Hi from Miami - First Posted Pic

Way to go Lola

How about that girl we are just getting to know.


The pics just keep getting better and better all the time.

Keep up the good work hun and i know the guys will be keeping it up as well.

Those pictures are quite obviously NOT fakes. Not only is the tatoo there in both, but her mouth looks exactly as it should from one pic to the next. That they be questioned as fakes is absurd.

Now then, Lola, I have to say that your last ass/puss shot is fantastic. You have a great ass and a beautiful pussy, but that single drop of fluid is just over the top. It's little things like that which separate the herd from the greats!

That said, I have something I am going to PM you about...
Way to go Lola!


For those of us who "appreciate" a nice hot body like Lola's.......

Lola? How about taking that finger you so wonderfully showed your detractors, and place it in a much more erotic and sensual fashion...say, between your legs? <ewg>

I remain........

Lola you look really good, I mean REALLY good. The only reason people were jerks to you is because you looks so damn good it is hard to imagine that you are for real. YOu could easily be a model. They must not be kidding when they say that the most beutiful people in the world live in Miami. Plus I am drooling looking at your pics. Maybe it is the fact that it is 30 degrees outside here, and you all your pictures are on the beach. Or maybe it could be something else.;)
Is it hot here or is it just Lola

I don't know about the rest of the good folks here but Lola posted her pics today and a major snowstorm in the Midwest unexpectedly became rain. All I have to say is God bless global warming and Ms.Lola's seriously scortchin' body.....
Reply to J. Cage

Hey Johnny Cage, why dont you post your own pic so everyone can comment.....................Look forward to seeing it here soon.


You're one hot babe!! Great body & you can tell you take great care of it. Love those wonderful tits (damn I feel like Tony)

Thanks for sharing with us & we hope to see more of you in the future...

Fuck these assholes. Anyone giving you shit is just a petty, small, worthless human being (being very generous here) who needs to feel better about themselves by ripping other people. Its shameful. Your pictures are awesome. You are very fucking hot and you don't need to prove shit to anyone. Loved the finger pic!!! Please keep posting. I will be on the look out for more pics. You rock!!!!

"Don't let the bastards grind you down"
Thanks Handjive

Here's one for U.

U guys can post some pics for me too!!!;)

Thank you. All I can say is Oh My God! Another amazing pic. I think this will be the one I use to finish of the day with. I'll have to work on getting you a pic of me. Thanks again!

Dont you never ever never ever never ever stop posting! I am soo hot right now just from looking at your pics. I especially like the one with you flicking the camera off. I got a kick out of that one LOL.

First of all thank you for sharing your lovely pic's with us.....now that you have beaten the trolls back....I must take the time to thank you.

I am sorry that I have waited this long to reply to your post, but I have started not posting to threads that the trolls of the Lit members ad non-lit member seem to be attracted to. Its a personnal type of thing.

But anyway........thanks again for the wonderful pic's and thanks for sharing..........Did I mention that sharing is a good thing?..OH btw .....Did I mention that I was a breast man?

Thanks again...and I Love your Inks and piercings........and welcome to the world of the LIT and into its fine family of members.

The Tunamaster.....aka.....The Breast Man

PS......can you keep a secret????????????

I look away for just a minute and along comes Lola! I'm sorry I didn't get to post earlier and help bash the unregistered, dickless assholes.

You are beautiful Lola.
I am in awe of the body.I am in awe of the body.I am in awe of the body.Sorry Lola....I think my needle is stuck.
As requested....I posted my pic on a new thread, 'From Miami for Lola' hope you like it.

And, as always....I love you pics!!!
help 911

you take my breath away lola
each posting has me gasping for air more than the last
I was barely recovering from your wonderful ass when I saw your ink and piercings
keep the pics coming
what a way to die

I don't care what the others say. I loved them. Keep posting!!!!
got here when i heard the news

wow lola incredible all of them. wish i got here earlier is the party still going?