
Re: Fag

MsLinnet said:
yes it could be a school thing or he could be making out he was gay

Fag also short for Fagot in uk

well I dunno if he was gay, but he sure was a cutie-pie = )

England knocked the socks right off my feet. Dresses on sale for ten pounds (sounds cheap doesn't it!) and a Pizza Hut, of all things, where you could eat your pie outside.
And although it's not an "english" phrase necessarily, the place I learned that "head" is the name of a bathroom on a boat. :D
I do have to add that Ireland edged out England a bit when a boy tried to pick me up with the line that he had just gotten out of a mental institution and hadn't had any in quite a long time. Talk about a memory that will stick.. ;)
LOL about that pickup line...

London sort of freaked me out because every corner was a McDonalds and a Starbucks...My hotel was on the same block as 4 McDonalds and two starbucks...This excited my boyfriend a lot since he'd been in Italy for 5 months and while he loved the pasta and Italian food, he was dying for a hamburger.

I suppose any store that takes away from the feeling of being in a "foreign" land can be dangerous.. if you enjoy the feeling of being on a grand adventure, it is a letdown! But maybe if you're a little homesick it might be a comfort.
I do know I've never seen so many places you could pick up Doc Martins as in the UK.. Must be why I came home with three pair!
Actually where I live they sell Doc Martins everyplace! But I did buy myself an Italian leather trench coat and lots of boots...drool...leather boots...

Chicklet (still recovering from financial loss)
I hate living in the middle of nowhere. :D Not to mention not having a car.. I'm living for May 9th!!
Not that it has ANYTHING to do with incest but..

No more exams,
a car for me,
a new apartment,
a new roommate who doesn't eat all my food,
that's a start..
There's food in your apartment? What kind of a college student ARE you?

KJGirlie said:
England knocked the socks right off my feet. Dresses on sale for ten pounds (sounds cheap doesn't it!) and a Pizza Hut, of all things, where you could eat your pie outside.
And although it's not an "english" phrase necessarily, the place I learned that "head" is the name of a bathroom on a boat. :D
I do have to add that Ireland edged out England a bit when a boy tried to pick me up with the line that he had just gotten out of a mental institution and hadn't had any in quite a long time. Talk about a memory that will stick.. ;)

Head is also somthing else so if you are aske for head think about it before you say yes
MsLinnet said:

Head is also somthing else so if you are aske for head think about it before you say yes

I think that head is the same in the US and the UK.

MsLinnet said:

Head is also somthing else so if you are aske for head think about it before you say yes

head as in oral sex? or head as in something horribly grotesque that I don't want to think about??

That's what it is way over here in Oregon, too...

MsLinnet said:

Head is also somthing else so if you are aske for head think about it before you say yes

Linnet, c'mon, tell us....
Chicklet said:

That's what it is way over here in Oregon, too...

I meant "here" as America. I'm pretty damn sure giving/getting head is the same term in the U.S. from deep in the Bayou to Upstate NY, from Sunny California to Up North, eh? ;)
<chicklet waiting patiently to be told what head is in UK>
I'm guessing it is the same as here...

Oral sex on a man...

(Though some in the states use this term for oral on women now...)
My first boyfriend always used it in reference to going down on women as well as going down on men, but now whenever I make that slip I have 20 people correct me. "You can't give a woman head"

PS -
i'm hoping the brits have some super-exciting reference = ) BUT, no problem if they dont <sigh>
pretty_lil_stranger said:
I asked a guy, and he said you absolutely do not give a woman head. He says you go down on them or have a box lunch at the y... (I tried to pretend he didn't say that, but it didn't work).

Anyway, I think I have used this term, but what ever. There are others I prefer, lol.

Box lunch at the Y - LOL LOL LOL

Chicklet is happy
I don't want to be compared to any sort of lunch meat either, but it still makes me happy. I'd have to kick a guys ass if he actually used the term with a serious note, though = ) I'd probably respond with something along the lines of "purple soldier ready for battle" or "The red hot beef injection"