Illusion Vale: A Spirit's Cry

"What is it Guardain? Something troubling you?"

"I-I-um..." He hadn't really thought about what he was going to say, as he had not counted on the other appearing so quickly or so close. "I...Was just curious... I thought... thought you might be..." He felt himself blushing now, maybe this was why he didn't have very many guy friends.

"I just thought you would be lonely..." He said looking up into the other's eyes. "I thought you might want some company... is all..." He suddenly felt incredibly stupid.

"I'm sorry... that was dumb..." He said touching his forhead and moving to go back inside the tent.
"Don't worry... I don't kill my own."

She had a feeling that that should have made her feel better, she managed a smile at him, it was weak and a little nervous but it was clear that she would be trusting him. Fay looked to the wolf that whined and say the lizard-like man. She smiled much more warmly at him, easily hiding her own nervousness and tension.

She watched the cloaked man leave and did feel a little stuffy, it was a little warm and she felt like she had been locked up for far too long. Aran must have been a mind reader...

"You must be exhausted and hungry! Come, I'll give you a quick tour and take you to your room. Then you are welcome to supper, over dinner we can plan some more."

"That sounds lovely," she said getting up and looking to Faelin hoping that the wolf would come, she didn't really see much point in the other coming. It would seem that she had been here before as it were... But Fay would take the tour and the bed. She had a lot to think on, how was all of this going to work out?

She laid on the bed and rubbed her temples to relax. "I miss Lee..." She said softly. She fingered the whip he had given her wondering how long it had been... Only a day...

He wouldn't be here anytime soon...

She sighed somewhat sadly. "Faelin... What are you thinking about?"

Van cocked his head to the side and gave a small mew of confusion as Eeth's eyes snapped open and he stared at the fire as if he could put it out, just by looking at it. Van mewed again when Eeth didn't respond and crawled forwards, holding out a paw to touch the motionless Elf.

Rolyn stopped the cat from touching Eeth, silently shaking his head. "Let him do this on his own. He cannot have help from us if his Magi is expected to cooperate. Besides, he has his pride to consider," he said softly, smiling at the cat and nodding at Eeth.

Van nodded and crawled back into his nest of blankets, licking his paws and cleaning his furred face while watching Eeth wide wide eyes. Of course Rolyn was right, but time was short. And Van had a feeling that Eeth's magi might be just a little more stubborn then normal. If it was more stubborn than Eeth, though, was the ultimate question. There was no telling what a Guardian's Magi could do.
Michael and Sila

"It'll all be over soon love."

Sila shivered slightly, starting until she realised that it was Michael who spoke. Mutely, she nodded and did not say anything further. Instead, she went back to staring absently ahead and stroking the thick leathery head of the Bassa beneath her.

Ren looked over his shoulder and sighed, shaking his head, making a silent communication with Takkin at the Bassa's side. Takkin nodded, understanding, and brightened the lamp he held next to Sila. It seemed the bright little fairy was gone and constantly needed light around her these days. It was spending their fire fuels, but what else could they do.

Not even her beloved could shake her from her reverie.

The sorry band of travelers trudged on, the days and nights blending into one. The food slowly got eaten, the wood for fires slowly depleted, the orange flickering of the torches and the sooty smoke that they burned into stung all their eyes. The endless rocky surfaces of the tunnels ran into each other and still they kept going.

"Mike..." Sila spoke suddenly one day, the first word she had uttered in what they could only guess was two weeks in the underground tunnels, the Slither having put them slightly further off course than Michael had reckoned.

As the werewolf looked at her in question, Sila just shook her head and then stared ahead once again. But her hand slipped into his and she squeezed his meaty palm with a fierce fear that crushed. "We're close, I feel magic..." she whispered and then fell silent once more. No more prodding would make her say another word, but her hand stayed stubbornly gripped to his.
Noah and Drakalin

Drak smiled and leaned down, capturing Noah's hand before he could successfully sneak backwards into the tent. With a lot of ease, he pulled the fox man to his feet outside the tent and smiled once again, his teeth shining brilliantly white in the moon light.

"I would love company. I have not had... someone for some time," he smiled again and let go, gesturing towards the forest around them and leading Noah to the trees. "The night is long on watch and I will gladly take the time until you feel you need sleep for your company."

Then suddenly Drak blushed. What he had just said had sounded so... well... so... he wasn't sure. But somehow it seemed inappropriate, yet very right at the same time. He wasn't sure, but he felt that Noah would make a fantastic companion in the time that he was here.

All of a sudden, Drakalin felt vehement to the fact that Noah as a Guardian. It was not that he hated the man, he hated what he knew Noah would become. A beacon of light to his people. A sign, a signal to the encroaching darkness that it would all be better. It would all go right.

And he would never have time for anything else but his cause.

Drak felt a deep sadness and regret for the ordeal that Noah was about to enter. But for now, he would smile and put the fox man at ease for he realised that no matter what, as a Guide and as a friend, Drakalin knew he would be at Noah's side until time ended.

"Tell me about your world..."
Elmhand and Mia

Elmhand listened to Mia explain how the people felt about both the Ents and the Guardians as he continued to walk along the tree line. He hadn’t expected Mia to explain about the Ents, seeing as how his question referred to him being a Guardian, but at least she did explain both. Kill to birds with one stone, so to speak. Mia had started to mention an incident, but quickly retracted. It didn’t matter, because Elmhand already knew about that unfortunate incident; the forest had told him about it. If Mia didn’t want to tell him about the incident, then he wasn’t going to tell her that he already knew.

“I haven't seen Vakare in for ages!"

Elmhand smiled at Mia’s enthusiasm, for it was almost infectious. Almost. He personally wasn’t looking forward to arriving in town, seeing as how he had practically just left one. He hated being anyplace where more than five people live. The town he visited only once a year prior to coming to the Vale had a population of a hundred people, and judging from the traffic on the road, Vakare probably had a population in the thousands. And it didn’t help any that he was an Ent now. He didn’t think that Vakare was designed with the thought of having Ents walking the streets in mind. So, yeah, he wasn’t looking forward to arriving in Vakare. But he had to go; the forest asked and he responded.

"What is Vakare like, young one?" asked Elmhand, as he continued walking. He would stop and crossover to the road when Mia said to.
Fay and Faelin

"Faelin... What are you thinking about?"

Fealin's massive head slowly lifted from the floor, her large golden eyes staring deep into Fay's. She smiled, her wolven grin, and yipped at Fay in affection, "That I'll never leave your side. That where ever, or when ever you need me, I'll always be there. And that I'm hungry!" She howled all of a sudden, a mischeivous sort of sound and it was strange, coming from the wolf... especially in this moment in time.

Grinly shook his head, "Ahhh... I see you haven't forgotten how well I cook," he smiled and nodded slowly to the wolf and the avian. "Yes, I do occassionally pick up the odd pot and pan,"

"You're a genius!" came the beasts reply.

Grinly laughed, "I see that you two are meant for each other." He indicated the Guardian and the Guide. They served each other well with their personalities and he knew that they would soon become fast friends. The unexpectedly carefree attitude from the wolf was infectious. He laughed again, "Very well. I'll show you around. We've got a nice little place here and then I'll let you freshen up for supper."

He gestured towards the curtained doorway and bowed at the waist, awaiting the two females to join him.
Wolfsister said:
"Ever heard of a Magi, kid?"First things first, lad. We have to determine if you're a being that can use magic, or a being that is magic. So, if you use magic, you should have something whats called a Magi inside of you. Its a being of magic... but if you're the latter, then you won't find it."

"So... here's the easy part. Just concentrate on your inner self for a little while and see if anything comes up. If not... then you're a being that is magic and we can take things from there."

*Um, OK.* Jay thought back. It sounded kinda simple, all new-agey and the like. Jay was somewhat familiar with the concept at least, being in the Gothic circles back on the internet back home. He closed his eyes and concentrated, taking a deep breath to relax.

He imagined that he was standing in a field, very similar to the one he was standing in, in 'reality' except this one had a lake of smooth, clear water. Jay trotted over to the water, his head moving to and fro, looking for this magi thingie as he went. His head bent down to sip at the water when he stopped, pausing to look closer. A great, black horse looked up at him with very keen, blue eyes. It took a moment for Jay to realize it was his own reflection.

Jay had never seen himself since coming to this world, had never actually considered what he looked like to other people. He was a good looking horse, he considered, as horses went anyway. He was big, sleek and strong looking with well defined features. He was also jet black from the tip of his nose to his hooves to the end of his tail.
His mane was long and wild, falling mostly to the right side of his neck, but as he watched, his mane rose up and whipped about like as if a strong wind had captured it and was casting it about his head. At least, that what was happenining in his reflection. He himself felt no wind, nor was his own mane moving about.

*Hey, cool!*

*Cool, yes and hot.* his own voice projected back to him.

Jay blinked, but his reflection did not mirror his actions.

*Are you the Magi thing I have to find?*

*Magi, spirit guide, inner self, ki, chi. I am all the same, I am you.*

*What do you mean?*

* I am reality and fantasy, fact and fiction, tragedy and triumph. I am you, you are me, we are together.*

*Can you help me to do magic?*

*We can help each other. Together we can achieve our greatest dreams or visit our darkest desires. Your body, my focus, our dreams. You need only to embrace the power, the magic, the will... The choice is yours, but you cannot escape destiny. To do magic, you must let me out....*

The reflection melted away, becoming just a rippling blur on the water's surface.

*Let me out...*

Jay opened his eyes, blinking them rapidly and letting his gaze fall on Coudron again.

*Yeah, I found him, he's in there.*
It wasnt much longer before they arrived, and Michael fought back the urge to run. The ruins were dark and twisted, resembling a ziggurat like the ones back on earth. Michael switched to wolf form almost out of reflex and he felt his hackles rise and a growl build in his throat.

"I guess this is it." Michael said, his weapons in hand. "Do we go in now?"
Elmhand and Mia

"What is Vakare like, young one?"

Mia beamed up at the gnarled face of Elmhand. "Oh Vakare is, aside from Vale City, the best example of the diversity of Illusion Vale! Its one of the biggest cities."

Mia then began to explain that there were five Major Cities in Illusion Vale. Vale City, Vakare, Abark, South Haven and Nariel. These cities were the five points of commerce in the Vale and were named after the five people that were instrumental in banishing the Guardians and ending the Dark Times.

"There's also Neferin, which is an Elven city. But they hold themselves separate from the rest of the cities, though theirs is also named after a Hero of Old." She shrugged, "Elves are just strange that way. They prefer to keep to themselves. Its actually strange to see more than a handful of Elves away from their enchanted forest at a time."

She sighed and pointed distractedly to the road, "Its safe to cross over now," but her mind was on other things and she began to explain in detail the history of the Vale. She did not leave a thing out. The Dark Times, though they obviously made her sad and slightly angry, were told in incredible detail, almost as if she had been there herself.

She stopped and unhooked a tiny flask of water that was bound to her hips, drinking deeply, she looked around and realised that they were actually halfway along the road towards Vakare. She looked up at Elmhand and re-evaluated her misconception that all Ents were slow.

To pass the time, she began to describe the world around them. The names of various plants and animals that could be seen off the road and the names and descriptions of others. It was plain that though she was young, she had been picked exclusively to be his guide for a very good reason. Her Herb Lore and History were so uncannily accurate and descriptive. The amount of information that poured out of her tiny little mouth boggled the mind of even an elf and her bubbly personality far outweighed the wisdom she held deep inside of her.

She described the layout of the land. Telling Elmhand of the various forests and the villages that surrounded them. It was plain that she had traveled extensively and knew what she was talking about. She told him everything about the Vale from the Trinias Mountians to the North Coast of the Vale that held Vale City in its embracing arms.

She told him stories of other beings, of Avians, elves and Dragons. The last was whispered, as if it were only legend, however and it was clear that though she knew the anatomy and behaviour of a Dragon, she had never actually seen one before. She took Elmhand on a trip along the Ethari Plains and told him of the centaurs that lived there, preferring the dry, arid climate. She told him of Suvin Lake that attached itself to Suvin Forest, the enchanted clime of secretive elves.

Mia even told Elmhand of the strange Island that she herself had never been on, but somehow possessed an innate knowledge of its landscape and bearing off the Mid Coast of the Vale.

Once she was finished (for the day) Elmhand's head should have been spinning with the amount of information that had been crammed into his head. Patting his bark in sympathy, Mia grinned, "Don't worry if you forget anything. I'll always be here by your side, I promise." Her big eyes went even wider with sincerity as she stared up into his own. Then a smile tugged at her lips and she turned around, sweeping her arm in an extravagant arc, "Here lies Vakare!"

And indeed, they had arrived.
Jay and Coudron

Coudron watched in interest as Jay folded his legs up beneath himself and settled his bulk down onto the ground. He watched as the horse seemed to go into a sort of trance like state, complete with deep breathing and flickering eyelids. Coudron shook his head, "Kid must 'ave done it before," he marvelled to himself, though in a low tone so as not to disturb the apparantly meditating equine before him. He had no idea just how much control the young horse had.

Suddenly Jay sprang to his feet and Coudron raised rocked eyebrows.

*Yeah, I found him, he's in there.*

He smiled, nodding and chuckling. "He? Good. Were you able to understand him?" Personaly, Coudron had no experience with a Magi. Seeing as he was an elemental, of a sort, he was a being of magic, not one that used it. He knew the basics though, his teaching had not been lacking.

"Once you're able to understand it, then you have to understand how to use it. A magi, though a part of you, is a separate entity. It, itself, is a being of magic within you. A being that uses magic. You need to strike a balance, a harmony with your magi before you're able to use him. Different people use different methods. Its really all up to you and your Magi."

He shrugged, that was pretty much all that he could say. The kid was on his own now. "I'll prepare some dinner while you're working. Tell me, do you eat meat?"
Michael and Sila

"I guess this is it. Do we go in now?"

Sila's eyes were wide when she viewed the mighty, ancient dwarven stronghold before them. Nestled in a large cavern that was beyond her ability to size up, she saw a twisted castle like structure. Twisted spires rose from its roofs and slating cracked and warped made fell from their assigned places on the ancient city.

There was more than one dwelling, though the main fortress dominated view. It looked as if a village had once been built here, overseen by the hulking castle at its back, protecting nobility and peasants alike. It would have been forbidden in its prime, yet now, with age, it had just been given an aura of evil that persisted as they slowly crept forwards.

The light from the torches illuminated ancient stone structures covered with mildew and veins of silver and gold in abundance. Though all dwarves appreciated a vein of precious metal almost more than they appreciated their cups, Takkin and Renvir did not even glance towards the treasure trove of gleaming streams of metal that ran unchecked through the ruined city fortress.

Sila shuddered and instinctively clung onto the red haired arm of her lover, nothing but whimpers coming from her slightly parted lips. Her wings shivered and even more fairy dust fell behind her, leaving a sprinkling trail behind them, in fear of her surroundings. Mike's less than savoury feeling towards the place did nothing to ease her apparent trepidation.

Takkin reviewed the maps that he held in his hands, puffing casually on his pipe, though it shook and belied his nonchalant air. "The Sarieal was kept in the very middle of the main fortress." His gruff, seldom heard voice did not even echo, the darkness swallowing his words as they landed heavily in the air.

Sila shook again, her grip on Mike's arm so tight that her nails were almost drawing blood. "Micheal..." she whimpered and then buried her face into his hair arm. She kept bravely putting her feet forwards though and silently Takkin led them deeper into the ruined mess that was Caithdeverin.
Eeth, Rolyn, and Van

Eeth was roused from his silent thoughts by Rolyn speaking to Van. He released the fire from his gaze, and looked at the elf and the feline in turn. Then his stomach growled. Apparently, all that meditating had made him hungry.

“I appreciate your concern for my pride, Rolyn” said Eeth. “But it’s been wounded twice this day already. I need a break.”

Eeth looked over at Van, his guide and “teacher,” and with a look, inquired if the feline was ready to give Eeth a break from meditating.
"Of course it is." Michael said under his breath when Takkin mentioned its location in the center. He followed Takkin in the the ruins, with Sila clutching his arm. He knew he should have her release it, but could not bring himself to do so. Im fast enough to get her off if i need to fight. he thought to himself.

It was dark and dank in the ruins, and Michael felt as though every step he took was watched closely but enemies on all sides. But still they trudged on, michael's nose constantly sniffing the air, his ears alert for any sound, and his free arm on a hair trigger.

He wanted to tell her nothing more than he wished to be free of the curse that now surrounded him but that would be a lie and it was the last thing that he wanted to do to Len. He knew above all things that he had never wanted to be turned into this thing but without it he knew that he would never be able to save the Vale. He looked at the fire and wished that he could ask Len how he was going to do something that monumental but he wondered if he would get a straight answer from him. He looked up slowly just to see that she was now confused about the body that she had.

"Let me get those clothes for you Len. I know what it must be like to be in a world where everything is new, strange and very different from the world you used to know."

He wanted to laugh at his private joke but Largos knew that if he did so he would undoubtably hurt Len's feelings. He knew that before it might have been harder to do so but now that she was a..... what was she?

As he pulled the clothes out of his saddlebag he looked over at Len who was once again studying her hand.

"Forgive me for asking this of you Len but what exactly are you now? I know how rude that sounds but..... you were always a bird, weren't you?"

He knew that what he had just said could hurt her feeling as well and wished that he could take them back. He opened his mouth to say sorry to her but before he could he caught something in the air, moving closer to him. Without a sound he moved as fast as he could out of the light cast by the fire and towards where the smell was coming from.

He stopped before he reached whatever it was though and waited, his hand falling easily to the sword on his side. Just then, out of the darkness he watched several beings walking towards the camp with weapons in their hands. Just then one of them stopped and held up a hand but before he could say a word Largos ran out of the darkness, his sword already free from his sheath.

The group turned in unison towards Largos which caused him to smile, causing everyone in the group to look at him with wide eyes.

"Leave now. I do not want to hurt you."

"Where did you come from vampire," the lead being, a tall naturally armored man said.

"I came from the woods upriver-"

Suddenly there were murmurs amongst the group and before Largos could say another word the armored man looked at him through narrowed eyes.

"You say you have come from the Dark Woods vampire?"

"My name is Largos and yes, if that is what those woods are called then that is where I have come from."

The group started to talk heatedly amongst each other which allowed Largos to move closer to them.

"What is so wrong about me coming from there?"

The group turned to look at him in surprise and then raised their weapons which caused Largos to raise his. He looked at them slowly, judging which one would be the strongest and the first one he would go against first but before he could get any closer the leader of the group walked forward and raised both of his arms.

"There will be no killing here."

"Malakiel, move aside."

The armored being looked at the one who had spoken then moved so that he towered above him, "I said that there will be no killing here!"

He turned back to Largos, "If we leave you alone will you promise not to kill us."

"I do so promise you that," Largos said as he slid his sword back into its sheath.

"Thank you. I am sorry if we have caused you any alarm this night but we came here after we saw the camp fire. We were wondering if the people who it belongs to would like to join us for the night as this place is not safe at night."

"I know. I just helped a young cat women to get away from some slavers. She is by the camp fire that you speak of and may need some help."

One of the group moved forward quickly, "You lie!"

Largos' eyes narrowed but as he went for his weapon Malakiel moved forward and struck the fox creature across the side of the head, causing him to fall to the ground. Largos looked at the fox creature then at Malakiel and bowed which Malakiel copied.

"If there is a felinoid there then we will help you but we ask that you lead the way to her."

Largos did not say a thing but began to move towards the camp fire. He just hoped that the group wouldn't scare Fara too much or worry Len when they came to the light of the fire.

Van mewed, his face falling in disappointment. He really had been egging Eeth on to be the first to crack his Magi in two or three sittings. As it was, now the said elf wanted a break.

The mean streak in the cat wanted to refuse, but the nice side of him (the side he listened to the most) told him to let Eeth have his break. And make him work doubly hard for the next part!

Van grinned evilly at the Elf, but nodded his assent, waving a paw towards some food that had been cooking for some time on the fire. Another elf was responsible for this fare, this time, as Van had been busy. It was just a simple stew, but it was chunky with an abundance of meat and vegetables with a flavouring and a smell that whet the appetite.

Rolyn uncrossed his arms, taking some stew for himself. In beknownst to Eeth, he had meditated all through to the late afternoon and this was the first time the older elf had excused himself as well for a break, having been communing with his own Magi for some time. He would need to be in fit shape to battle/teach Eeth the use of his Magi.

Van curled up on his pile of blankets and sleepily watched the two elves eat. His wide blinking eyes shifting across the shadows, flicking here and there in the cave. Time was running shorter and shorter still.

He mewed forlornly.
Micheal and Sila

They walked deeper into the ruined fortress. The footing below them was slippery with dank moss clinging onto the rocky ruins, stubbornly making them slip and slide with each and every step.

Sila clung onto Mike's arm with a ferocity that dug her splintered nails deep into his skin. She wasn't aware of any discomfort on the part of her future lover, but rather she was just aware of her own now deep seated fear. The bubbly nature that had come so easily to her before was now buried deep underneath the mounting fear and rising panic that gripped her constantly.

The drip, drip, drip of water could be heard in the distance, though no water could be seen, nor the crack through which it was leaking. There was no sound other than their own breaths and echoing footsteps. The dwarves had even stopped smoking their ever present pipes and were now gripping the hafts of their axes, their passage through the little village leading up the main fortress spent in silence.

"Mike," Sila's voice cracked suddenly as a hot tingle ran over her. "There's.. something... magic..." she breathed and then stopped dead. Pulling on Mike urgently, though her puny arms would do nothing to stop his advancement. Her voice rose in urgency, "Don't go there! Its not safe!"
Elmhand and Mia arrive at Vakare

Elmhand passively listened to Mia talk about the Vale and its various cities, as he continued to walk through the forest. He didn’t bother interrupting her, preferring to let her rattle on. Oh, he wasn’t bothered in the least by her talking. On the contrary, he was actually enjoying her talking. It had been so long since he had heard someone as young as her talk with such enthusiasm about so much. He’d be lucky to find a young kid back where he came from that would so much as utter more than one syllable, let alone sound so positive about the topic at hand.

Elmhand turned and stepped out onto the road when Mia said it was safe. A small crowd had gathered near the edge of the road, close to where Elmhand had stepped out. Apparently, they had heard him walking through the forest, and where curious, but dare not to leave the safety of the road. Needless to say, they were surprised when the giant Ent stepped out of the forest and onto the road, his heavy step causing several of the spectators to lose their balance and fall over.

Elmhand didn’t spare the people on the road a second glance as he turned and headed down the road towards Vakare. But there was something that earned a second glance from him: the leaves and branches on the side that Mia was sitting on grew, as if by their own will, obscuring her from view of the road. He resolved to look into this odd development later, seeing as how he was occupied with listening to Mia and avoiding crushing the other travelers on the road.

Elmhand continued to walk as he listened to Mia, his long stride allowing him to cover great distances rapidly; his heavy foot-falls causing those travelers smaller than he that were surprised by him to lose their balance. Elmhand kept walking until Mia stopped talking, at which point, his head felt heavy, as if made of solid wood. Hell, his head was pretty much solid wood, but it felt heavy after all the information that Mia had poured into his ears. And the sight that greeted him when Mia waved her arm did not help in the least.

Before him lay Vakare, a vast city laid out in rings. Elmhand had estimated its population in the thousands, but now that he was looking at the city, he figured that he had underestimated it. He now guessed that its population was probably in the high tens of thousands, if not more than a hundred thousand people.

Elmhand could see from where he stood that the poor people lived in the outermost circle of the city, with the wealth increasing dramatically towards the center of the city, where there stood what appeared to be a rather massive tower and castle. Elmhand figured that was where the rulers of the city lived. Surrounding the entire city was a massive stone wall which towered high above Elmhand’s head. Upon its parapets, guards kept constant vigilance. Before him, on the road, stood a massive, well guarded gate, which Elmhand figured he could walk through with several other Ents on his shoulders, and still have head room.

Elmhand groaned as he looked upon the city. He was not looking forward to being in the city in the least.
Michael quickly changed back to dwarf form and embraced Sila tightly. "I know its dangerous love, but we must go on." He said holding her as hard as he felt was safe to do. "I need you to be strong for me, to be brave so we can meet whatever this play will throw at us. I know you can do it my love." he said, staring deeply into her eyes. Then he kissed her.
Fay was surprised by the wolf's outburst. She had to chuckle a little at the excitement she was sure was directed at the prospect of supper. She would never have fingered Grinly as a cook but she really didn't know how to judge the people here, it was harder to read them while she was trying to get over the fact that they were nothing she had ever seen in all her life.

Some of these she had never dreamed of.

She smiled as she remembered her old life and knew that this was a million times better. She hoped that someone had gone by the house to check on the dogs. The last thing she wanted to do was worry about them not being fed or their water trough she had set up becoming empty.

Fay got to her feet.

"That's awful nice of you," she said as she began to follow him out the door. "And I really have to thank you again for everything. I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't provided me with a safe place to say. I know Faelin would have thought of something... But that doesn't make me any less grateful," she said as she was walked around the place.
"I would love company. I have not had... someone for some time. The night is long on watch and I will gladly take the time until you feel you need sleep for your company."

When Drak blushed the fox man blushed. Noah couldnt' help it. He had felt good hearing that the other wanted him around and if the other seemed to realize that he had said it like that... Well that meant the other was thinking about if right? That was how he saw it.

Silence had fallen, not that the dragoon had seemed to notice that Noah was watching him and how he looked. He saw the range of emotions play across his features and had to admit that he didn't like the other seemng so sad and troubled. He took this time to gently touch the other's shoulder and wanted to do something more to show him that he had no idea what was wrong but he wanted to help.

"Tell me about your world..."

"My world?" He asked looking up at the other, he was so much taller... not even a whole ton but around him Noah felt smaller. "My world... I just felt like there wasn't much or a reason to live anymore..." He sighed sadly. "I loved my kids... with my whole heart... But there were just things that made me want to veer into oncoming traffic and end it all..."

"Let me get those clothes for you Len. I know what it must be like to be in a world where everything is new, strange and very different from the world you used to know."

Len gave a faint smile, having caught the wry end of the joke, but she kept silent, waiting for Largos to say what was on both their minds. She looked down at herself, covering herself with his errant shirt he had left behind. She had stopped being embarrassed at her state of undress and now was more concerned about discovering what her new body could do. She tilted her head to the side, inspecting her new limbs once again.

"Forgive me for asking this of you Len but what exactly are you now? I know how rude that sounds but..... you were always a bird, weren't you?"

She looked up at Largos, her eyes wide and suddenly frightened. "I don't -" suddenly the young elf was off and running away from the campfire, the clothes he brought out of his pack left laying in the dirt where they had fallen. She blinked, by now used to him disappearing suddenly into the dark.

Instead, now, she was focused on getting to the clothes. She had no intention of being naked the next time Fara awoke. She closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath, reaching out with one of her 'feet'. These limbs were both longer and heavier than she had expected and it took her some time to make her wobbly way over to the pile of clothes. Dressing in them was even harder.

She had just finished belting up when Largos strode back into view, and with him what seemed to be a small village. She looked up, startled, reaching behind her for the small dagger she had pilfered from his saddlebags. "Largos? What's... what's going on?" she asked, her soft feminine voice still sounding alien to her ears.

Becca saw the young girl’s faint, sickly green life force, rife with black lines. The girl struggled for breath as she uttered barely audible direction to the willow grove.

The matron looked the child over, testing her pulse and then herself cried out in alarm. She looked up, her one eye wide with terror and sadness, "She's dead..." she whispered somberly and then laid the girl back down onto the pallet.

A tiny gasp escaped Becca. Her legs felt weak; the air was knocked out of her as she watched the girl’s life force suddenly wink out.

“She was just a kid.” Becca uttered angrily, tears at the corner of her eyes. “Christ … She … she was just a baby!”

Becca had seen a lot of people die. Never a child.

She stared down at the pallet where the little body was, jaw tight, tears sliding silently down her cheeks. The sound of Kail’s weeping, the matron’s alarm, the other children’s fear and sadness, were far away in her ears. All Becca could see was the girl’s lifeless body on the pallet.

A hot and hateful fire suddenly sprung up in Becca. Her fists clenched and thorny spikes of wood sprung from her knuckles. Her ropy tendrils of hair started to writhe angrily with a life of their own. It wasn’t just the girl’s death or her inability prevent it that gnashed at her. It ran deeper than that and worried and old wound. The girl suddenly became everyone she couldn’t save before and the Night Stalker, everything she couldn’t save them from.

If I can’t do this, if I can’t kill it, then I might as well pack it in …

Becca shook her head fiercely.

Failure is not an option! Not this time!

Brand returned, his face even grimmer than before. "This must end!" he growled, his eyes holding an unholy fierceful light as he stared hard at Becca, "Do you know where it is?" his voice was a quiet rumble. Quiet and respectful but thoroughly menacing.

“Yeah. It’s at a willow grove in the southeast two days out from here.”

A protective, woody bark started to creep up and grow over Becca.

“Let’s do this …” She said quietly as she walked past Brand and out of the orphanage. She couldn’t bare to be in there any longer.

“Let’s hunt down the bastard before it kills anyone else …”
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Elmhand and Mia

Mia sighed dramatically when Elmhands branches came forwards and began to cover her from view. She impatiently pushed them aside so that she could have an unobstructed view. Like she had said, she loved this place.

The Ent paused at the gates, looking at the grand, bustling city before them. Mia smiled and patted his hand, "If you want, you can stay out here while I make a few enquiries and get some supplies." She sensed his uneasiness and saw that maybe a 20 foot Ent shouldn't be walking around on his own in Vakare. Besides, the potential for squishyness was high.

She smiled and fluttered off his branches, having no wings to speak of, it just seemed that she was floating around on thin air.

"You just wait here. I'll go see how the Spirit Road is faring today and get a few things cleared up."

Then she was off, skittering through the gates without a backward glance.
Micheal and Sila

"Its.. its not... I'm being brave... I... I... we can't go there!" she cried out, clinging onto Mike and refusing to let go, her tiny fingers bands of steel that dug into his flesh.

Then she began to pull him off the main road. Insisting, tugging the dwarf to a side alley. "Please!! Hurry!!" With some difficulty, she got the entire party off the road and hidden in the shadows. "Quiet!" She hissed. It was plain that her worry was stemming from something far more than unnameable fear. She was waiting for something.

The chill in the air suddenly became much, much colder. Their collective breaths made small puffs of white smoke. Sila's eyes were wide as she looked at the main road, the endless dripping sound coming from every where and no where at once beginning to echo loosely in their ears.

Suddenly, the dripping stopped. Sila stopped breathing, her heart skipping a beat as a shadowy figure ghosted into view along the main road. She shrank back into the shadows, glad that the others had followed her advice and allowed her to lead them off the road.

The shadowy figure was tall and held a small lantern up high. There was an air of menace, an air of mystery and most of all, a chill to the air that sank into the bones. It was wearing a cloak of some kind and there was no familar puff of white smoke from beneath the hood. It wasn't breathing.

It passed soon enough, never once looking side to side and the dripping noise resumed. Sila blinked and gripped Mike's arm harder, "By the Spirit!..."