If you and the Person above you were Stuck On an Island

Beach Boys karaoke to woo the natives. They're looking at us with hungry eyes...
Cover every comment until it’s dripping with sexual innuendo, then feign outrage at his sexual response until his cock simply gives up and falls off.
Oh, I 'whip it out' every chance I get :)

There you go with your finger quotes again and don’t tell me you didn’t. My comment was referring to your old school video and you just slapped me in the mouth with your 12” (I lost track of how many inflated inches you were up to) cock. If you could hold onto you sexual thoughts, with both hands, for just one moment, I would bend over both ways to make our time as pleasant as possible.
Can she be stuck with me and IcePrincess please? What fun that would be!

Hi Miss Flower!

Buy the island at the island auction. Rename it something glamorous and exciting. Supervise the building of a sinful getaway which rivals Dubai and make our island invite only.

Getting started after our sand exfoliation appointment.
Build a doll out of sticks, coconuts, and leaves and set a schedule of who gets her on the days of the week.
Build a doll out of sticks, coconuts, and leaves and set a schedule of who gets her on the days of the week.

Start the first ever Island "Burning Man" Festival (for anyone unfamiliar, we don't actually burn anybody).
Start the first ever Island "Burning Man" Festival (for anyone unfamiliar, we don't actually burn anybody).

Have a clan meeting and decide that we need a leader of the island, the one with the smallest straw gets to be the leader...lol
Actually we would talk and talk and talk and talk. Comfortably equally!

We'd talk so much, that we would create our own legends of this new formed island...."Legend of Literotica Island, a please where your dreams stay dreams, or do they ;)"