If you have an issue with me or someone

Well this is defintely nice to see here...I wish you had this here a few weeks ago when the shyt hit the fan,when I invited some good friends to my playroom and things got outta hand ,well everyone knows what I am referring to and I juss want to say that I have enough going on in my real life that when I come here to enjoy myself and have fun with my friends I was not trying to come and see drama everyday...I am glad it's over and I juss want to say that I was patient and did not tell you really how this all made me feel ,butt most of you knew it made me very angry ,I am a nice person,kind ,loving and caring and I do not seek revenge nor do I look for trouble when I am here ,I love to have fun and whether it be cybering with my man ,or having fun with my female friend's ,I am not here to harm anyone or be out right nasty with them,so please forgive anything I had said in a midst of all the confusion....thanks for allowing me to come here and say this...take care....
naded well stated, I have only been on the boards for a little while, but I have seen a decided change in the color of some of the threads. It is a shame that those that troll and flame people will probably continue to do so. They should take the high ground you have suggested.
Just more applause to you Naded...

I found myself thinking in the past few weeks that it was a really good thing that I have no control over posts... I would be yanking posting priveleges left and right :)

Just nice to see that others are on the same wave of thinking that I am... I'm afraid that my temper sometimes boils over rather quickly when I see people on here throwing tantrums and being bullies... I'm glad that I don't seem to be the only one who takes offense to that kind of behavior...
Why thank you, I just got a little fed up and needed to vent a bit
Naded -
No invitation to the Literotica Bad Boyz Club? Since I refuse to get my little feelings hurt over things I will just imagine that you somehow forgot to extend the invite... ;)

Oops... Guess I should have PM'd you instead of posting...
I am glad to see this posted actually Naded. The mature thing to do if you have a problem with someone is to talk it over with them in PM's or if you know them well enough on the phone. I am a refugee from the General Board, where the immature behaviour has finally become too much. So, I am really happy to see this posted here. I am tired of people who lack the balls to discuss problems with me like rational adults.
Hi Naded, I don't think that we've come across each other before, although I've read a lot of your posts.

All I can say, is that you've gone way up in my estimation. You've shown yourself to be a man amongst men. Your post reflects a man of strenght and character. We need more of you here, and in real life.

Congratulations, and thank you for whatever it took to start this thread. In future, I'd like to be able to refer to you as...... 'my friend'.

:heart: Sharon
My firends,

Thank you so very much for your posts and responses. I did not actually believe this thread would continue, but you as the Literotica Community have come together in a chance to end this horrible practice of slanger, bickering and childish behavior.

I am honored by your response, and I thank you once again. Please, I invite you to join us in the 2002 Literotica Bad Boyz Club, a home away from the drama that sometimes fills the boards.

Rhys, from you I am trully honored, as you are a important part of Summer's life I am very happy to see you have posted here.

Ladybird, thank you for your kind words, I have always just posted from the heart, even though it has sometimes gotten me in trouble.

IBLNG2LAW, please, forgive my rudeness, do please join us in the club, you are most welcome. I will even reserve a seat for next me at the next dinner engagement.

Right on, Naded.
Seems some people forget that this place is supposed to be for having fun, especially the playground. In the few months I've been here, nobody has managed to keep me from doing that, but I have seen people enter into a fair amount of flame wars. Art imitates life, I guess. Unfortunately not letting people get to you is often easier said than done.
chromefreak said:
Unfortunately not letting people get to you is often easier said than done.

This is so true! I had a little run in recently and I tried really hard to restrain myself. I tried to get everything out in the open, as it started behind my back and a pm just happened to be shown to me. I'm not sure if it was the fact that I was being talked about behind my back or if it was the fact that my feelings were so involved about it all that made me so angry. I was, however, proud of myself that I didn't take it out of the thread, I said what I had to say and I said I was done with it, and I have been :)
I cope with it by being extremely thick skinned. Light-Hearted self-parody helps, too. What fun is it for the ultra-serious to take a swing at you if beat 'em to it, and obviously don't care much? Takes the wind right out of their sails most of the time.
chromefreak said:
I cope with it by being extremely thick skinned. Light-Hearted self-parody helps, too. What fun is it for the ultra-serious to take a swing at you if beat 'em to it, and obviously don't care much? Takes the wind right out of their sails most of the time.

Thanks hon, I will try to keep that in mind :)
Ummm hello? Am I invisible??
Opps, sorry about that Msterious, good morning, be sure you pop by the club.
just bumping and adding, that yeah, if anyone has a problem with me, just tell me.
The only issue I have with anyone is a magazine issue.Why cant we all just get along***** is too short.
I agree with many of the points made here. To me, the truly adult thing to do when we have an issue with another is to carry it to that individual in PM's. I for one do not care to be witness to an argument that doesn't involve me and it drags the fun of my time here on Lit down as it does for others. I recognize that not everyone has the same opinions as I do, and I also recognize that an opinion is neither right nor wrong and more people need to realize this. The other thing I think people need to realize is that the written word can easily be misunderstood. We do not have inflections of voice, or expressions on a face to read the intent behind ones words and it is easy to misread the intent because of this. Too many times I see someone jump on another becuase they misunderstood the intent of the words written. Rather than jump to a conclusion about what someone meant, ask them. I think some here would be surprised to know that what they thought was meant was not the intention at all. Give words the benefit of doubt until you truly know their intentions. There are many people that seem to thrive on maligning others here in the cyber world. I will always stand by my opinion that to respond to people such as that does no good. A fire can't burn unless one provides it the fuel in which to do so. A good day to each of you, and happy posting.
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Thanks for the bump Jewelz, maybe if we keep this near the top of the page people will start to be nicer to each other, live better with each other, and care more for each other's feelings. It's just a dream but a good one to have.

Passion, been a long time hon, look forward to seeing you more often. Be sure to come over to the Bad Boyz Club, we miss you there.