I love all the stories here but need help...

Whispersecret, you might be onto something! :)

It could be possible, heck, I saw my deceased brother on Halloween night three years ago. He been dead for three years. It could very well be possible that our world and that of the elves grew thin and he stepped into ours for the evening and found my 'Zorro'.

Thanks for the tip, Whispersecret.

Of course, I will.

I will post the link to my story as soon as I get it finished, beta read(which I am looking for beta readers) and sent in for submission to be accepted by Literotica.

Right now I am working on the room scene. I think I might get this story done by midnight central USA time, if I'm lucky.

And hopefully, I shall get this story into the hands of my beta readers by tonight or in the morning.

I'm on the scene where she(My Zorro) wakes up in the morning to find our that her lover of the previous night gone and she tries to find him only to find out that Kevin didn't know who he was.

Aaah - maybe it was the spirit of the REAL Zorro, rewarding this girl for continuing his good work!:)
Perhaps Svenskaflicka, I did love writing that scene. I sent it off to my beta readers this morning and hopefully within a few days, I'll have it back and be able to send it in for posting.

When you have dsylexia, you have to have extra pairs of eyes looking your stories over so you don't post something that really needed to be beta read by someone else.

I do tend to write looooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg stories when I get moving but this is one of my shorter stories only 7 pages long.

Female Zoro

I've read through the entire thread and have some suggestions to add if I might.

The character has dressed as a female zorro - Zorro generally being described as not only a man of honor but of daring. - she's masked, no one knows her, the mysterious stranger - Zorro was often a charmer (except for Zorro and the Gay Blade with George Hamilton but that's another thing all together LOL)

Now you've added the man (?) dressed as Legolas, I like the idea that perhaps it isn't a costume. Samhain or All Hallows Eve is a night when both spirits and the Fae Folk are said to come out in full force. You could run with that.

Perhaps this Legolas lookalike is an Elven Lord who, being bored with Arcadia, seeks a diversion in the human realm and finds a woman of strong character. She is graceful, he finds her beautiful and unlike the dainty and passive females of his race. He decides he must have her.

Perhaps this Legolas lookalike is her Kevin and this is why she is so intent on iimpressing Kevin - causing her to rush out for the costume when she had originally planned to stay home. Being of elven blood, he has access to magic and therefore you can carry this to another story or chaper - perhaps he returns to Arcadia and she refuses to accept the decision and hunts him down as Zorro hunts the rich Dons of California? Just some suggestions.

That could be an idea. I could work it into the story and have her resist him till he insert himself within her and have the lust of him taking her make her horny for him or something like that.

I'll have to work on it.

I've worked a new side to our 'Legolas' character and he ends up taking my character quite hard.

I'm writing his side of the story now so we see what is behind his motivation for raping our Zorro character.

It will be a two part story, with our 'Legolas' character revealing that he will return to our realm only to find her again when All Hallow's Eve returns.

I'm thinking about adding a small problem for him as in he falls in love with her and he's stuck trying to figure out whether or not to remain in our realm to become mortal to die like us.

I don't know if I will go that way or not.

How long is All Hallow's Eve last?

24 or 48 hours?

This is important for my second chapter to my story.


Solaris the Elf said:
How long is All Hallow's Eve last?

24 or 48 hours?

This is important for my second chapter to my story.



From Sunset Oct 31 to Sunrise Nov 01, Or from sunset to midnight.

At most, all of Oct 31 could be considered All Hallows Eve, but it's the hours of darkeness and especially the "midnight hour," from midnight to 1 AM, when the spooky stuff is going on.
Okay, now I got both stories finished. Two sides of the same night. I'm thinking about merging it together or should I leave it as it is and delve deeper into the mind of the Elf while he's with my character?

Or should I just take my chances and see if the readers will accept it like it is now?


Well if you leave them separate then you can list one and then post the other one as Same title the elf's POV or soemthing like that.

The midnight hour tends to be a recurring theme but the actual 'Witching' hour is between 3 am and 4am which is when the night is darkest and the veil between the worlds is the thinnest. It becomes the finest thinnest veil on Samhain or All Hallow's eve which is actually a pagan new year celebration depending on the tradition.

Having this legolas character fall in love with her is a good idea I think. Elves are susceptible to very few things and emotions like Love is one of their greatest weaknesses. Many stories describe elves as able to die from strong emotions. You could have your Zorro turn him away and then, finding she loves him too and feeling the pain of his slow dying, try to find him and save him.

Well, gang. I'm starting to merge the story together and with my perfectionist ways with my stories, I do not think I will be posting this Halloween story this year. :(

Sorry about that.

I'm going to hold this story off till next year's Halloween contest and just enjoy reading everyone else's stories. I know I'll probably disappoint a few of my possible readers but I think this will be worth it for the wait. It will give me a chance to really work on the story itself and not send in a subpar story, which everyone will hate.

I think everyone will love how it is when I finally post it come next year. I will work on other stories for posting soon.

Don't hate me for backing out of this year's Halloween contest. I assure you next year's I will be posting a very good Halloween story.

No, no, I applaud your devotion to your craft, Solaris. Better to stay true to your story than to rush it just for the sake of the contest.

Here's wishing more people would take the time to polish and perfect.
I agree Whisper.

I too wish more people would take the time to polish and perfect.

I have several stories in the works and some of them seem finished and ready but I'm not feeling ready to submit them.

Hrefna, I've been reading your recent posts and you seem to be a thoughtful addition to our writing community. :) Welcome to the Author's Hangout.
Thank You Whisper.

Its nice to find a place where I can contribute and talk about writing without being told I'm a looeny :)
Well, I'm working on merging the story together.

Took a few days off to look at the story from a different point of view and I think I might start it off with my leading lady out at lunch with some girlfriends and have them talk about their best Halloween night. One of them will ask my leading lady about hers and she starts talking about the night that she had the best night of her life the night she had sex with an elf from another realm.

I think it will then blend in with the story that I already wrote with the Elf's side of the story in this story as well or maybe I'll just leave it as is and include it at the end or something like that.

Not really sure about that.
