In the Garden of Light and Shadow...

is what you have
when two people
mix equal parts
madness, trust,
loyalty, & lust.

-P.T. Berkey

Oh... That's a lovely M.L.T. No wait, that's a mutton, lettuce and tomato. I mean that's a lovely M.T.L.L. JaF.

Did I ever tell you a was a Metalhead? Ok, not really but in this case I'm more than willing to become a Petalhead devotee.

Thank you for the early Christmas gift.

The wind is howling, seemingly jealous of the beauty found in gently falling snow. It's so cold, my darlin', please come keep me warm. Please, cum...
It's Christmas time. You're talking about the the snow and the cold. And hinting about skin and wetness.

Which means my mind goes to a horrible variant of that scene in a Christmas Story. Can you imagine? THAT part stuck to a cold, metal pole.

Good thing you're willing to keep me warm or at the very least blow on it to help.

What's the illustration?
