Well... I'm not sure, but it may be because I worked in an environment where we used handcuffs, leg restraints, waist belts, and padded five-point restraints in extremis. But, when it came time for sexy times with Love, I just wasn't really a big fan of mechanicals. I did get a velcro padded restraint system for her with straps that could be run under the mattress. And she seemed to enjoy it the rare occasions when I utilized it. But, for me... Nah.
I much preferred using my body to trap hers if I used anything other than mental and voice commands for her to employ self-restraints.
The mental games and voice commands were a little more fun for me because it could make "the bedroom door" a little more flexible. One of my favorite memories was a Christmas party with her co-workers when I made her climax twelve times in two hours without ever touching her or anyone having the first idea of what was going on. (And in all honesty, I don't know that I could have with anyone other than her.)
However, both of us... well, had times that we needed something a little more physical. And during those times, I needed... well, to know that it was me controlling her rather than anything mechanical.
But, I'm not completely sure that it's anything I can teach (or should even try to).
As an example, way back in the time before time when I strapped on pads and a gorilla face cage, I was a Center. And one of the exercises I was assigned was one-handed pull-ups using a towel around a ceiling support. However, I wasn't allowed to grip the towel normally. Instead, I had to wrap my thumb in the same direction as my fingers, in effect supporting my weight with my fingers instead of my full grip.
"What in the fuck does your football workout have to do with shit?" I'm getting to it.
The last time I remember being tested, I was capable of generating 65psi with my right hand and 62 with my left. When I gripped both of her wrists in one hand, she wasn't getting away, no matter how hard she tried, until I let her.
I also had quite a bit of training in seven martial arts that gave me a leg up in grappling techniques. (Before anyone goes getting all excited, I don't claim a black belt in any, and in several never stood a single test.) I used a lot of leverage and my body (and hers) to bind and restrain her.
Any road, I guess there is one technique we used pretty often that it wouldn't cause any harm for me to share. While she was on her back with me licking her pussy, I would trap her wrists beside her hips in my hands and use my shoulders to push her legs up until her knees were on her chest. My forearms kept her from spreading her legs any wider. My shoulders kept her from lowering them since she didn't have the body strength or leverage to shift me. And, as I said, she wasn't going to get her wrists loose until I let her. And I wasn't going to let her until I thought she'd had enough orgasms. (Usually one more than she thought she could.)
I will note, however, that I did have to be extremely careful restraining her by my strength and body bindings. I don't recall a single time that we got "forcefully playful" that she didn't sport at least light bruises for a day or two. Although, she never had any torn muscles or injured joints, which is possible using some of that. So, I'm not sure if I would suggest this option to anyone who didn't have quite a bit of training in other venues and the strength differential to pull it off.
BUT, there were times that I would use the velcroed padded restraint system to torment her. Generally, times when actual penetration wasn't on my menu selection for what I was going to inflict on her. From tickle torture to teasing her that I was going to leave and leave her like that to that I was going to invite someone over to see her that way. (Have a great picture of her flipping the two-fisted bird from that position after I'd teased that I was going to send a copy to her ex-husband that I'll never share.
Any road, that's probably not what you were after with this thread, so I'll pack my bat and ball(s) and wander off to go see what else I can Puck up.
Keep it safe, sane, and consensual. And party on, dudes (and dudettes).
I much preferred using my body to trap hers if I used anything other than mental and voice commands for her to employ self-restraints.
The mental games and voice commands were a little more fun for me because it could make "the bedroom door" a little more flexible. One of my favorite memories was a Christmas party with her co-workers when I made her climax twelve times in two hours without ever touching her or anyone having the first idea of what was going on. (And in all honesty, I don't know that I could have with anyone other than her.)
However, both of us... well, had times that we needed something a little more physical. And during those times, I needed... well, to know that it was me controlling her rather than anything mechanical.
But, I'm not completely sure that it's anything I can teach (or should even try to).
As an example, way back in the time before time when I strapped on pads and a gorilla face cage, I was a Center. And one of the exercises I was assigned was one-handed pull-ups using a towel around a ceiling support. However, I wasn't allowed to grip the towel normally. Instead, I had to wrap my thumb in the same direction as my fingers, in effect supporting my weight with my fingers instead of my full grip.
"What in the fuck does your football workout have to do with shit?" I'm getting to it.
The last time I remember being tested, I was capable of generating 65psi with my right hand and 62 with my left. When I gripped both of her wrists in one hand, she wasn't getting away, no matter how hard she tried, until I let her.
I also had quite a bit of training in seven martial arts that gave me a leg up in grappling techniques. (Before anyone goes getting all excited, I don't claim a black belt in any, and in several never stood a single test.) I used a lot of leverage and my body (and hers) to bind and restrain her.
Any road, I guess there is one technique we used pretty often that it wouldn't cause any harm for me to share. While she was on her back with me licking her pussy, I would trap her wrists beside her hips in my hands and use my shoulders to push her legs up until her knees were on her chest. My forearms kept her from spreading her legs any wider. My shoulders kept her from lowering them since she didn't have the body strength or leverage to shift me. And, as I said, she wasn't going to get her wrists loose until I let her. And I wasn't going to let her until I thought she'd had enough orgasms. (Usually one more than she thought she could.)
I will note, however, that I did have to be extremely careful restraining her by my strength and body bindings. I don't recall a single time that we got "forcefully playful" that she didn't sport at least light bruises for a day or two. Although, she never had any torn muscles or injured joints, which is possible using some of that. So, I'm not sure if I would suggest this option to anyone who didn't have quite a bit of training in other venues and the strength differential to pull it off.
BUT, there were times that I would use the velcroed padded restraint system to torment her. Generally, times when actual penetration wasn't on my menu selection for what I was going to inflict on her. From tickle torture to teasing her that I was going to leave and leave her like that to that I was going to invite someone over to see her that way. (Have a great picture of her flipping the two-fisted bird from that position after I'd teased that I was going to send a copy to her ex-husband that I'll never share.

Any road, that's probably not what you were after with this thread, so I'll pack my bat and ball(s) and wander off to go see what else I can Puck up.
Keep it safe, sane, and consensual. And party on, dudes (and dudettes).