How Zuckerberg Fixed The 2020 Election

Dementia Joe isn’t going to be able to stop China from using their hurricane gun on us this hurricane season.
What the fuck is a hurricane gun?

I ask, because even when your posts seem joky and satirical in nature to us normal/rational people.... they are not meant to be.
Even stupider are the people who eat that kind of shit up and fervently believe that it's actually true...
Come to think of it, is Zuckerberg even a Democrat? What reason do we have to believe he would help Biden win?
You seem clever enough to realize that US elections are organized and administered by Democrats and Republicans alike, everywhere. Any procedural flaws are the fault of both sides. Mistakes get made, like connecting a modem to a tabulator, or conducting an audit using the wrong color pens, but it’s only human nature. Fraud can’t be proven without also proving intent, and it just isn’t there.
I surely DO agree that republicans and democrats are just 2 wings of the same corrupt bird but I also very much believe in Occam's razer.....the simplest answer is probably the right answer. When Donald Trump consistently had 10s of thousands at every rally and joe biden did well to have 100 it is inconceivable to believe that somehow biden received the highest number of votes ever. It simply did not happen. Further that with considering that it is nearly impossible to find a single person today who will admit to voting for biden.....where are the 80 million who did? So, yes, I am woefully aware that our govt is corrupt, that money is king, that the most honest politician ever is corrupted within a term in washington.....but there is ineptitude and then there is surreptitious destructive we are seeing over and over now with our economic nose dive, with impending famine, etc etc.
I surely DO agree that republicans and democrats are just 2 wings of the same corrupt bird but I also very much believe in Occam's razer.....the simplest answer is probably the right answer. When Donald Trump consistently had 10s of thousands at every rally and joe biden did well to have 100 it is inconceivable to believe that somehow biden received the highest number of votes ever. It simply did not happen. Further that with considering that it is nearly impossible to find a single person today who will admit to voting for biden.....where are the 80 million who did? So, yes, I am woefully aware that our govt is corrupt, that money is king, that the most honest politician ever is corrupted within a term in washington.....but there is ineptitude and then there is surreptitious destructive we are seeing over and over now with our economic nose dive, with impending famine, etc etc.
But the the circus always draws a crowd.

Democrats have jobs and aren't in a cult.
but there is ineptitude and then there is surreptitious destructive we are seeing over and over now with our economic nose dive, with impending famine, etc etc.
Nobody planned any of that.
But the the circus always draws a crowd.

Democrats have jobs and aren't in a cult.
That’s my thought. Anyone going to a Trump rally would witness what a screwball he is, and decide not to vote for him. He wiped out his chances for re-election 10,000 voters at a time.
I surely DO agree that republicans and democrats are just 2 wings of the same corrupt bird but I also very much believe in Occam's razer.....the simplest answer is probably the right answer. When Donald Trump consistently had 10s of thousands at every rally and joe biden did well to have 100 it is inconceivable to believe that somehow biden received the highest number of votes ever. It simply did not happen.
Oh, FFS. First of all, it was the height of an epidemic where spending time in large crowds was to be avoided at all costs. Biden's supporters understood this; Trump's didn't. Besides that, it doesn't matter how intensely each candidate's supporters felt that support; they still only got one vote each.

Further that with considering that it is nearly impossible to find a single person today who will admit to voting for biden.....where are the 80 million who did?
Nearly everyone I know did, including myself. I have no trouble believing the opposite is true of you, but in no way does that indicate anything beyond the circles we run in. Your circle of friends are not the only people who vote. Get over it.
That’s my thought. Anyone going to a Trump rally would witness what a screwball he is, and decide not to vote for him. He wiped out his chances for re-election 10,000 voters at a time.
Except that those voters were themselves screwballs, and went to the rallies for that reason.
Nearly everyone I know did, including myself. I have no trouble believing the opposite is true of you, but in no way does that indicate anything beyond the circles we run in. Your circle of friends are not the only people who vote. Get over it.
It's an old problematic fallacy in politics: "How could X have won?! Nobody I know voted for him!"

How Zuckerberg Used a Tax-Exempt Foundation to Help Biden Fix the 2020 Election

And got away with it.

Fri May 13, 2022
David Horowitz and John Perazzo

Everybody to the right of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez knows that the root cause of the crisis facing America — the most serious since the Civil War — is lawlessness. And everybody not under the spell of the Democrat spin machine understands that the lawlessness begins at the top, with government and the many agencies of the executive branch who are tasked by our Constitution with enforcing the law. Whether by failing to enforce our immigration statutes, or failing to prosecute criminals in our streets, or violating our election procedures to favor one party, Democrat administrations in our nation’s capital and our major cities have brazenly supported criminal behavior carried out by Black Lives Matter rioters, common street thugs, and anti-Supreme Court agitators seeking to extort decisions by fear. The effect has been to systematically undermine the rule of law, stoke the fires of anarchy, and sow chaos in our institutions.

This trend has been evident since the revival of the radical left on the eve of the 9/11 attacks and its creation of Sanctuary Cities designed to flout the law and prevent the enforcement of the PATRIOT Act. It escalated with Obama’s illegal, unconstitutional — and self-acknowledged — violation of America’s immigration laws. And it spread to the revenue authority of the I.R.S., which systematically rejected the applications for tax-exempt status of conservative organizations, until the scandal grew so large that it forced the resignation of the tax commissioner Lois Lerner. But while one commissioner is gone, the illegal partisan practices of the I.R.S. have continued to grow under her latest successor, Charles Rettig, playing a key role in skewing the results of the last presidential election.

Tax-exempt foundations are barred from contributing their resources to election campaigns. There is no ambiguity in the law concerning this prohibition:

The existence of such a regulation is meaningless, however, if it is not enforced. Consequently, this ban on campaign activities by “charitable” organizations didn’t daunt Facebook billionaire and Democrat Party patron Mark Zuckerberg and his wife when they plotted a massive campaign to swing the 2020 presidential election in favor of the Democrat, Joe Biden. The Facebook couple donated $419.5 million to two leftwing tax-exempt foundations with the intention of tipping the result to Biden by launching “get-out-the-vote” campaigns focused on Democrat precincts in battleground states.

A rarely mentioned fact about the 2020 election is that Biden eked out a victory by perhaps the narrowest margin in history — .027% of the 159 million votes cast. This was a margin easily created by a strategic influx of campaign cash coupled with orders to spend the money on massive numbers of paper ballots, which could be harvested from “drop boxes,” which, as Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary 2000 Mules shows, were repeatedly stuffed by Democrat operatives in the middle of the night.

Much more here:

Maybe next year we'll get to the bottom of this conspiracy by big tech and the left.
You’ve been left unsupervised again!

MAYBE, next year, you will be well enough to sue the surgeon that botched your lobotomy…….
This is a pretty old thread. O.P hasn't posted (under any of his 6+ aliases) in over a month. (Thankfully!)