Illusion Vale: A Spirit's Cry


"Die, Guardian."

Eeth didn’t have time to think, he just reacted. And his reaction was to spin on his heel, spinning away and outside of the queen’s attack, which only just brushed against the back of his shirt as it passed through the spot where his spine had just been. What followed happened in the span of just a few seconds.

Eeth’s spin was quick and abrupt putting him in a perfect position to counter attack. But what Eeth did was something unexpected, something other than a counter attack. With his right hand, Eeth grabbed the queen’s forearm, which was still extended, and pulled, using the queen’s forward momentum to put her off balance. With his left hand, Eeth pushed against the Ilandria’s back, causing her to become even more off balance. Eeth then placed his left foot at Queen Ilandria’s feet, which when combined with her being off balance, tripped her.

If the queen managed to break Eeth’s hold on her forearm, which was fairly strong, she could possibly recover, although there would be some distance between the two combatants now. If the queen failed to break Eeth’s hold, she would be dragged to the ground, face down, with her arm pulled back and up, locked in place by both Eeth’s grip and his leg wedged against her elbow, with Eeth’s other hand holding her to the ground.
Silver and Varic

Varic paused in his conversation and tilted his head, as if considering something. He frowned, "Oh, my friend? What is it that you scent?"
Largos and Len

Len blinked - she had been silent through all of Largos' musing, allowing him to touch her as he did and allowing him to kiss her. The scandal written on Brienna's (the woman at the door) face was enough to tell her that what they were both thinking was wrong. It wasn't so much wrong as it was just unexpected. For others, at least.

Len took his hand, her grip tight - almost desparate. She leaned forwards, almost brushing her lips against his - but then her hand wrapped around the hilt of his sword and pulled it free from its sheath with a metallic ring that hung in the air.

She pulled back, facing him once again with the blade of his crystaline sword between them. She took a breath and then narrowed her gaze onto the edge of the blade. For a few minutes, the only sound was her steady breathing. Then, a shift, a slight haze could be seen drifting from the sword's edge.

Silently, Len led Largos outside, still not speaking. She led him along the fringes of the camp, passing many working men and Blue Guard alike - but all shied away from her, feeling the brush of power that wrapped around her lke a woolen blanket.

A pair of winged men were working on a heavy tree. It had taken them the better part of the day to fell the thing and cut off its branches which were being made into spears and stakes. Now they were cutting directly through the middle of the huge tree, working for a long time but only having succeeded in cutting a quarter into the trunk.

They cleared away from the tree as Len approached, taking their double handed saw with them. She took a breath, braced her feet apart and aimed the tip of the sword at the trunk. Taking another breath, she raised the blade up high, her wings swooping down and lifting her off the ground another three feet before she brought the edge of the shimmering, hazing sword to bear on the tree.

With a single swipe, she cut it in half.

The ends of the two logs of wood were both smouldering with blackened ash, wisps of thin grey smoke curling from the singed wood.

Len turned around, leaned in close to Largos and slipped the sword back in its sheath at his waist. She leaned in even further, "You have to promise it blood. You have to promise it power and it will kill for you. No matter its target."

Then she walked away, a single tear glistening on her pale cheek.
Eeth and Ilandria

Ilandria did not break free of Eeth's grasp, him having reacted much faster then she had thought he would. To her credit, she did not cry out, her face a mask of rage as he held her down to the ground. The fact that he chose a non lethal method to subdue her did not escape her notice, either.

"What, Guardian? Too weak?" she goaded again, the ground pressed to her face making her unable to speak much more than the words she had already once taunted him with. She spat at the wooden beams that pushed at her face and attempted to struggle free of his grasp. But for whatever reason, she was unable to.

Ilandria suddenly slackened, loosening his tight grip on her arm. Though he was still pushing against her back, she managed to slip her arm from his and push against the ground with flat of her palm. Her strength thus helped, she was able to push against his hand and lift herself up. With that little ground, she slipped herself horizontally downwards, catching his wrist with the hand that was bound behind her.

She twisted around, pushing her knee against the ground for extra leverage. Pushing up at the same time, she whirled around, throwing Eeth back, but keep a hold of his wrist. With her free hand, she whipped up her elbow, intending to smash in his nose with her hardened bone joint.

If Eeth got managed to twist himself away from her own grip - she would attempt to push him as far away from herself as she could.
Silver tilted his head and thought then said it smelled almost like those we fought in the desert but its not there now so maybe i was wrong or they where merely going by the window
Varic shook his head, "One thing I have learned in my long life, my friend, is to never discount your instincts." He stook up and smoothly drew the scimitars from his back, "Perhaps you are wrong... but I wouldn't want to miss it if you were right."

At that moment, an arrow wizzed by Silver's ear and embedded itself into the solid wood behind him with a thunk. Varic whirled around and four men burst into the room from the open window, smashing the frame as they passed through it.

Varic immediately engaged two and by his fighting style, he wasn't trying to capture any of them alive.
Largos stood there, unable to say anything as he stood there looking at the tree. He turned to watch Len as she walked away and looked at the tree again. His hand brushed the pommel of the sword and he moved it away quickly as if he had been stung. Len's words still hung in his ears and he did not know whether he wanted to throw up, shout out or throw the sword as far away from him as he could. The thing that was strapped to his side wanted blood like some, like him or it would not do what he wanted. He hated the fact that the thing was like him and he wanted nothing to do with it but Menos had said that the thing was one of the lost relics and it could be used for good.

It made him ask one major question though. Why were the relics lost in the first place. Were they like this thing? Had they needed blood to help the people who wielded them, turning those people into nothing more than killers for their insatiable thirst. That was something he did not want to turn into. He wondered though that if the time came whether he would have the strength to fight the sword or to let it go. He shook his head as soon as that thought came to him though and he knew that he could not let this sword loose on the rest of the world. He knew that it would be safest for the entire Vale that it would be in his hands, as much as he hated the idea.

He looked back at the tree just to see the looks on the people that were standing near it and closed his eyes, hoping they would go away. When he opened them again he saw Malakiel standing there, a scared and inquisitive look on his face. He moved forward just to stop in front of Largos and look at him, "What happened here. I heard that Len did this with your sword. How did she do it? Why did she do it?"

"I do not know. I intend to find out though."

He turned and ran off after Len, hoping that she wasn't too far away. When he found her alone near the outskirts of the settlement he walked towards her, placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "Can you tell me what you mean about this sword needing blood. If it does then I do not want it. I would rather give it away than use it in a battle."

When she did not answer he walked around her to look at her face. It was then that he noticed she had been crying.
"What is it Len? What's wrong?"
Sita clasped a hand over her mouth in horror as she listened to Brod's tale.

"Your whole...oh my god Brod I am so, so sorry, I feel and share your pain. Truly I do."

Sitting back Sita began to formulate a plan as she knew deep down Brod was probably still not ready to talk about it. "I propose we get out asses into gear then. I will need training of some description unless knowing how to fight has been ingrained into this....being. We need to get to this Spirit as soon as possible. I know you have issues with me being mounted but it would be the fastest way to get there."

Sitting forward now in eagerness her eyes alight with plans she smiled at Brod, the simple act transforming her features into pure light. "How long until we can set out, lets go be heroes!" this last was said with a little laugh to show she was trying to lighten the moment.

Drake picked up the beef jerky in his mouth, dropping it several times before finally deciding to raise his head and swallow it in one go. This wolf stuff was going to take some getting used to. He resolved to find a way to eat without making a total mess of himself and his food.

As they continued on their trek Drake found himself constantly trying to avoid the tiny sharp stones on the path, which seemed to get stuck in his paws, making it painful to walk. In the end he just decided to bear the pain, after all, this was nothing compared to some of the things he had had to endure in the past.

When Dorn spoke, he found that his ears involuntarily perked up towards the sound and his muscles tightened slightly. He also noted a slight tingle run down his spine and through his teeth, making them chatter a little. He then set out to answer Dorn's question.

"Well, I had best start from the beginning, or else you'll be completely lost. I was born into a rich family.
My father was a lawyer, and my mother was a leading researcher for a company named "Biosphere". When I was seven my father had my uncle teach me various martial arts forms to "defend myself". My mother meanwhile, got one of her "colleagues" to begin teaching me human biology.
When I was thirteen, my father told me that I was old enough to learn "the truth" but first I had to be
tested. I was left alone in the Australian outback for thirty days and had to fend for myself. On the thirty-first day, my father appeared from seemingly nowhere, took me by the hand and told me 'My son, I am not a lawyer, and your mother is not a scientist. We are part of a seven hundred and forty-two year old group known as "Silens Manus", The Silent Hand. We are assassins, and by our bloodline, so you shall be too. Today, you shall begin your journey.'"

At this point Drake started to feel slight vibrations underfoot. He could feel them steadily becoming more powerful. He stretched his ears and heard a faint rumble in the distance, slowly getting louder. "Dorn, can you feel that? It's coming closer, and fast too."
Largos and Len

Len walked silently towards the edge of the camp, the bustle of those around her growing to a dim headache just behind her left eye. She flexed her hands, her clawed tips brushing against her skin. She felt the tingle from the sword when it had taken the tree's spirit essence. She shivered with the memory - when she had unlocked the sword's power, when she had figured out just what was needed to weild its incredible magic, she had almost thrown it away. After what Largos has been through, to now what he had to do to defeat what was coming. She sighed.... sniffling quietly, trying to hide her tears. She wished, more than anything, that Largos could go back to his old life, that he could return to his world and not have to worry about this one. After, it couldn't have been that bad back there, could it?

Len felt a hand descend onto her shoulder. She sighed and turned around to face the one person she did not want to. "Everything," whispered, in answer to his question. She turned her face away from his view, blocking out her tears. She sniffled quietly, trying to hide from him even though it was plainly obvious.

Len turned back around and sniffed, louder, before she brushed her claw tips along the pommel of his sword. She leaned in so close that their breath mingled, her eyes wide. "I'm so sorry Largos. I'm so sorry the Vale needs you so much." She shook her head, heading on tiptoe to kiss the end of his nose. "I can't even imagine what you're going through. I'm so sorry..."

She sighed and sat on a nearby mound of ground. Two sentries walked past their little clearing, one glancing in their direction, the other his companion along. They clearly didn't want to be anywhere near the two of them and Len could only imagine as to why.

"Your sword, it demands the death of its targets. It demands power from you if it can't get death and blood." She shook her head, trying to explain it in a better way, "You see, normal swords, blades, axes - anything - will cut and kill a person. A thing, an animal. But their essence, their - souls - will remain, either moving on, or leaving itself to haunt our world. Ghosts, spirits, what ever you want to call them."

Len looked up at Largos, her eyes boring into his, trying to impress the significance of what she was saying into him, "This sword, this sword takes it all. It takes all of the essence, the spirit... the soul. It takes everything and leaves nothing." She shook her head, "There is nothing for those spirits. They simply cease to exist. They cannot return to life, they cannot go onto where ever they are meant to exist after this world. They become nothing."

"If you truly don't understand the implications of this power, just think. What if when we die here, we go to your world? Or another - there are many tales of after lives and the presence of spirits and souls prove that something has to happen after death. If you take someone's soul in this world, they can't exist in the next. What if - what if the person you took was the saviour that world so desparately needed? What would happen then?"

She shook her head - the repercussions of wielding such a weapon were endless and all too terrifying to comprehend.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.
Sita and Brod

"Your whole...oh my god Brod I am so, so sorry, I feel and share your pain. Truly I do."

Brod remained quiet for some time more, allowing Sita to talk to herself. He was only barely listening though and it wasn't until she tried to be funny that he really took an interest in what she was saying.

When she extended the olive branch, Brod took it eagerly in both of his big, meaty hands. He even gave her a small grin, but it didn't extend to his eyes. Ah well, it was the thought that counted, really.

He walked into the shaft of light and exited the tunnel. Something that she could no longer do - at least, not yet, at any rate. He poked his head back down the hole, "Milady, I believe it will be just a few more hours. It is already well into afternoon now. The sun will sink before you know it. In the mean time, I will try to procure a horse for a swifter journey, rather than trying to find one tonight. It will prove more expedient."

He didn't address the issue of her training just yet. That had to wait, for now.

Eeth was rather surprised when Queen Ilandria managed to free herself from Eeth’s hold. His surprise only increased when she forced him to stand up, thus pulling her up with him because of her hold on his wrist. Then Eeth saw Ilandria’s elbow make a bee-line for his nose; he didn’t have time to dodge or block the blow, so he moved with the blow to minimize the damage. When her elbow hit, it hit just to the side of Eeth’s nose, breaking it with a small pop. The break wasn’t bad enough for blood to come gushing out his nose, but a drip of blood did come out. It certainly wasn’t the smashing blow that the queen must have wanted, but it was a hit and it did hurt a bit.

Not wanting to get hit again, Eeth moved to the left, keeping well out of reach of the queen’s free arm. Then Eeth remembered his position: his left wrist was gripped by Ilandria’s left hand, which was bound behind her back. Eeth knew the queen could use magic and he definitely didn’t want to risk having her use her grip on his wrist to channel her magic, so Eeth moved close to the queen’s back, twisted his left hand around to break the grip, and with both hands pushed the queen away with enough strength to cause her to stumble.
Ilandria characteristically crowed with delight when her elbow connected with his face. Of course it wasn't exacty what she had wanted but it was a hit. It was a very satisfying experience to connect bodily with something and hurt it. She mentally relished the feeling and her wide grin couldn't be erased even when Eeth pushed her forwards, making her stumble a few steps.

But she recovered before he could make any further moves. She whirled around, to keep Eeth in her sights. As he didn't want her to be at his back, neither did she want him at hers. She snarled slightly, her unkempt hair even more frazzled now that she had scuffled on the floor with him. Hard lines of wood etched onto her flesh were visible, he had been pushing her down that hard.

She absently twisted her arm at the elbow joint, proving that Eeth's grip and connecting with his head had damaged her arm somewhat. But why had she shown him that weakness? She was either out of her mind and couldn't care less, or was so confident that she couldn't care less.

She reached out her arm again, slightly crooked at the elbow and laughed. Her laugh came up short suddenly, the sound coming to a choking level. It was as if she could not get her voice out of her throat. She looked around wildly - gasping for air. She shot an errant stream of fire from her outstretched palm to try to keep Eeth at bay while she struggled to breathe.

She took a hesitant step forwards and glared at Rolyn and Van - turning her baleful stare finally on Eeth. "What have you done?!" she gasped out at him, shooting another jet of fire his way.

Ilandria glanced around again, her head swiveling around the court. And then she spied them. The various Elders dotted around the Court silently mouthing the words of an incantation. Though she didn't know what it was they were trying to do - but she knew that it was directed at her and that she didn't like it.

She snarled and went for the nearest Elder - an elf that was so old he actually looked old. She ran across the court, away from Eeth, her arms outstretched, her fingers curved into claws, reaching towards the Elder with a murderous glint in her eyes. Elves scattered before her.

"Stop her!" Rolyn bellowed towards Eeth, "She cannot break the circle!"
"What have you done?!"

Eeth watched as the spell apparently started to take effect on Queen Ilandria. When she fixed her gaze on him, he didn’t respond nor show any emotion; he simply couldn’t. Then the queen spotted the Elders and subsequently launched herself towards one of them with murderous intent.

"Stop her! She cannot break the circle!"

Eeth didn’t need to be told twice, nor did he give Rolyn the opportunity to do so. Eeth dug his toes into the wood paneling so that he had a good grip, and then launched himself forward, covering the distance between Ilandria and himself in a sprint. When he was close enough, he pushed off and tackled the queen from the side, pinning her free arm against her side and dropping her to the ground.
She felt better when she got a small smile out of Brod.

When he stated it would be a few more hours but he would find a horse she realised she would have to entertain herself for the next few hours. Wonderful.

"Oh okay Brod. Good plan. The quicker we can get going tonight the better." She smiled at him and walked back down the tunnel into the cool darkness. Maybe she would have a nap. She was very very tired.

Curling up against the back wall she closed her eyes and immediatelyh drifted off too sleep. But it was not dreamless....
As his mind went over the full implications of what Len had just said, of what the weapon that was strapped to his waist could do his eyes went wide. He looked down at it and wondered how many lives that thing had taken. He wondered how many souls were stored in the perfect crystal finish of the thing. The more he thought about it the more Largos wanted to throw the sword as far away from him as he could. He knew it was the last thing he wanted to wield in a weapon and wondered why he had picked it up in the first place.

He placed his hand onto its pommel and got an instant shock of revulsion. He wondered if this sword had chosen him because of what he had become, because it knew the only way it could get more energy, more souls was to become his weapon. He wrapped his hand around its hilt and tightened his grip so much that his hand began to hurt. When he opened his hand he looked at Len.

"You have nothing to feel sorry for. This weapon chose me for a reason. I don't know what that reason is but now that I have it I know that I have to keep it. This sword is my burden now because I don't want to let it loose in the Vale. I wish I didn't have to use it the way it is intended to be used. I wish that it was nothing more than a sword. If it will give me an advantage in the fight against whatever it is I am facing then I need to know how to use it. Can you please tell me how."

He placed one hand back onto Len's shoulder and looked into her eyes.
"I don't want to use the sword. I don't know what I am facing but if I am going to live I need to use everything that is in my power."
Varic started to say something but then there was a noise and a arrow came in thew the window and buried its self in the wood above his ear followed by four men the first two Varic took on leaving the other two who came at him he crouched with his tail tucked behind him and his wings tucked tight to his sides then when there where but a foot or so betwixt him and the two attackers he let loose a fire ball at the lead causing him to stumble back words into his fellows drawn sword impaling his self thou the shoulder

then silver spun around hitting the second assailant up side the head with his tail with a crash that sounded like thunder the second fell unconscious while silver finished the first off by ripping his throat out with his fangs then with blood dripping from his muzzle he turned to see how varic was fairing
Drake and Dorn

Dorn huffed slightly while he walked, the travois dragging behind him. He was polite though, and did not interrupt Drake as he told him of his world. There were many questions that buzzed through his head, but he took his time to ask them, simply because he knew that the journey to the Spirit would be a long one. Besides, they were on the other side of the kingdom!

Dorn began to notice the shifting beneath his feet almost as Drake mentioned it. He nodded to the strange staticky wolf and hoisted the travois off his shoulder and onto the side of what was little more than a goat track. He bent down and held his ear to the ground, unsure of what he was really doing, but looking cool nonetheless.

"It sounds like a stampede," Dorn muttered as he resumed his upright position, dusting his hands off on his trousers. "But I donna know what of. Not many animals live up ere, just goats really - kinna survive up ere less yer a goat..."

The steady rythmic pounding of hooves came to their ears as their muscles began to quiver with the vibrations. Dorn led Drake to the side of the track, behind some conveniently placed boulders. "This should protect us. Donna want ter git caught in a stampede, eh?" he grinned and casually began to light his pipe.

It was then that it occurred to Dorn that something would have caused the stampede. Usually something terrifying to the things that were stampeding. With a muttered curse, he leaned up over the boulder and tried to search beyond the next rise in the path.

The vibrations were teeth chattering now and the thundering of many running hooves boomed in their ears. Dorn kept looking, even then the mountain goats - a surprising number of them - came running up the track. Even though they were usually quite light and nimble of their feet, they were now so scared and desparate that they thundered across the ground, some tripping over rocks or depressions and pitching forwards, only to be trampled by their fellows in their haste.

Dorn squinted and tried to see what was coming up behind them. He had a small impression of something rather large - actually two rather large things. The goats were nearly all past them, some leaping over the boulder they hid behind - and the dust was beginning to settle enough for Dorn to see what was chasing them.

As soon as he did, he cursed and unlooped the axe that hung from his belt. Its blade shone in the sunlight and looked an unnatural shade of sharp. He motioned for Drake to take a careful look and muttered curses to himself all the while shaking his head.

There, coming up behind the frightened animals, were two of the largest mountain trolls Drake had ever seen. Of course, though, the wolf had never actually seen them before so it was just an estimate. At any rate, they weren't small.

Towering at eight feet tall each, they had thick greenish skin with arms and legs as thick as tree trunks. We were hairy, of course, but strangely their heads were bald. And it looked natural. They each held a club that was really just the branch of a large tree in their fists and were brandishing it as the goats.

"They are either stupid an kin't catch the goats, or are smart an are herding them somewhere." Dorn muttered to Drake, "Either way, we kin't let them 'ave them. I know those markings on them goats... they are dwarven stock."

True, as a goat flashed past a small marking on its left hind leg could be seen flashing in red. It was a strange symbol, but a symbol nonetheless. "I'll eat my pipe afore I see them goats eaten by trolls!"

Then he took out a little wooden contraption that had wires and springs. He placed a metal bolt into the slide and clicked it back in place - it was a cross bow. A primitive form, but a cross bow it was. Taking aim, Dorn sighted and then released the bolt with a spring loaded twang.

It hit the first of the trolls in the eye. However, instead of wounding the creature, it just made it angry. And able to finally notice the two travelers. Swinging their way, they two trolls came barging at them, bellowing war cries and waving their cudgels above their heads.

Ilandria grunted as she was suddenly sideswiped by Eeth, so intent on her goal that she had not noticed the Guardian coming towards her. They both crashed to the ground, Eeth keeping a tight hold on her. So tight that it soon became painful to bear. She grunted and struggled, hissing like a cat as she attempted to break free from his grip.

Unlike before, when he had only had one hand gripping her, Eeth was using his entire body to keep her immobilised, so it was much more difficult for Ilandria to break his hold. She screamed at him, at everyone around her, struggled like a fish out of water. Trying to gain any ground, the wrist tied to her back hampering her even further.

She spoke elvish words, word of Power and invoked deadly spells in her name but the magic would not come to her, her Magi finally regaining control on its abilities, resuming its sacred task of controlling the flow of her magick. Ilandria screamed uselessly, impotently wriggling to free herself, but to no avail.

Her screams soon became sobs as the Elders broke from cover and came to surround her and Eeth in a circle of Power. Their words were elvish, spoken louder and louder at each sentence. Power crackled around them, but no ill will touched Eeth. Their chanting resonated in Ilandria's mind and she howled as her Magi began to chant in time with the Elders.

Eeth had given them enough time to complete most of the spell. Now came the unraveling of Ilandria's destiny. It was a hard task, but a harder one for herself. The spell caused her to travel into her past and witness what those deeds would have done for her future. It was a journey that only she could take, but somehow, maybe through the connection of their skin, Eeth was transported along with her.

It was darkness all around and heavy breathing could be heard. A shuffling came from his left and a voice whispered maliciously in his ear. "Why are you here, Guardian? Do you wish to torment me even further?!" A screech and a bitter laugh followed, rustling to his right now. Her voice came at him from a different direction. "There is nothing for you here, Guardian. This is my own Underworld. Something you cannot share in -" he would feel rushing wind at his face and if he stepped back it would save him from the outstretched claws that sought to rake over his face.

Light shatterd their dark existence and Ilandria was revealed, crouched some feet away from him, cowering from the brilliance. Her hair was still matted, her clothes that same shredded blue, her fingers curled into fisted claws. Her eyes were wild when they peeked from her between her hanging hair - her teeth gnashing. From pain or madness was not immediately clear.

The light softened gradually, placing them in a small private garden. A birdbath stood at its centre, lush green grass extending in waves from its base. Many different coloured birds sat, taking their fill from the still water within and a soft voice began to sing. At first, Eeth would think it came from the woman that crouched at his side - for it was the same voice. Except that the sound came from directly in front of him.

The light softened to a more natural hue, revealing that it was daylight within the garden. An intricately carved wooden bench sat over looking the birdbath and a young elf sat on it. The elf was so young, in fact, that her age showed. She had not yet reached the stage where her skin became ageless and her lifetime incalculable.

Her voice reached their ears and when it did, the Ilandria at his side began to keen in a low voice. Moaning unintelligible words. She reached out with a hand, but snatched it back before it could stretch too far. She kept on keening, but soon it became soundless as she began to rock back and forth on her heels, hugging her knees to her chest.

The young elf, Eeth would now realise as being a young Ilandria, smiled and laughed as the birds twittered in time with her soft lullaby. A footfall sounded and the young Ilandria turned around, smiling as she took a male elf's outstretched hand. She rose, graceful in a way that Eeth had never seen her. Her dress was a soft off white colour, her eyes a clear blue grey that shone with an inner light. Her hair was a dark brown, almost black in the shade of the trees. Her smile was ready and genuine with none of the malice that Eeth was so used to seeing.

The male elf did have the ageless quality of an older elf. His own voice deep in comparison to her light tone. He murmured to her, things that Eeth either couldn't understand or couldn't hear. She laughed again, seating herself on the bench once more. The older elf sat beside her. He talked to her, his words reaching their ears like those that were spoken underwater. You got a vague sense, but you never knew exactly what was being said.

It was soon apparent that they were in love.

Light flared and time seemed to shift. They were no longer in the garden. Ilandria still crouched by his side, enthralled by what she saw and paying no more attention to the Guardain himself. The world around them lightened and it was revealed as the inside of a tent. A red tent, large and luxurious.

The young Ilandria still was sitting quietly on a wooden chair as she watched the older elf being fitted into armor. At one stage, she dismissed his squires and placed the remaining pieces of his armor on him herself. No words were spoken, but an unimaginable sadness clung between the two. They shared kiss when she was done, him holding her fast and longer than he should have. She gave a little whimper when he let her go, but remained inside the tent as he opened the flap and with a brief look back at her, exited. The flap slapped closed, leaving the brightness of the day outside.

The young elf took a minute then collapsed in a heap and began to cry. The sounds of her sobs came clear to Eeth, except when he looked own, he would see that no sound came from the scene before them, rather it came from his left - from Queen Ilandria. Her sobs strangling her voice as she cried out a single name... "Malas!"
Sita and Brod

Brod ambled out into the sunlight. He stretched in the warm rays and sighed. He could never imagine a world in darkness - something that Sita had to live with now. A part of him that did not shrink from what she was pitied her. To never see the sun again, to never feel its warmth caress your skin. It had to be its own nightmare, its own punishment.

Brod resolved to be more helpful to his charge.

Squaring his shoulders he started off into a loping stride that carried him many miles. He followed the river towards the inland. He knew that small villages, or settlements of traders often stopped along the river, usually close the The Spirit Road. But it would be at least another day before he could travel that far. As it was, he only had a few hours of sunlight before he would have to return and guide Sita through the world.

Smoke from a fire caught his attention and he slowed down to approach the campsite in a more civilised manner. Two men sat near the fire, cooking something on a spit. A bit too early to be camped, but they were most likely weary from their travels. He ambled to the edge and called out in a friendly voice, "Ho, travelers. May I sit at your fire and rest a while?"

The two men were so startled at his appearence that they were both up on their feet with their swords out before they realised it. When they saw just who and what he was, they did not resheath their weapons. Instead they sought to run him off their campsite.

Brod bellowed and swung his hammer, its singsong ringing through the air along the downward arc. He slammed the head into the ground, a small shockewave making the two men stagger slightly - and stood there quite calmly as they abruptly scrambled around and ran away.

Brod shook his head. Those two should not be traveling along together. No sense in either of their brains. He lifted and dusted off his hammer and walked to the horses that were tethered some way off at the river's edge. He talked softly to them, gaining their trust and saddled one. Leaving the other for the men, should they come back.

He also shifted some coins from his pouch and put them in plain sight along side the fire. After paying for use of the horse, he stopped and flicked one more coin towards the fire when he spied the two freshly killed rabbits that lay ungutted by the side. Those he took as well, keeping their dead scent from the horse.

He then took his leave, whistling to himself all the while and wondering how long it would take for the men to get back to their campsite. He hoped, if only for the sake of the horse, that it wouldn't be too long.

He ran with the horse once it got used to him and they arrived back at the underground tunnel just as dusk began to settle over the land. He picketed the horse near the entrance and stooped down to enter the tunnel. Reaching the end, he found Sita asleep and unsure as to how to wake her, sat to await her awakening.
Largos and Len

Len looked at Largos for a long moment. Her mind was reeling with questions, with doubts, with answers to questions she did not know she had. She took his hand, the one that had gripped the hilt of his sword so tightly before, and held it for a longer time. Her voice silent, her eyes speaking more plainly than her words ever could.

She was sorry. She was more than sorry for his situation. But he had a responsibility. One that he could not shirk and one that she would help him with. She would always be there for him, no matter what he became, no matter what he did. She would always be there. She would guide him as best as she could and she only hoped that he saw the depth of her feelings for him. That he saw how much he needed to trust her in the times ahead.

They stood for a long time just staring at each other, willing each other to see the other's thoughts. Though Len had the ability to mix their minds together, she refrained, knowing that they needed to rely on the connection they had, rather than those that she could forge.

Then, placing his hand back on the pommel of his sword, she reached down and unsheathed her own. They spent the rest of the afternoon going through sword forms that she taught him, tightening his skills and teaching him new ones. She taught him spells that he accessed with his Magi - teaching him how to talk to his Magi in the process. Though the elf in him was reluctant to join forces with the Relic Sword, it was clear that he had to.

She did not approach the subject of his vampiric powers. It was something that he would have to access all on his own. She did not even know if he could access his Magi at night, but she hoped that he could. His magi would be the voice of reason should he completely lose himself in the darkness that now ate at his soul.

It was nearing dusk when she thought that she had taught him as much as she could in the short time they had. There was so much more that she had to pass on, but they were short on time and there was not much more light left. While they still could, they discussed the defenses that Menos had erected and the general attack plan. There was not much to it, the main encampment was ringed by palisades and a moat filled with sharpend spikes. There was extra equipment that the Blue Guard had brought with them, weapons, armor etc.

The women and children and weaker, older men were herded into the long hall. It was a tight fit, but they preferred to be together in the coming night than cowering alone.

When night fell, it rang with silence and the anticipation of the entire encampment. Bon fires had been erected every ten feet away from each other, ringing the inside of the moat. It provided more than enough light and even extra ammo in flames and burning brands should it come to that. The world outside the moat darkened and soon became inky black.

Largos and Len were stationed at the east side, the side that faced the Dark Woods. Len was garbed in light armor that folded to her body intimately enough to make Largos wonder what she was wearing beneath it. She wore a long sword at her hip and a dagger along her thigh. The beads in her hair twinkled in the firelight, casting a rainbow of colours onto her pale cheeks.

She looked over at Largos at her side and gave him a small smile. Her mind whispered comforting no nothings in his mind, her voice giving him some measure of comfort. Or at least she hoped it did.

When it started, it came suddenly.

There was a steady sound on the wind. A sighing, then a moaning. Then came shrieks and screams. The wind rushed towards them like a thing possessed and passed over them, knocking some men who hadn't been ready off their feet and onto their backs.

Len lifted her wings and difted backwards a few steps along with the wind. The howls that came with it shrieked in their ears and another wall of air came rushing towards them. Except this time, the air had mass.

Within the wall swirled a mass of dark shapes. They looked vaguely humanoid with two spindely arms and legs. Their hands ended in three clawed fingers and their teeth seemed too big for their mouths. They snarled and swarmed within the wall, gnashing their teeth at the ring of light in front of them. It was soon evident that the howling and screaming of the wind was coming from those masses in the wall. Their voices rising in pitch and volume the closer they got.

The mass of black wriggled in the wall and the closer they came, the more Largos could make out of their features. They were completely hairless. Their muscles seemed to be over exaggerated, almost as if they had no skin to speak of. They were all coloured a mottled black. Some showing bits of white or grey, but almost always predominately black. Their eyes seemed to be missing, though he had no doubt that they could see perfectly. They had no noses to speak of, though they did have two vertical slits just above their gnashing maws.

Their screams were inhuman - everything in this world was inhuman. But this creature especially sent chills down his spine and froze his blood.
But it was the darkness beyond the wall they could not see that was the real thread. Unfortunately, they would not see it until it was upon them. And there was almost nothing they could do about it.

The wall reached the moat and passed over it. A few of the Ghouls dropped onto the spikes, but after a brief pause, they simply pulled themselves up off them and scrambled along the ground the rail at the palisade.

Arrows began to rain down on them as the wall of air slammed into the palisade. The black mass slithered along the wooden wall and scratched and scrabbled. Most just punching their way through. Soon the camp was alive with the black wriggling things, separate from each other now but still just as dangerous and creepy looking.

"Your sword, Largos, now is the time to use it!" Len cried and drew her own, hacking at a ghoul that had crawled up and over next to her. With a swipe, she cleaved its head from its shoulders. To the others, that did not have the benefit of Largos's magical sword, "Cut their heads off! Or put them aflame!" and with that, Len swooped to catch another ghoul that had come up near her. She hacked at its arms, separating them from its shoulders. It howled at her but then went silent as she beheaded it. She looked over at Largos and saw him standing there, her scream reached him a second later,

"Largos, behind you!"
Silver and Varic

Varic stooped down and came up and under the guard of the first elf that came at him. His head was soon from his shoulders.

The second elf was not so easily done in. He danced backwards from Varic's blades and defended himself well. Varic gave no time for the elf to recover though, or regroup. He lept at his attacker, his twin blades coming down with him, using the force of his downward momentum.

The elf managed to evade one sword but not the other. The blade bit down deep into shoulder and he cried out in pain. It was the moment Varic needed.

The blueberry haired elf leaped around, swinging his other sword in a horizontal arc and neatly lopped off the other's head. He stood for a moment, panting and looked over to see that Silver had already taken down the other two.

Footsteps sounded up the stairs and the door crashed open, the innkeeper looking in on them with wild eyes and a butcher's knife. "Go! Get out, I won't have fighting in my house!" he screamed and Varic shook his head a Silver, warning him not to attack.

He pressed three more gold coins into the innkeeper's hand and grabbed their belongings. Then he made their way out, Silver hopefully following behind him.

"It looks like we may sleep in a Temple tonight, I don't think any more inns will let us through. Word travels fast in this city."
as varic spoke silver nodded his lupine head aye but least we are both still a live to wake from that sleep and to aid each other
Largos was for once glad of his vampiric abilities as these things moved far faster than anything he had ever seen before, except for Talon. These things were like the stuff out of nightmares and at first he was rooted to the spot, trying to think of something to do. When Len shouted out he was snapped out of it and drew his sword from its sheath. Its slightly curved blade sang out as soon as it was pulled from its sheath and as Largos saw these things moving towards him knew that he would have no qualms about using the sword.

It was then that Len shouted out again and Largos moved just in time to feel the thing move slightly to his right. It landed in front of him and looked at him with a hungry look in its eyes. Largos moved to his left and as he did the thing's eyes followed him. A scream then ripped through the air and before Largos had time to prepare himself the thing jumped through the air, its clawed hands going for his face. Largos was pushed back a few steps before he gripped his sword and stabbed the thing in the side. The thing screamed out in pain and Largos felt its life flow into him. He pulled the sword out and grabbed one of the things arms as it continued to try and claw at him.

As it fought with him Largos was surprised by the strength this thing had and once again thanked Talon for giving him the strength he had. If he did not have it he would surely have been killed a long time ago. He twisted to one side, throwing the thing away from him with a shout then gripped his sword in his right hand. The thing got to its feet quickly and once again looked at Largos with a hungry look. The thing ran at Largos but this time he was prepared and lifted his sword. He moved in one of the styles Len had shown earlier and cut the thing from its hit to the base of its neck. The thing fell to the ground but it still continued to scream and began to get to its feet. Largos just stood there, wondering how to kill this thing until a longsword cut through the thing's neck, severing it. As soon as the neck was taken off the thing stopped moving and Largos looked at Menos.

"Did you not hear Len earlier? She told you to take their head or burn them!"

Largos looked at Menos then down at the thing, "What do you call that thing?"

"It is a ghoul. As you can see they are surprisingly strong and hard to kill but I think with your gift you should not have a problem."

At first Largos wondered what he meant until he realized that it Menos was talking about the vampiric powers he had. He opened his mouth to say something to Menos but knew that now was not the time and there were bigger things to worry about than Menos's hatred of him. He looked at Menos before he turned and walked to the main wall. When he got there he saw Len fighting hard, the longsword in her hand dripping with ghoul blood. He then looked out and what he saw made his eyes widen.

It was as if the ground itself was moving; there were so many of them. At first he wondered how anyone in this camp was going to win, was going to live out this night. He knew though that he should not think anything like that and gripped his sword tightly in his hand. He looked at the ghouls that were moving towards him and let out a shout. His first thought was to jump down from the wall and start to cut down as many ghouls as he could. He knew that in doing so he could be very well giving up his own life. He looked down at them, a sound that sounded very much like a growl escaping from his throat and knew that he had to try.

He got to the top of the wall and without a sound jumped from it to land on one of the ghouls. As it tried to move underneath him Largos looked at the ghouls that were around him. They all had the same hungry look in their eyes as the first one he had encountered and Largos knew that he could not let them anywhere near the settlement. The people there would not be able to fight these things and given the gift as Menos had put it so delicately that he had been given he knew that he at least had a slim chance to cut down as many ghouls as he could. He lifted his sword up and as the first ghoul ran at him cut down, surprised by the flash that came from it. The ghoul fell to the ground with a scream, its flesh burnt as if touched by a torch. Before Largos had any time to figure out what was going on another ghoul charged him. He had barely enough time to stop this ghoul from biting him as he brought up his sword.

It was then that he felt claws rip through his armor and into his back as if it were nothing more than paper. With a scream of pain Largos brought his left hand up, punching the ghoul that was in front of him. He turned quickly to the ghoul who had ripped open his back and with an inhuman shout drove his sword into its abdomen. Once again the sword flashed and the ghoul fell to the ground, a hole in its abdomen where the sword had entered. As this ghoul fell to the ground the one that Largos had punched jumped at him. Largos felt the thing as it came towards him, moved and cut with his sword. The ghoul screamed out as the sword cut through its chest.

As that ghoul fell to the ground several more rushed at Largos. He brought up his sword and cut down one of them, the ghoul letting out a scream as the sword blade cut through its abdomen. As that one fell the other ghouls attacked Largos, knocking him to the ground. He started to scream out in pain as their claws started to cut through his armor and into his flesh. It was at that moment that he felt something growing within him and he let out an inhuman shout as a ball of darkness flew out, striking the ghouls and throwing him through the air. When they hit the ground Largos got to his feet, his features not quite as they had been before. He looked at the closest ghoul and ran at it, cutting it down before it had had a chance to react.

Even as that one fell to the ground Largos turned to the next, his flashing sword cutting it down. He then stopped, raised one hand and a bolt of black lightning flew out to strike several ghouls. As they fell to the ground Largos heard a shout coming from the direction of the settlement. He looked back at it before he jumped through the air to land behind the wall. As soon as he landed he heard someone moving towards him and shouted out, "Don't come near me!"
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That night, Silver and Varic slept in the guest chambers of the local Temple. It was a grand structure, built into the ground itself. It was immersed in history - with runes that ran along all walls and pictographs that Varic explained the meaning of as they walked past.

The Priests and Priestesses were all Centaurian, but they were nice and almost never spoke. Their calling made them silent, save for grave matters or those of great importance. Varic was used to this, still he spoke in a near whisper - his voice only echoing slightly in the absence of sound.

They slept the night through and awoke refreshed. They were taken to the main Halls where others - some travelors, some natural denizens of the Temple - sat and ate a small but satisfying breakfast.

It was over this meal that Varic spoke about their plans for the day and what had happened during the night.