How long will the MAGAts' giddy sugar high last?

Hardcore MAGAts include corporatists seeking short term profits and vengeful misfits seeking the destruction of the federal government.

Hardcore MAGAts don't actually expect their cult leader to fulfill his campaign promises. They will shoot off their mouths until the GOP totally crashes the economy. Again. Their next collapse will involve the entire banking system, and not just a few banks like in 2008.

At that point, giddiness will be replaced by blaming the Democrats.
Another giddy manifestation on Lit of the Trump victory is lonely posters like AJ increasing the number of posts and threads featuring unguided tours of their stream of unconsciousness.
I see the Deplorables set a new holiday shit-posting record yesterday.

They're giddily pledging allegiance to their cult leader as the MAGAt victory party rages on.

With no distractions from family gatherings, Christmas will offer them another opportunity to spend the entire day engaging in their right-wing circle jerk.
For them, it's all about sticking it to the liberals. It was never about the price of groceries with these knuckle draggers. They love chaos and thrive on hatred.

It doesn't matter if the old dementia-ridden man's policies hurt them, they will blame Biden or even Obama.

The average MAGAt, who is not a rich businessman, is insecure, broke, and willfully ignorant. He or she bases their very own existence in bashing liberals, blaming others for their loser position in life. That's what life is about for these dusties along with cruelty to others who don't look like them.

Imagine gloating over the richest man in the world (who is really running things) who wants to get richer by stealing Meemaw's funds. You have got to be a shitty human being to think that is ok. That's the MAGAt mentality and then they wonder why people despise and disown them.
For them, it's all about sticking it to the liberals. It was never about the price of groceries with these knuckle draggers. They love chaos and thrive on hatred.

It doesn't matter if the old dementia-ridden man's policies hurt them, they will blame Biden or even Obama.

The average MAGAt, who is not a rich businessman, is insecure, broke, and willfully ignorant. He or she bases their very own existence in bashing liberals, blaming others for their loser position in life. That's what life is about for these dusties along with cruelty to others who don't look like them.

Imagine gloating over the richest man in the world (who is really running things) who wants to get richer by stealing Meemaw's funds. You have got to be a shitty human being to think that is ok. That's the MAGAt mentality and then they wonder why people despise and disown them.
Trump's cult is just that; they won't abandon him for anything, even if it hurts them personally. Most of them also probably hate government and are more than happy to watch him destroy it. But we've already seen two special elections where the Dems overperformed vastly compared to last year. I suspect there's plenty more of that on the way.
For them, it's all about sticking it to the liberals.

You're not liberals, you're authoritarian "progressives"....aka Communist.

He or she bases their very own existence in bashing liberals,

Again, communist.

blaming others for their loser position in life.

^^ leftist projection. Tell us more about how the white man and whiteness are the problem with everything.

Imagine gloating over the richest man in the world (who is really running things) who wants to get richer by stealing Meemaw's funds.

Those aren't Meemaw's funds you absolute psycho....those are taxpayer dollars.

You have got to be a shitty human being to think that is ok.
Says the person supporting overt corruption and trying to church it up as Meemaw's funds LOL
Their cult leader promised lower prices on all essentials, ending all wars, "protecting" women, deporting millions of undocumented migrants, "fixing" our health care system, getting rid of waste and corruption in government, telling our European allies to fend for themselves, abandoning climate treaties, and somehow returning America to a golden era of greatness.

However, all he has done so far is signal more chaos and retribution. Owning the libs is no longer enough-- now the libs must be investgated as the enemy within, no matter how distracting that may be to achieving the golden era promised by the cult leader. Lit MAGAts and their ammosexual allies are saying chaos and disruption are exactly what we need.

This chaos is like their big old bag of Halloween candy. How long will their sugar high last?

It's not a sugar high. It's a hate high.

Trump's election has removed any shame or consequences for hating in public. So they're indulging big time.