Glitter's Mad House

If this is posted in the wrong place, my apologies. I'll keep it short in case it is wrong.
I had a private channel to post pics and stuff on another app. I got harassed and decided just to post here and maybe occasionally chat.
Well here's hoping you find a nice place here to enjoy yourself and have people enjoy time with you! 😁
Thank you 💕 I guess I should probably post to stories? I have fun anecdotes and adventures to share. Fun fact - I posted a pic of my heat assets in my favorite tank top... I went to take a fresh pic for Tuesday and realized I have that top on again lol
You could probably post in Amateur pics. People tend to post there with some pics and then just have a good time responding to those who interact with their shots! It's also a great place for people to convene and learn about you!
I noticed if I screenshot my pics the file size is more acceptable here. I cannot always devote enough time to private messages. I have responsibilities and a jealous partner.
I sort of just want feedback here as to if I should post more. And if I should save my tales for the story side? Even though they're real life 18+ encounters. Or keep them here?
It's your thread. Do what ya want. :)
Welcome to Lit btw. 💐💐💐
Confessions I Might Delete Later:

I have a long-term fwb. He was my boss over a decade ago. He hired me to be on a sales team and ended up firing everyone but me. Why? Because I got 27 leads in 4 hours and the rest of the group got 27 in total. I've been in marketing my entire life, ya see? I was born into chaos, addicted to alcohol and drugs. I had to be a hustler just to stay alive in an environment I probably shouldn't have made it out of. Don't feel bad for me. I am a tough cookie.
Anyway, he didn't need the other 10 people. I won that position and we made a lot of money together. It was fun and we eventually could not stop ourselves from fucking like animals at his place and in the office. And in our vehicles. It started in 2012 and we meet up whenever he is here visiting. He's moving back soon and it's been a few years. He has good boundaries and is a decent guy who always fucking tells me how it is. He has experimented in polyamorous relationships and we'll always be actual friends. The benefits are a great bonus, but he is also brilliant and respectful to me as another intelligent human. He's off traveling the world before it collapses. When he gets back I'll be riding him and giving him head while he drives me to beautiful places to fuck me against giant trees and mossy covered boulders. He'll make me his Nymph for an afternoon and we'll go back to our stressful lives and do it again when we can.
Ask me anything.
That sounds fucking perfect!
Latest peeves:

My very 1st love from highschool is a meth addict now. He got blocked today for good. 28 years of friendship gone. FUCK METH!!!!!! I had a few encounters with users of this disgusting shit...not knowing they were on it. 3/3 of these people are brain damaged liars. Delusional dickbags. My fwb of 13 years warned me not to allow them to manipulate me and say they're clean. He knew. I was being a silly fool. Thinking I could help. No way. They told me the craziest bullshit. Gang stalking... Ummmmm, yeah sure... Shadow people...right... Ugh 😫 it's so gross and sad all at once.
I'm sorry....
If we've ever chatted and it didn't go how you wanted it... No hard feelings. I am impulsive and it is not easy to get my attention. If you're nice and can deal with my brand of crazy 🤪 that's cool. I genuinely have a personality disorder and a lack of identity from hour to hour. I cannot even remember whole conversations sometimes. My brain compensates for the trauma I survived. I dissociate and feel like different people. It's a rollercoaster ride. I am a very good girl to those who can tame me with their empathy and boundaries. I'm a submissive in bed and a boss in real life when necessary. I have been the alpha in my family for 2 decades and I want to be the fucking one who gets cared for now. ME. No free use stuff. And no incest roleplay. I tried it and didn't like how dark it all is. Younger men, you cannot handle me.
Praise me. Make me feel special. Don't say stupid shit or promise to visit or anything you don't mean.
Serious question.
Is it okay to offer hugs?
I am more about consent than I used to be.
It's funny that I feel more support here than anywhere vanilla. Regular social media? Nope. Lol 🤣 I don't get along too well with "normal" people. Dominant men who are sweet and caring while simultaneously being able to physically shut me up with skilled tongues are the guys I actually talk to in real life. Sans these drug addicts who ALL LIE. I'm done getting used like a muse. I realized that some dicks I "ignored" here can still see what I post. I was going to delete everything. I'm not going to though. Yet. Wave hi to those cunts who are lurking. I've been stalked, doxxed, insulted, blackmailed. Don't try me. I, too, am a hell of a tracer. Did I mention I used to investigate references for jobs that require fingerprints. 😘 Google what is a "Tracy" or I'll post the YouTube. All I am saying is do not fuck with me or I will report you.
I like to be positive and supportive here precisely because the rest of our lives are lacking that. People come here and lay their vulnerabilities out here. Not being a dick is the least I can do