I wanna know what you guys think

what i would do for a woman right now--just look at it i gotta get rid of it before i pass out from lack of blood to my head
Ummmm, don't worry baby - if you pass out, I'll lay you down on the bed and continue sucking that beautiful cock of yours.


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never had a bj and now would be a great time for one---damn this thing is hard as a brick!

and then fainting.....

I'm not sure I could handle that, Phen. Jesus Christ (sorry to invoke a deity here), but fuck!

Ruby (wet and wild)

Whats wrong ruby? I cant help i got a dick brick lol tha bastard is really hard and wont cum--maybe i should tap this damn thing and make a new viagra

It was made for older guys to keep up with young ones like you.

Hope you come soon, Phen. ;)

Ruby (waiting for the pictures)
I'm not into guys but damn impressive is impressive..i dont thing it will be to long before you get all the experiance you want:)

Hiya Pheno!...........;) You and Ruby......Great role-play! It was like tapping in on some phonesex thing..........

As if I do tap in on phonesex things.....I just have a wild imagination........honest!


i think u definitly need to learn how to salute farther
What a great cock man! I'm not gay but this turns me on! You wouldn't have to ask me twice.
Pheno...you wanna know what I think?

I think your cock is absolutely delicious. You've got the kind of cock women want to impale themselves on.

I think you also need go out right away and get yourself a blowjob. Pity you're not next door...my mouth was made for sucking cock!


just wana play with it for a little while. not long day or two , maybe three.

I would do my best and make sure you had some enjoyment too:cool:

lick lick :p
Honest reply.


From one miltary guy to another, you will get yours, don't tell your pals what you haven't done, either in Basic or at your unit, because they will pitch in and buy you what you want. Unless of course that is what you want them to.

By the way, I am incredibly jealous of your cock.

I am a very comfortable 6 inches, so you dwarf me. Not that I am small, I am quite average, that is measured from the top, which measures a little differently than from the underside.

At anyrate, you have an "A game" penis.
