Hateful Sex... Story Ideas Needed

Sounds weird to me, Sadie... But I agree with you about the building of the story, the reason of the hate is what matters here.

What about you, Handlebars ?
thanks, i think hate is a great emotion, it expresses so much in so little.... which is absofuckinglutely wonderful since its so easy to do, and this topic is really great because just because its hateful, dosent mean it has to be violent, and it sure as hell dosent mean it has to be passionate lovemaking either..... and the french guy is right..... you gotta build up the hate, and make it real, which is probably harder than writing any other story.... you cant be like "i was horny....." ya know? its not that easy as it is writing other stories or how bout "ive always thought my sister was very attractive..." or "the alley must have been a shortcut to her house, now was my chance to take her..." see you actually gotta put yourself in the mood to describe the hate, and make the reader feel that hate.... and what i find so intriguing is that, different men like different kinds of sex.... so it dosent have to be rough sex... it could be on the sweeter side, just putting all feeling of hate aside untill after.... and so in conclusion, not just the reason, but the feelings as well.

p.s. sorry for rambling, only the last sentence matters.
handlebars69 said:
.... and what i find so intriguing is that, different men like different kinds of sex....

I find this sentence intriguing. Can you explain a bit please ?
my 2c

Excuse my bad English, here is what happened to me recently, hope it is of any help (if not just ignore), sorry its kind of a longish story to come to the point:

During one of my recent missions (I went to make some money to make ends meet for the family after month of a bad economical situation) my beloved wife ran out of money (she works, but her company did not pay her in time). As is her style she would not tell me over the scarce phone calls, but silently got infuriated that I had left her in such a situation.

Also she suspected I was seeing other women during my mission time (which I never did) which infuriated her more.

When there was nothing left to buy food for herself, the dog and cat or to give to our (fairly grown up) children to help out with their respective problems she decided to give in to the "admirations" of an elder well suited gentleman and went out a night with him ("it was nice but I prefer to be in your hands") and then accepted 300$ from him for it.

Of all this I did not know anything and came home from the mission with enough dough to solve our economic problems but faced with a furious wife (I just recognized her state, but had no real explanation, I noticed she was furious, but did not know why; we had had the best imaginable matrimony ever so far from my POV).

Finally, after two month after the incident, she left me "out of the blue" (for me).

I was shocked and immidiately went to the "reconquista", in the course of which the whole story finally came out.

Now my emotions went wild....While I am not a jealous person at all (e.g. the physical facts of what she did do not affect me at all), I suddenly encountered myself split in two emotional halves (sorry no better words in a foreign language):

- One half recognized that I had a part in bringing her into a desperate situation, which made me instantly pardon her: also I realized with respect what she was/is capable of doing (Lesson Learned: Women will ALWAYS surprise you one day). This emotional half of mine also felt sad for her because she was absurdly furious for nothing (np the act, no other women on my side, etc)

- The other half felt betrayed (as I had never been infidel) and infuriated (that she had not really told me what was up and that she would even imagine I would cheat on her).

Anyway, the reconquista (still otw, all this has happened within the last 2 month and is fairly fresh) went fairly well so far (we pass a great deal of time together as before, and we talk a lot between the friends that we are), but - and here comes the point - sex has really changed:

I find myself "marking my territory" furiously, with a strange mixture of love and hate: from her side there is the similar, she is still furious both with me and with herself, her face loss within the village (the guy spilled) has made her hate me while at the same time she is more in love with me than ever; we have the most violent sex we ever had (to mutual enjoyment obviously).

The lust coming from these feelings has gripped us both, alternatively filling us with excitement and with hate, and I cannot tell where it will end.

Don Quijote
Re: Re: my 2c

McKenna said:
Don Quijote, thank you for sharing your story. I can definitely see the emotion being played out between you as quite powerful and authentic. Although your angle isn't quite the one I was going for in a story about "hate sex," I appreciate your insights into the situation. Once again, thank you for sharing.

I wasn't questioning if it was possible, handlebars. I'm already positive it is. I'm just curious to hear about more real-life experiences, and the "why" behind such a scenario. Can you add anything enlightening?
geesh, all i got was "i was looking for experiences"