Important Nude Scenes in Movies

Did you ever see the movie Open Water? It's a movie about two scuba divers, husband and wife (I think), who get left behind by their tour boat. Well, early on in the movie, the female lead, Blanchard Ryan, has the most gratuitous nude scene I've ever seen. The whole scene wasn't necessary, and there was no reason for her to be naked in it. It was just bizarre.
I’ve never seen a Monty Python anything before. I’m now thinking that may have been a mistake!

16 Candles and two perfect breasts. This was my image of the girl’s locker room throughout my scholastic career.

Airplane perfectly defined the term gratuitous boobs (and I love them for it)

If MASH, the tv show, had more scenes like this I’d be binge watching it right now (although there was a brief butt-shot of Radar in one surprising scene on tv. I always wondered if that aired, or was added back in for video release?
Did you ever see the movie Open Water? It's a movie about two scuba divers, husband and wife (I think), who get left behind by their tour boat. Well, early on in the movie, the female lead, Blanchard Ryan, has the most gratuitous nude scene I've ever seen. The whole scene wasn't necessary, and there was no reason for her to be naked in it. It was just bizarre.

I never saw it, but now I must. :D

Gratuitous nudity is one of my favorite things. :devil:
Did you ever see the movie Open Water? It's a movie about two scuba divers, husband and wife (I think), who get left behind by their tour boat. Well, early on in the movie, the female lead, Blanchard Ryan, has the most gratuitous nude scene I've ever seen. The whole scene wasn't necessary, and there was no reason for her to be naked in it. It was just bizarre.

Yeah, 100 percent accurate on this. I do admit to jerking off while watching the scene, though.
You get to see Kevin Bacon's junk in Wild Things for a second.

One of a handful of movie guys in the buff in a sea of onscreen female nudity.
Kudos to bongo for reviving this.

Hotwords let me down in the opening post. I fully expected something like: Of course, all nude scenes are important nude scenes.

Being an old and internet challenged, I can't figure out how to post gifs, so if someone wants to take up the cause on my behalf, I thank you in advance

They say good things happen in 3s, well see if you can figure out the theme:

Dressed to Kill - if you want nudity, a Brian DePalma film is a good bet.

This slot was planned for the Porky's shower scene but then it was finally mentioned and I thought of Eva Green in The Dreamers (poor Michael Pitt must be smarting from his omission in the 21 cocktail salute), so I settled on Feast of Love
(2 great naked women in this one)

And finally, we have Revenge of the Nerds
And at the end of the video, Booger spoils the guessing game by revealing the theme
Movies made it seemed for nudity and they just worked in plot and dialog around them:

Bolero (duh)

Body Double (Brian De Palma wanted to see Melanie Griffiths tits)

Hardbodies- known for the great line and later song: I don't fuck fossils for free.

I highly recommend all 3 but the over 40 crowd shouldn't binge all 3 in one night. They might wind up with a strained groin.

I'll leave you with one of my favorites from Doc Hollywood:
I did a horror movie nude scene thread and it seemed to go over well.
Now it's time to branch out into other genres and post your favorite nude scenes from the movies.


First up, Just One of the Guys. Super hot girl goes undercover as a boy, but when she falls in love with one of the nerds, she has to come clean and let him know she's really a girl. She does this in the most awesome way possible. Way better than just showing him her driver's license.

I love this scene :heart:
You get to see Kevin Bacon's junk in Wild Things for a second.

One of a handful of movie guys in the buff in a sea of onscreen female nudity.

Too true. It’s pretty distracting when the girl is fully nude and then the guy “happens” to be perfectly covered by a sheet or vase or something.
Very Austin Powersish. Just show the cock already movies!

I don’t think Marky Mark and the Junky Bunch should be included in this list as it is well known he used a plastic dick.
I get that he had to for the story, but still—It ain’t real it don’t belong on the list. (My opinion)

Kudos to bongo for reviving this.

Hotwords let me down in the opening post. I fully expected something like: Of course, all nude scenes are important nude scenes.

And finally, we have Revenge of the Nerds
And at the end of the video, Booger spoils the guessing game by revealing the theme

Bongo deserves all the credit. I love this thread and am so happy to see it getting some action.
All nudity is important :)devil:), but what’s important to you? That’s what this is all about.

And I did NOT remember Nerds having that much nudity or being that graphic! I’m ashamed of myself.

Forgive me if these are duplicates :)


Phoebe Cates belongs on every page of this thread. Fast times is a life changer.

Sally Kellermann on M*A*S*H
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Wendy Lyon from Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2
A movie that is better than it should be is “elevated”;) by the lead actress going full frontal nude and hitting on her equally nude best friend in the school showers.

I give her a lot of credit for being this awesome.

The movie was originally supposed to be a serious horror movie, that was then bought out by MGM and changed/reshot as a sequel (in name only) to Prom Night.
I don’t know if her nude scene was in the original script or not, but it is VERY rare for the lead to go totally nude.


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Also if you go to the top of this page and click “Thread Tools” and then select “show printable version” you can see the page without the gigantic pics screwing up the format.

Theda Bara in Cleopatra (1917) considered to be the first sex symbol in movies.

I think her costume may blow Princess Leia’s sexkini out of the water!
Gorky Park has one, but that may be a challenging wank, since the movie also has forensic use of maggots to remove flesh from a skull, a corpse with intestines hanging out, and generally a long story in cold bleak Russia. I was around 17 when I watched it with my parents.