If you could ban anything in the English language...

one of my pet hates: "It's a matter of life and death."

NO! It's a matter of life OR death!

You can't have both - it's one or the other. Hence the conundrum.
Needed words

I agree with D. Naughty. I don't like the word "vagina", but I use it. There is an unfortunate dearth of words for female sexual organs that aren't denigratory or infantile. This is no doubt due to men's historical monopoly on explicit talk.

Aside from "pussy", I know of no decent words for vagina. Men have plenty of words for their penises that treat them with respect: cock, prick, tool, &c., and what do we have for women? Snatch, twat, cunt. Terrible words.

Even breasts, so much beloved by men, don't fare well. Tits is grammar schoolish, and all the other words--& there are many--are either downright juvenile or silly.

And there's not one decent synonym for 'nipple'.

I don't want to get into pet peeves about English usage. I think, like the others, that we need more words in English. Lots more.

I'm not sure if it'll help, but I have an Erotic Synonym list posted.

However, sometimes you don't need a direct synonym. I'm sure you know this already. For example, instead of "pussy," you can say, "He pushed into her wet depths."
Sorry to say this Whisper, but I think "wet depths" should be on the verge of joining manhood and member. Mind you this is from the bloke who once wrote "entered her warm dark mystery" and then left it there for all of 5 minutes before hitting delete.

The Earl
A few of mine:

The phrase, "Proceeded to Go." Wait a minute, did you proceed across the street or did you go across the street? Why is the word 'to' necessary? Is it past or present tense or are you even sure you have a clue what you're talking about? Seems to me you don't, else you'd simply say it instead of stringing three verbs together while making a vain attempt to sound intelligent.

The word irregardless. Somehow this ridiculous corruption weaseled it's way into the dictionary. The word regardless is just fine - irregerdless sounds like: "without without having regard to."

"You see what I'm saying?" No - not unless we're in a comic book and there's a thought-balloon over your head.

Do you see what I'm saying?
Proceeded to Go sounds like someone describing a past game of Monopoly.

The Earl

Well, my requests for useful synonyms for "vagina", "breast" and "nipple" didn't turn up a lot of cadidates.

I've had "aureole" or "areloa" suggested for "nipple". It might be useful is it didn't sound so much like a model of luxury car.

Thankfully no one offered "teat" or "mammary" as a substitute for "breast". Hopefully we all know better.

For the vagina, "calyx" or "chalice" has been proposed. "Calyx" comes from flower anatomy, so it has that nice association going for it, ("petals" works for labia) although it's still pretty weird. "Chalice" is too poetic. I've been driven to use "center of her need" or "most sensitive spot" (God help me), but usually resort to "sex", which gives the story am unwanted quaint & old-timey feel.

Still looking

I can't believe publishers write checks to people who include "ravish" and "throttle" in their romance novels.
I wonder if those words were ever really used, or if they're just staples of romance writing to indicate the setting is horribly curdled. Also, there's "dastardly" (PC for bastardly?) and "You feind!"
Why you dastardly cur! I demand satisfaction. Throttling's too good for you!

I like some of those words :D. What's wrong with throttle?

The Earl
"I can't believe publishers write checks to people who include "ravish" and "throttle" in their romance novels.
I wonder if those words were ever really used, or if they're just staples of romance writing to indicate the setting is horribly curdled. Also, there's "dastardly" (PC for bastardly?) and "You feind!""


But Taffy, if you do that, how will the writers for Dudley Do-right of the Mounties ever grind out a script?

The dastardly Casey Jones had one hand on the throttle, and the other hand on a ravishing redhead. :D

Probably, groping for an alternative for vagina, is what caused him to be derailed. :eek:
I'm not too fussy about words in this milieu. Hell, I clean up after people trashing the English language the whole livelong day--it is, as I explained to someone (I think Christo) the other day, the reason I haven't put myself down for volunteer editing: it would be too much like work, where at least I get paid, although not nearly enough.

I've tended to avoid the use of the word "member" since I read in Clean Sheets' guidelines that if you used it, you had better be referring to being in a club or a gym. And CS is much more artsy-fartsy than we tend to be here.

Still, as I told our Program Director as she was passing by my desk, "If I hear/read one more time, someone saying 'I informed [Italics mine] someone to call the police,' it's gonna get ugly."
I've never been a big fan of 'lay', but that's just because I've never figured out how to conjugate it correctly. He laid? He lay? He lie? He lied? That's not even the same verb anymore! Even my english teacher couldn't help me on that one.

Eschew Obfuscation.

"I've never been a big fan of 'lay', but that's just because I've never figured out how to conjugate it correctly. He laid? He lay? He lie? He lied? That's not even the same verb anymore! Even my english teacher couldn't help me on that one."

Conjugating that sucker's a snap. "He won't ever lay her," BECAUSE, "She's a great lay," SO, "He lied about getting laid."

Makes sense to me.

I lie, I lay, I have lain, if you mean "lie" as in to lie down.

OTOH, if you're using it as a euphemism for fucking, I believe it is lay, as in do you want to lay me and laid, as in I haven't gotten laid since last week. Bob Dylan's song "Lay, Lady, Lay," is appealing, but also grammatically incorredt.

Lie, as in to tell an untruth, is regular all the way: I lie some of the time, he lies all the time, they lied about their expenses, etc.
kristydoll said:
Actually, I would love to see the word "whatever" banned - maybe not for language and a word in general - but in my home where that single word said by my daughter gets under my skin every time.


AMEN! I am with Kristy on this one, a teen will make you want to be charged for murder with this word.. very dangerous word dangerous indeed...

Stated forcefully, first syllable accented, second and third syllables stepped down scale, I have found the words: "None-the-less!" to be a sovereign response to the dread, teenage "Whatever!" :cool:

Although it may help that I am their immediate superior, standing between them and their paychecks, rather than their parent standing between them and an act of defiant immaturity. :confused:
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"AMEN! I am with Kristy on this one, a teen will make you want to be charged for murder with this word.. very dangerous word dangerous indeed..."


Look, let's just keep this between ourselves, okay? But no parent would ever be charged with murder for knocking off one or all of their teenage kids. There's no court in the land that wouldn't let 'em off with either an insanity plea or maybe justifiable homicide. :)

Rumple Foreskin said:
" . . . no parent would ever be charged with murder for knocking off one or all of their teenage kids . . . let 'em off with either an insanity plea or maybe justifiable homicide.

Reptiles eat their young. Only the young that are bright enough to escape their parents survive. This is how they ensure that each generation is superior to the previous generation. It is a positive evolutionary trait.

And it also ensures that no grown offspring will be found, hanging about its parents home, living in the basement, and using the family car without refilling the tank when they are done.

Homo sapiens have a lot to learn from reptiles.

There, now. I feel better.

One thing may have an impact on another

but to say something impacted something else suggests an entirely different meaning to me--and makes me want to send the writer some Ex-Lax.
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I think we can thank the stinking, nearly illiterate news media for the misuse of the word impact. The dastards.
karmadog said:
I think we can thank the stinking, nearly illiterate news media for the misuse of the word impact. The dastards.

Add "hero" to that list of misused words list, Dog.