hell!"

As the archers stand to loose their fire tipped arrows, Sharla casts a third spell. The "Flames" incantation turns the smallish burning tips into most significant fireballs. The effect is worth the mental and spiritual energy drained from Sharla, but really she would have expected a more dramatic result, as she'd seen in her practice sessions for this very battle.

Nonetheless, most of the horses -- the real targets -- panic as flames and sparks dance around the road beneath their hooves. Men are thrown and those that aren't are desperately hanging on to remain mounted. Some of them recover by the time the spell-encouraged swordsmen reach their position.

Rolled 1 D20: 13, 10, 1, 3, 13, 18 (add +9 for PofE spell; subtract -6 for the Elite Bodyguards' To Hit; add +3 for the Flames spell)

The first stage of battle between Riverbend swordsmen and Count Turan's Elite Bodyguard begins. As she watches, Sharla sees two of her spell enhanced men quickly and easily take down two of the would be attackers. She quickly begins to believe this is going to easily be a victory.

But then a Bodyguard slashes a sword through the air and cuts down one novice swordsman. Her heart jumps in fear. A second Riverbend farmer-turned-soldier is stabbed and falls to the ground, which is solid to him but muddy to the rider who is barely keeping his mount on all four feet.

Then, the fight turns back their way, and two more of Turan's Elite are taken down to the ground and killed. All about her, a second volley of fiery arrows are loosed from the ridge down upon the Greenhill soldiers. They are not affected by Sharla's Flames spell, but they still cause panic and mayhem throughout their targets...

Rolled 1 D20: 11, 1, 12, 17, 6, 6, 6, 2, 6, 4, 15, 17

3 of Turan's soldiers are killed outright, while an equal number are injured.

Sharla casts one last spell, "Hiss", and all about the column of soldiers -- particularly amongst the less than enthusiastic conscripts -- there is panic. 10 of the men flee without facing the enemy at all, most of them down over the side of the hill through which the road is cut.

Sharla literally collapses back onto her haunches, spent. She will watch the fight from here without any further involvement. And all the while, her mind will be on how badly she wishes Meena was here to hold her and tell her that she had done well and that things would be alright.

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A couple of dozen yards beyond the east end of the archers, Rachel -- unable to see Sharla -- sees instead the mayhem of the Mud spell as men and horses begin to fall all about. She looks to Wendy, saying, "I hope you're right about this."

The this about which she's talking is, of course, Captain William Warton and his soldiers. As Rachel kicks her horse into action and descends to the road to attack the Greenhill soldiers to her right, she is about to put her back to Warton's men to her left. If this is some sort of betrayal, she'll never see the arrow that penetrates her from behind.

Before she even gets to the road, Rachel is already loosing her first arrow. Then another, and more. She chooses for her targets not the nearest men to her but the 4 men who are still mounted. A warrior on a horse is typically worth 3 on the ground, and Rachel intends to see that they are eliminated before they can use their advantage.

She rides through the foot soldiers, knocking many of them to the ground as her missiles fly...

Rolled 1 D20: 19, 2, 13, 3, 11, 16 (add 11 to each)

The damage she does is phenomenal: her first arrow entirely penetrates and then exits one soldier's torso before sinking into a second man's body. Her last arrow does the same. In between, she downs two men and kills another pair.

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Behind Rachel, Wendy descends the hill, with Matthew and others also on horseback. They reach the road and turn right, but not before the Lady of Riverbrook looks to her prospective lover with concern. What are the chances that he will betray her? What are the chances that as she and her Riverbend force are destroying the army from Greenhill, Warton's men won't come in behind her men and ambush them as well.

The worry causes her performance to initially be decreased...

Rolled 1 D20: 13, 6, 3, 15, 14, 14, 9

She easily cuts down her first target, but the next two are only injured and barely even struck. She looks behind her once again for some sign from Warton...

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Wendy -- Warrior
  • Picture, Profile
  • Weapons: long sword, daggers, and steel shield.
  • Hit Bonus:
    • Blade weapons: +7
    • On horseback: +9

Sharla -- Sorcerer

Rachel -- Elven Ranger
  • Picture, Profile
  • Recurve bow.
    • Hit bonus +6 on the ground
    • Hit bonus +11 on horseback
    • Hit bonuses increase +1 with each battle including multiple, successive, successful hits.
  • Short sword and daggers (2): +2

Riverbend Defenders:
  • Matthew: swordsman, +6
  • 12 archers: +5 (average, to make it simple)
  • 7 swordsmen: +3 (average, to make it simple)

Other Riverbend Residents:
  • Michelle -- a villager; Marcus's sister.
  • Marcus -- a villager; Michelle's brother. (Note: he is a swordsman (+3) but his is still healing from a chest wound.)
  • Martha -- Apothecary Healer.
  • ~21 other villagers: 7 women, 28 children
  • Notes about Riverbend residents:
    • Count Quinn's conquest resulted in the kidnapping of 6 men, 12 women, and 16 children were taken away as slaves. (No more about these people is known at the time of this posting.)

Bad Guys:
  • Riverbend:
    • Deceased -- Count Quinn: local despot of the village of Riverbend.
    • Deceased -- ~20 violent ruffians (occupying and controlling Riverbend under Quinn)
  • Greenhill: controlled by Quinn's brother, the self-appointed Count Turan.
    • Count Turan: the now-deceased Count Quinn's brother.
    • Captain Warton: Turan's Captain of his Guard.
    • Turan's army: 17 men.

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The Greenhill army:
  • Count Turan (+4)
    • 4 Dead -- 6 elite bodyguards (+6)
    • 4 Dead -- 8 swordsmen (+4)
    • 2 Dead -- 4 archers (+2)
    • 6 Dead, 12 fleeing down hill -- 22 conscripted villagers (No bonuses; odds of flight +2)
  • Captain Warton (+7 blades; +5 bow/other)
    • 4 bodyguard (+6)
    • 8 swordsmen (+4)
    • 4 archers (+2)
Warton is just barely within sight of Count Turan when the nobleman's horse does down. Some of his Bodyguard also have problems with their horses. Warton doesn't know about the Sorceress's Mud spell or even that what's happening is a spell or some other form of attack. But it would, of course, be quite a coincidence if it wasn't.

"Get ready," he says softly to the men directly about him, mostly officers but also archers.

A moment later, the simultaneous sound of screaming, charging swordsmen descending the hill and a dozen flaming arrows striking the road all about the Elite Bodyguard confirms that the attack is underway.

"Ambush!" Warton calls out to his men, adding, "Protect the Count! Protect the Count!"

Of course, despite Wendy's fears, the Captain has no intention of saving Turan. He kicks his horse's flanks and surges forward, his primary target his Lord. His archers move to the downhill edge of the road and begin firing at the fleeing conscripts, while his soldiers surge forth to go after the nearest enemy.

Add his to hit bonus of +7:
Rolled 1 D20: 10 | Rolls: 10
Rolled 1 D20: 9 | Rolls: 9
Rolled 1 D20: 16 | Rolls: 16
Rolled 1 D20: 6 | Rolls: 6

Warton easily slices his way past 4 of the remaining conscripts. His fast ride puts him just yards behind Wendy as she looks back at him a second time. He laughs, almost maniacally, as he rides down a fifth man and keeps heading forward.

A third volley of arrows comes from the ridge:

Rolled 1 D20: 13 | Rolls: 13
Rolled 1 D20: 12 | Rolls: 12
Rolled 1 D20: 3 | Rolls: 3
Rolled 1 D20: 2 | Rolls: 2
Rolled 1 D20: 12 | Rolls: 12
Rolled 1 D20: 4 | Rolls: 4
Rolled 1 D20: 20 | Rolls: 20
Rolled 1 D20: 6 | Rolls: 6
Rolled 1 D20: 2 | Rolls: 2
Rolled 1 D20: 7 | Rolls: 7
Rolled 1 D20: 20 | Rolls: 20
Rolled 1 D20: 16 | Rolls: 16

Most do little to no damage, but the psychological effect is great: Turan's soldiers are running about like chickens with their heads cut off.

Warton's soldiers reach those of his Lord's, and the hand to hand fighting already taking place at the front begins here:

Rolled 1 D20: 5 | Rolls: 5
Rolled 1 D20: 18 | Rolls: 18
Rolled 1 D20: 19 | Rolls: 19
Rolled 1 D20: 18 | Rolls: 18
Rolled 1 D20: 1 | Rolls: 1
Rolled 1 D20: 6 | Rolls: 6
Rolled 1 D20: 6 | Rolls: 6
Rolled 1 D20: 5 | Rolls: 5

In no time at all, the men still standing alive on the road are either from Riverbend or part of the Captain's own force. Warton looks about himself and finds only 2 of his men down: one dead, one injured.

He then looks further ahead to where some of the horses are also down on the road. He finds Turan struggling to get out of the mud hole. Walking forward, Warton holds the tip of his sword to the Count's chest. Then, he looks to Wendy, who is just arriving on her horse.

"He's your prisoner, m'lady," Warton tells her. "His fate is yours."

He listens to Wendy's response, then tells her, "I must return with my men to Greenhill, to secure it. Will you be alright here?"

He suggests that the arms and armor should be gathered. "I will send a wagon back to collect the bodies."

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Wendy -- Warrior
  • Picture, Profile
  • Weapons: long sword, daggers, and steel shield.
  • Hit Bonus:
    • Blade weapons: +7
    • On horseback: +9

Sharla -- Sorcerer

Rachel -- Elven Ranger
  • Picture, Profile
  • Recurve bow.
    • Hit bonus +6 on the ground
    • Hit bonus +11 on horseback
    • Hit bonuses increase +1 with each battle including multiple, successive, successful hits.
  • Short sword and daggers (2): +2

Riverbend Defenders:
  • Matthew: swordsman, +6
  • 12 archers: +5 (average, to make it simple)
  • 5 swordsmen: +3 (average, to make it simple) (2 were killed in East Road battle)

Other Riverbend Residents:
  • Michelle -- a villager; Marcus's sister.
  • Marcus -- a villager; Michelle's brother. (Note: he is a swordsman (+3) but his is still healing from a chest wound.)
  • Martha -- Apothecary Healer.
  • ~21 other villagers: 7 women, 28 children
  • Notes about Riverbend residents:
    • Count Quinn's conquest resulted in the kidnapping of 6 men, 12 women, and 16 children were taken away as slaves. (No more about these people is known at the time of this posting.)

Bad Guys:
  • Riverbend:
    • Deceased -- Count Quinn: local despot of the village of Riverbend.
    • Deceased -- ~20 violent ruffians (occupying and controlling Riverbend under Quinn)
  • Greenhill: controlled by Quinn's brother, the self-appointed Count Turan.
    • Count Turan: the now-deceased Count Quinn's brother.
    • Captain Warton: Turan's Captain of his Guard.
    • Turan's army: 17 men.

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The Greenhill army:
  • Captured -- Count Turan (+4)
    • Dead -- 6 elite bodyguards (+6)
    • Dead -- 8 swordsmen (+4)
    • Dead -- 4 archers (+2)
    • 12 Dead, 10 fled -- 22 conscripted villagers (No bonuses; odds of flight +2)
  • Captain Warton (+7 blades; +5 bow/other)
    • 4 bodyguard (+6)
    • 7 swordsmen (+4)
    • 4 archers (+2)
Moments earlier:

Wendy hears a call about the need to protect Count Turan. The voice is William's. Wendy spins her horse around, certain that the betrayal she's been fearing is about to take place. And yet what she sees is anything but a double cross: William is slashing his way through Greenhill soldiers and conscripts; his archers are firing arrows down the slope at fleeing conscripts and past her at regular soldiers.

Warton rides past, laughing maniacally. Wendy just watches: amazed, shocked, and a bit turned on. He continues onward toward the Count as all about Wendy the Captain's men and the archers above are finishing off the rest of the combatants from Greenhill. Soon, the action is over and all that remains are the quiet dead and wailing injured.

Sharla realizes she is needed and descends to the road. She tends to an injured Riverbend resident, casting a Heal Spell (7) that eases his pain but does little to seal the bleeding wound. She realizes they need help. She calls to one of the mounted men, "Get the Healer, Martha, now! And Meena! And we need wagons for the injured."

"Look," Rachel tells Wendy after riding up close. She nods toward the west end of the battle where Warton is holding a sword tip to Turan's chest. "We need him alive if--"

"I got it," Wendy says knowingly and -- honestly -- a bit regretfully: she would like to see William run the man through. "I'll get him."

"He's your prisoner, m'lady," Warton tells Wendy when she rides up to him. "His fate is yours."

Wendy considers the situation. She calls two men over. "Take him back to my home. Bind him here, and shackle him there. If he tries to escape, kill him."

The two men do as told, and Warton tells Wendy, "I must return with my men to Greenhill, to secure it."

"Do you need my men," she says, not even considering the idea that maybe they won't want to go to Greenhill to fight for the man who kidnapped their kin. But she is the Lady of Riverbend now, and if Warton wants help, he'll get it. "I can send Sharla maybe, if she's not spent. And I know Rachel will volunteer. I think she likes this even more than I do."

Warton give his answer, then asks, "Will you be alright here?"

"We're fine," she says. She smiles to him flirtatiously and adds, "I'm fine, William. Thank you."

"I will send a wagon back to collect the bodies."

"They were brave warriors, William," Wendy says with a sincere tone. "They were following a bad guy, but they themselves were good men. You'll see to it that their bodies are treated properly?"

Warton responds and spins his horse to depart, but Wendy calls out, "William! Wait."

When he turns back, she moves closer; their knees and calves are touching as she says with a suggestive tone, "You'll come visit me at my home tonight ... yes?"

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It will take more than two hours to clean up the road. The bodies are stripped of arms, armor, and coinage which will go to the Riverbend armory and treasury. Rachel oversees it all and stressed that things of a personal nature are to be left on the bodies for the families to recover.

Back at Riverbend, all three Sisters meet with the family of the resident who's given his life. Wendy recalls the precedent Captain Warren set by giving Laura 5 Gold Sovereigns for her missing brother. The Sisters now have access to a small fortune in Copper, Silver, and Gold: Count Quinn's treasury. Wendy gives the widow a purse of Copper and Silver equal to 3 Gold Sovereigns, then tells the woman, "Where I come from, the family of a man or woman is the bread earner for the family who is killed in the line of duty, whether its for their employer or for their country, these family members are given a pension, sometimes for years, sometimes for the rest of their lives.

"I want you to come to me -- to me or one of the Sisters -- before Sunday Service, before every Sunday Service, and I will give you money with which you can feed your children ... buy them and yourself the things you need."

Wendy doesn't tell the woman how much she will give her, though. She is still learning about this place's economy: is 10 coppers a week too little, 2 or 3 or 10 silvers too much? She remembers what Warton said about how much a typical peasant earns for his Lord (OOC: Post #36), but she still doesn't know how that equates to what is a fair wage.

The woman thanks Wendy, and Wendy -- seeing her eyes tearing again -- takes her into her arms for a comforting hug. "I cannot replace your husband, but I promise you, you and your children will not suffer from his loss."

In another home, Sharla and Martha the Healer deal similarly with the family of the injured man: Sharla gives them coins to replace the labor lost while the man recovers and Martha tends to his wounds.

When the road is clear and the wagons from Greenhill have departed with the dead, the Sisters gather the residents of Riverbend together for a meal and a discussion. Wendy speaks about the great victory, which results in cheers. She also speaks about the loss of a friend to Riverbend, which results in a moment of silence.

There are questions about the coins and other valuables taken off the dead. Wendy doesn't want the people to equate killing others to financial gain. She tells them, "The coins taken off the men who intended to do us harm have been added to the Riverbend Treasury..."

There is already a grumble rising before she can continue. Rachel speaks up, "It will be used for improvements to our town. A new well. Repairs to the grain mill. More seed for the fields, sows for the pens, chicks and ducklings and kids that will feed your children."

That gets a better response, though, someone does bring up the question all three Sisters expected: "You mean we put our lives on the line for the Captain so that he could become the new Lord of Greenhill, and we don't get anything for it?"

A rumble of disagreement fills the Church for a moment until Wendy silences them and continues: "In the past, those of you who carried arms for you Lord received little in return for it. It was considered your duty to your Lord, and if you benefited from risking your life, that was great, but if you didn't, you could do nothing about it.

"That is no longer the way things are in Riverbend," Wendy continues. "From now on, every man or woman who trains to be a member of the Guard will get a stipend ... coin. Every man or woman who participates in a fight, be it defending Riverbend or venturing out into other areas for the good of Riverbend, will be paid a fair rate. If you are injured and cannot work for your family, you will receive compensation. If you are killed, your family will receive Death Benefit and a pension."

"You will no longer be taken advantage of by your Nobles here in Riverbend," Rachel adds. "Those days are gone. You are no longer peasants without rights. You are people who deserve respect from their leaders."

There is applause and murmured discussion at the same time; some don't believe what they're hearing while others who have already seen the Sisters' generosity believe it and then some.

The dinner and discussion breaks up. Rachel heads off to the Forest Cabin to meet with Matthew; it is essentially their new home together. Sharla, who want to stay in town to tend to the injured man if need be, goes to Meena's home to spend the night in naked bliss.

Wendy first goes to the outbuilding in which Count Turan is being held, shackled to a pole and guarded by 2 men. She tells him that if he will help her find all of the missing villagers, he will remain alive and -- ultimately -- be released. "You will go away, far away. Exile. I will send you with a purse of coins, so you can start a new life, and you will never come back to this region again."

She then returns to the Noble House, where she bathes and makes herself look pretty in the hopes that William will show up.

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Wendy -- Warrior
  • Picture, Profile
  • Weapons: long sword, daggers, and steel shield.
  • Hit Bonus:
    • Blade weapons: +8
    • On horseback: +10

Sharla -- Sorcerer

Rachel -- Elven Ranger
  • Picture, Profile
  • Recurve bow.
    • Hit bonus +7 on the ground
    • Hit bonus +12 on horseback
    • Hit bonuses increase +1 with each battle including multiple, successive, successful hits.
  • Short sword and daggers (2): +4

Riverbend Defenders:
  • Matthew: swordsman, +6
  • 12 archers: +5 (average, to make it simple)
  • 4 swordsmen: +3 (average, to make it simple)

Other Riverbend Residents:
  • Michelle -- a villager; Marcus's sister.
  • Marcus -- a villager; Michelle's brother. (Note: he is a swordsman (+3) but his is still healing from a chest wound.)
  • Martha -- Apothecary Healer.
  • ~21 other villagers: 7 women, 28 children
  • Notes about Riverbend residents:
    • Count Quinn's conquest resulted in the kidnapping of 6 men, 12 women, and 16 children were taken away as slaves. (No more about these people is known at the time of this posting.)

Bad Guys:
  • Riverbend:
    • Deceased -- Count Quinn: local despot of the village of Riverbend.
  • Greenhill: was controlled by Quinn's brother, the self-appointed Count Turan, but is now under the control of Captain William Warton.
    • Count Turan:
      • The brother of the now-deceased Count Quinn.
      • He was Lord of Greenhill, 4 miles east of Riverbend.
      • He was captured by Wendy's forces.
    • Captain Warton:
      • He was Count Turan's Captain of his Guard.
      • He betrayed Turan to cozy up to Wendy.

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The Greenhill army (now under Captain Warton):
  • Captain Warton (+7 blades; +5 bow/other)
  • 4 bodyguard (+6)
  • 7 swordsmen (+4)
  • 4 archers (+2)
  • 12 conscripts if needed; no To Hit bonuses; odds of flight +2.