Help Mae get 1k

Mae..thank you for your comments on my post...have I told you lately how lovely you are?? I dont' think I have...shame on me..:p I'm trying to find me a good avatar...hehe...let's see how big this one is..last one was tiny..:( I think your posts are incredibly sensual...I love them...take care...
First off, thank you all so much for your continuing comments and encouragement. It is nice to get one's ego stroked every once and a while, Lit seems to be my place to get it. No wonder I'm addicted, lol!

I am still struggling with a title, but then, it's not terribly important, so I will go with the flow on that one. I know it seems like I'm going slow compared to my first extravaganza here, but I *do* have the requests noted and will do them when I have time and energy...I have a 3-day weekend coming up and might be able to shoot some more then, or I might just disappear into the frozen wilderness for a bit to try and reclaim some sanity.

Here's a few for emptyhed...*smooch* hope you see these hon. I'd still be happy to be your nurse anytime, I promise I'd be good to ya :)

*hugs to all*

Man, I'm realizing how the circles under my eyes come out in B&W...actually had to brush some out or I looked half dead. Of course, if I would sleep more....and dream less (or at least happier)...and work a hell of a lot less...
The water was nice and warm, even though it doesn't quite look like it by my pose, lol!
You know who you are...

Had a random inspiration as I was getting ready for the nice hot bath...thought you might get a giggle out of it after our conversations.

Better than vanilla bean? Damn right I am.... :D
I actually have a few of these, like how they turned out...of course with the whole B&W thing again! I'll never be able to break away from it! Especially considering how the colour shots show off how deathly pale I am at the

Or maybe all these ice cream shots can just be tied back to my oral fixation, hehe...
Sooo cool and creamy and smooth and delicious....*melt* How it gently slides down your throat...
Hi Mae

I was wondering if you were going to keep up this thread now that you've got 1000. Glad to see that you are (very glad to see that you are). How about 'Help Mae get 2k'. < grin >

Wow I'm tired, that took me abotu 5 mins to type.
You know, I don't have it that much, so it's almost like a new experience each time. I taste it and remember how yummy it is!
More decadence....(I had a little butterscotch drizzled over it even! I loooove butterscotch. Butterscotch pudding drizzled on someone....ohyeah:D)
Open wide? Such a fitting pic title...and something I love to do :)
Oh no Mr. Bill!!

Mae is running out! Whatever shall she do? Ahh, the travesties of life! *swoon*
It's break time Mae.

You have spent many hours feeding our spirits Mae. It's time for you to feed your own spirit for a change.

Spread your wings and feel the fresh breeze against your face this weekend. Be quiet and listen to your own needs asking to be recognized.

We will miss you, but we will be glad for you.

Re: It's break time Mae.

privy2u said:
You have spent many hours feeding our spirits Mae. It's time for you to feed your own spirit for a change.

Spread your wings and feel the fresh breeze against your face this weekend. Be quiet and listen to your own needs asking to be recognized.

We will miss you, but we will be glad for you.


Ahhh Privy..."fresh breeze" doesn't even begin to describe what I have here right now....think more along the lines of gusting winds that bring down the temps to about negative 30 with the windchill! Makes me wonder if I'd come back alive if I went out rambling for a couple days in the wilderness, although I *do* have a damn nice sleeping bag! :)

As far as recognizing my needs...well I recognize them fully, I have for a long time. They are just not going to get resolved anytime soon. Some, in about 2 months, some, probably much longer. I balance, and deal, as I always do. Us nightengales are tough that way. Besides, we find comfort in giving.

Oooh, that's right...I have more in the freezer! Ahhh, ice cream is one of those things I like in small doses. Unlike some other things! *g*

Ah well, that's it for Mae tonight. Time to go battle the dream demons again, then another day of work early in the morn.

Be well Lit, and drink deep
Sweet dreams may. Cannot wait for more of you. Wondering what will inspire you next......
sweet Dreams Mae hun. I Just wanted to say I've been a silent admirer still dont know why you havent had Mr . Right come and sweep you off your feet we all know you deserve him and ill bring ya some more ben and jerrys ice cream at the next shot of pics :) or you can come here to IL and ill feed you all sorts of ice cream

You make my life better from a thousand miles away.


"Not all those that wander are lost." JRR Tolkein I like this quote as much for what it says as for the antonym that it implies. Not all those that are standing firm are found.

With love,
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Just for you...


After browsing your pics for hours, I was compelled to join this forum simply so that I can be further enlightened by the beauty and grace of your body. You are exquisitely beautiful, and were I not happily committed, I would certainly expend every effort within my power to be the subject of your serene gaze for but one moment. I can only impatiently await your next post.

With admiration,
Mae, thank you again for posting!

I love each and everyone that you do and like I told you, you are one that I always look to see. Lovely as usual. Wish I had been there to wash that back for you, my lovely......

and to get you more ice cream and butterscotch topping......

Ah, well. You know me well enough to know what is in my mind now.


Really great pics Mae!!! Love the look of the water on your skin. Mmmm... I bet taking a bath with you would be uhmm... very hot. :)

Thanks for sharing your always awesome picture. :)

Re: Florence,

jeditoph said:
You make my life better from a thousand miles away.


"Not all those that wander are lost." JRR Tolkein I like this quote as much for what it says as for the antonym that it implies. Not all those that are standing firm are found.

With love,

Toph, toph, alike we are at times. That sticker has been permanently on my vehicles for the past 8 years now. It is one of the mantras I have always held up in my life. It is so very true that not all who wander are lost...but at times those that are lost do wander :) Sometimes, across the world... Hope you enjoyed some beer and jazz for me!

And Sabine? Well, I think we'd be arguing over who got to wash who's back... :) *smooch*

Drink deep,