How Do You View Yourself?

I’m probably too harsh on myself. I don’t find myself overly attractive, have flaws and imperfections but hey who doesn’t?

I am my own harshest critic. If I get something wrong I blame myself harder than most will.

I also overthink a lot. Sometimes too much.
I have a huge problem with how I view myself. At times crippling self hatred, and very low self esteem, and filled with anxiety.
I wish I had some useful advice, but I don’t, it’s a daily struggle. For me what ”works” is therapy and meds. And when I say works, I mean it’s a fucking struggle and some days are better than others.

I wanna like myself so much and I wanna be pretty and funny and cute and sexy. But it’s so fucking hard. I dont like photos of myself and I dont like mirrors.
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I have a huge problem with how I view myself. At times crippling self hatred, and very low self esteem, and filled with anxiety.
I wish I had some useful advice, but I don’t, it’s a daily struggle. For me what ”works” is therapy and meds. And when I say works, I mean it’s a fucking struggle and some days are better than others.
For what it's worth, you don't come across like that in lit. What comes across like a spotlight is your in your post...:rose:
I have a huge problem with how I view myself. At times crippling self hatred, and very low self esteem, and filled with anxiety.
I wish I had some useful advice, but I don’t, it’s a daily struggle. For me what ”works” is therapy and meds. And when I say works, I mean it’s a fucking struggle and some days are better than others.

I wanna like myself so much and I wanna be pretty and funny and cute and sexy. But it’s so fucking hard. I dont like photos of myself and I dont like mirrors.
Wish this wasn't the case, many people no matter how beautiful and amazing they are, are not happy with how they see themselves. I am sure the world looks differently to you, but what matters most is you keeping up the fight. If you ever need to talk, I'm a great listener. Sincerely rooting for you in this fight within yourself.
In certain aspects of my life I'm a massive failure. In others, some would say I'm a success.

So, I guess I would categorize myself as average.
Wish this wasn't the case, many people no matter how beautiful and amazing they are, are not happy with how they see themselves. I am sure the world looks differently to you, but what matters most is you keeping up the fight. If you ever need to talk, I'm a great listener. Sincerely rooting for you in this fight within yourself.
Thank you ❤️
I don't like how I look at all.
I'm too big. Too plain. Too many things that I would magic away if I was able.

I try to be good and kind and empathetic.
I keep an open mind, I'm non judgemental, patient. I want to be a safe place for people because I know how it feels to not have one.

I am curious, love to learn, can be silly or sarcastic - depending on how comfortable I am with someone.

I am awkward though. I don't know how to fit in and I'm not sure I ever have done. I have atrocious mental health struggles and I know that could impact what I think about myself but generally I'm pretty realistic. I know my personality is my best feature but I also know it's not enough to make anyone stay.

That's hard to deal with so I focus on my family, doing the best by my kid, being a good friend. Encouraging and supporting and being someone to depend on.

Is it enough? No. But it's more than a lot of people have so I'm grateful.
I’m intelligent, but in ways it just doesn’t matter anymore. I am shockingly stupid in other ways. I’m not, nor have I ever been, physically attractive in my view so I’ve tried to focus on being funny and kind.

I make selfish decisions sometimes, but I don’t really mean to be that way. I look back at some of the things I’ve done and said and it pains my heart.

I’m getting older and I don’t like it. I used to be almost overly optimistic about everything but it gets just a little tougher every day.
I'm way too harsh on myself. I suffer from low self esteem thanks to my "wonderful" parents.
I just feel awkward about my body. I don't feel skinny enough and think my breasts are too big. Though I have a couple people who tell me they are just fine. 🙄