How did you choose your pseudonym?

Is Aunty-Disestablishmentarianism Taken?

I took my great-great aunt's first name which you never ever hear any more and my mother's best friend's maiden name and worked them together to form what I thought was a really classy and unique name.

When I was growing up, I was the flattest chest in my neighborhood, so all the boys in elementary school decided to call me Chuck. Go figure.
Is Aunty-Disestablishmentarianism Taken?

I was given my great-great aunt's first name which you never ever hear of any more (Ulyssa) and I took my mother's maiden name (Kincaid) because together they formed what I felt was a fairly classy and kind of literary sort of name.

When I was growing up, I had the flattest chest in my neighborhood, so all the kids in junior high school decided to call me "Useless." Happily I grew out of that. Today of course I probably would've searched for a school friend whose Dad owned an unlocked gun cabinet.