How Do You View Yourself?

Of course I would dare to say that 50% at least of us struggle with the same issues. I have found that chatting has bolstered my self-confidence, and definitely my self-image. When I was younger I looked reasonably good, but I didn't think so. Now I am older some of the features I had trouble with have improved (teeth, eyes), but now the body disappoints, especially legs, due to illness. So what you are saying is quite reasonable for those of us with self-image issues. They say that love or like is all in the eye of the beholder. I think that is so true. When I look back at pictures of people I 'liked, or loved,' I can't believe I thought that they were so good looking or so interesting.........but it's all in our heads. The thing is that that electric feeling of connection and sexual attraction is something that happens....with no rhym or reason. I know it's not easy, and I know you can't just get rid of it on the say so of a therapist or CBT, but we can think of something else, and not be so hard on ourselves or at least try too...............big hugs for you.
My mom was a narcissist! Told me at 6. Years old, that God punish her she didn't want me.
My mom was a narcissist! Told me at 6. Years old, that God punish her she didn't want me. Never said she loved me. I showed her I became everything she wanted and better great at sport, music dated the most beautiful girls! But in the end she got what she wanted! Every now and then I'd put on a woman's clothes and looked good pick up by handsome strong hot black men, the thing she hated most, and was used for their sexual desires! They sure taught me to enjoy and please a man! So it's all in you if you work hard enough you can do anything and have anything you want. Look at the positive parts and things you do be good at them!
My therapist is helping me reconstruct an answer to this question, honestly. I’ll chime in when I have a better answer.
I'm short, fat, and now thanks to my arthritis I'm sometimes hunched.

In short, I'm a real catch.

Also, I'm kinda an asshole, which I'm sure helps.
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I'm an "Intersex" person.
If you don't know what that is, Google it.
I live it
You Will be surprised.

Oh, one more thing, I don't give a rat's ass if you don't believe me.
Look under

Calling me an asshole would be a laugh!
I did Google it as I never heard that word before. Interesting! And yes I was suprised.

Thank you for sharing that with us!
I have always struggled with self esteem issues and much, much moreso now. I'm 60, very obese and self conscious (it's my own fault, really). I struggle with depression, anxiety and panic disorders, and PTSD. I used to be the extrovert in the middle of the tornado of fun. Now I can't even have friends in my house without freaking out.

I never had a decent paying job, barely scraping by my whole working life. I didn't finish college although I made more than one attempt at it, and missed my calling (I should have been a paleontologist. Seriously). Divorced after 30 years of marriage, and now on disability for the mental illnesses listed above and chronic pain (I eat Norco and psych meds like a kid eats Pez to just function on a minimal level).

So, in many ways, I see myself the end result of bad career, collegiate, and life decisions that after a work injury and two complete mental breakdowns have put me here on my computer all of my waking day to entertain and follow my interests. I'm not really happy with where I am.