I Love A Hairy Chest


You tease. I love it
You two need to meet me around the corner. Go up the flight of stairs and knock on the second door on the right.

*runs around straightening the house and changing the sheets before stepping into a bubble bath*

That......is a scene I need to stumble into
You two need to meet me around the corner. Go up the flight of stairs and knock on the second door on the right.

*runs around straightening the house and changing the sheets before stepping into a bubble bath*

That's quite a hard invitation to turn down -- especially with clean sheets thrown in. :D
Oh, it works, all right. Can't tell you exactly how, but ... ;):rose:[/QUOTE]

Well thank you very much! I will work on other, much bigger ones;)
Giving this another shot

Ladies, let me know what you think and if there is anything else you'd like to see ;)
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let's see how I did

ok..... trying my hand at another ;)
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