How long will the MAGAts' giddy sugar high last?


Literotica Guru
Jul 31, 2013
Their cult leader promised lower prices on all essentials, ending all wars, "protecting" women, deporting millions of undocumented migrants, "fixing" our health care system, getting rid of waste and corruption in government, telling our European allies to fend for themselves, abandoning climate treaties, and somehow returning America to a golden era of greatness.

However, all he has done so far is signal more chaos and retribution. Owning the libs is no longer enough-- now the libs must be investgated as the enemy within, no matter how distracting that may be to achieving the golden era promised by the cult leader. Lit MAGAts and their ammosexual allies are saying chaos and disruption are exactly what we need.

This chaos is like their big old bag of Halloween candy. How long will their sugar high last?
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About as long as your funk.

Washed away in the excitement of another theft election on the horizon...
Much more than being an America First movement, this is a Me First movement.

I think the giddy stage, as expressed in post #2, will last at least until inauguration. Then, we will re-enter the long phase where brainwashed followers make excuses for every rash and disruptive move made by the narcissistic con artist. Some will say it's God's Plan. Some will rapidly line their pockets.

Many will see a modest but temporary economic boost from market deregulation. Mussolini's corporate state even got the trains running on time for a while.

But several years later, the freewheeling party is interrupted with a crash. Not just an increase in consumer prices, but a systemic crash. The rash decisions about intimidating public servants, abandoning cooperative alliances, and disrupting interdependent economic systems come back to haunt the Me First movement. They once again blame and scapegoat the "others", even though the Me First movement had full control over the rash and disruptive decisions.

Demolition is easy. Reconstruction is costly, and sometimes impossible.
Their cult leader promised lower prices on all essentials, ending all wars, "protecting" women, deporting millions of undocumented migrants, "fixing" our health care system, getting rid of waste and corruption in government, telling our European allies to fend for themselves, abandoning climate treaties, and somehow returning America to a golden era of greatness.

However, all he has done so far is signal more chaos and retribution. Owning the libs is no longer enough-- now the libs must be investgated as the enemy within, no matter how distracting that may be to achieving the golden era promised by the cult leader. Lit MAGAts and their ammosexual allies are saying chaos and disruption are exactly what we need.

This chaos is like their big old bag of Halloween candy. How long will their sugar high last?

He’s Your President.

Go buy some new panties and relax.

I do not know about the giddy MAGAts, but as a Libertarian, I am not unhappy with the election results...
After the celebration, the work starts. There are plenty of partisans who want to share the victory but not the work. They will be stepping back for a while.
I do not know about the giddy MAGAts, but as a Libertarian, I am not unhappy with the election results...
Good point about the Libertarians being happy with the election results.

Also, the ammosexuals are spiking the ball in the end zone.

The Me First movement is definitely a political coalition.
After the celebration, the work starts. There are plenty of partisans who want to share the victory but not the work. They will be stepping back for a while.
It is going to be real work to get along with the majority's mentoring.

They got a couple of ladies that are off-the-reservation.

Their cult leader promised lower prices on all essentials, ending all wars, "protecting" women, deporting millions of undocumented migrants, "fixing" our health care system, getting rid of waste and corruption in government, telling our European allies to fend for themselves, abandoning climate treaties, and somehow returning America to a golden era of greatness.

However, all he has done so far is signal more chaos and retribution. Owning the libs is no longer enough-- now the libs must be investgated as the enemy within, no matter how distracting that may be to achieving the golden era promised by the cult leader. Lit MAGAts and their ammosexual allies are saying chaos and disruption are exactly what we need.

This chaos is like their big old bag of Halloween candy. How long will their sugar high last?
They’re already getting nervous and looking around for a scapegoat.
His MO is to distract the poor deluded fucktards that voted for him - distract them from all the promises he made & is breaking (just like he did in his last rodeo)by pretending that his personal vindictiveness is his "draining of the swamp" which they'll all cheer & swallow, not realising in their deluded reverie that he is fucking them.

Only when the pain becomes unbearable will they wake up to how he has used them - just like he uses and has used all the people/workers/military he despises
However, all he has done so far is signal more chaos and retribution.

Doing things that trigger the anti-USA democrats to fuckin' Pluto is a side benefit

Owning the libs is no longer enough-- now the libs must be investgated as the enemy within,

Yea..... act like the enemy within, get treated like the enemy within.

Lit MAGAts and their ammosexual allies are saying chaos and disruption are exactly what we need.

You're literally the only person saying that.

We want Democrats held accountable and their corrupt power structures dismantled, but I can see how swamp creatures like yourself would see that as 'chaos and disruption'. For you and yours it no doubt will be..... say goodbye to the ATF :D
This chaos is like their big old bag of Halloween candy. How long will their sugar high last?

A lot longer than leftist snobbery and arrogance.
It'll last until they realize he's not talking in hyperbole. When they realize all the 'freedoms' are really just chains used to benefit their corporate overlords. Or not. 🤷🏻‍♀️
It'll last until they realize he's not talking in hyperbole. When they realize all the 'freedoms' are really just chains used to benefit their corporate overlords. Or not. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Or….when he says that the deep state are the ones that keep you in chains with subsistence level handouts and moderated mass media… that removing those limits and blinders will create more opportunity, not less….he could also be right.

I think the knee jerk partisanship is the real american slavery.
It'll last until they realize he's not talking in hyperbole.

We're counting on it. Praying for it....hoping to GAWD ALMIGHTY that he isn't.


When they realize all the 'freedoms' are really just chains used to benefit their corporate overlords. Or not. 🤷🏻‍♀️

LMFAO....,we're not communist, we don't see individual freedom and private property as an evil the way you do.
We're counting on it. Praying for it....hoping to GAWD ALMIGHTY that he isn't.


LMFAO....,we're not communist, we don't see individual freedom and private property as an evil the way you do.
True and capitalism is already the downfall of your 'empire'. It's sad watching a society in collapse while majority of it's citizen's are in denial.
True and capitalism is already the downfall of your 'empire'.

What capitalism?? USA abandoned that over a hundred years ago. We no longer have private property nor do we own our labor anymore. It's all been collectivized. We now SWAT 8 year olds for lemonade stands and treat people who feed the homeless without a license like terrorist....there is very little to nothing left of capitalism in the USA.

THAT has been the downfall of the 'empire'. Just like every other collectivist shit hole ever.....the parasites are killing the host.

It's sad watching a society in collapse while majority of it's citizen's are in denial.

And you think it's capitalism that is causing the collapse??

I don't think very many are in denial, the polls show very much the opposite.
True and capitalism is already the downfall of your 'empire'. It's sad watching a society in collapse while majority of it's citizen's are in denial.
My view is the USA has a Values Problem to work through.

That said, they’re still the most successful country in the history of the world.

Canadian Tire Auto Service is the most complained about auto service company in Canada.

But they are also the Biggest by a huge amount. Way way bigger than anyone.
The USA have been brainwashed by a preferred "freedom to ... "mentality - freedom to own guns, freedom to say anything whether incendiary or not, freedom to make excessive profits gouging the public, freedom to .....

In more enlightened societies people are more concerned about "freedom from" - freedom to not worry about your child not returning home from school because of another school shooting, freedom from not being left penniless because you need medical treatment, freedom to
What capitalism?? USA abandoned that over a hundred years ago. We no longer have private property nor do we own our labor anymore. It's all been collectivized.

And how is it the downfall of anything??

And you think it's capitalism that is causing the collapse??

I don't think very many are in denial, the polls show very much the opposite.
It's cutthroat. Unfortunately you're only as strong as your weakest link and the astronomical division of wealth is leaving many folk unable to feed or house themselves creating a situation where desperation causes chaos.
My view is the USA has a Values Problem to work through.

That said, they’re still the most successful country in the history of the world.

Canadian Tire Auto Service is the most complained about auto service company in Canada.

But they are also the Biggest by a huge amount. Way way bigger than anyone.
Don't be stepping on China's toes.