Intelligent Submissive Lady Seeking Intelligent Dominant Gentleman I know the search for the right one is so difficult. Best wishes.

Thank you, very much. It is proving much more difficult than at first surmised. It's not so very hard to read that I do not wish for someone who is married or attached, and yet people think that they can be THE EXCEPTION! Lulz, no.

Another fun fact about me: I'm a devout Catholic. Take that as you will.
PM sent.

Thank you, very much. It is proving much more difficult than at first surmised. It's not so very hard to read that I do not wish for someone who is married or attached, and yet people think that they can be THE EXCEPTION! Lulz, no.

Another fun fact about me: I'm a devout Catholic. Take that as you will.

Please check your PMs
I am still looking, but I am not looking for abusive, or selfish gentlemen. That seems to be the rule for the day here, and I'd like to not deal with it. Thanks!
Well damn, I wrote a nice thoughtful response and could not send t as your box was full.

A spanking may be in order...😈

Good for you satin! It is important to stick to what we believe in, but also have an open mind (at least to listen to what others believe/feel). It is also important for to respect others beliefs as we would want ours respected. Stick to your guns and don't settle. Good Luck on your journey! And feel free to reach out anytime, Open Minded here.

NE Ohio DOM Male (55dwm)
And so the ever-so-frustrating search continues. I realize this requires some patience, and I am willing to be patient if you are.
Just thought I'd add here that I am still looking. I have met with a lot of disappointment. I'm looking for something infused with meaning, and that may be different for some people than it is for me. Thank you for your consideration.
My unsolicited advice (for what it's worth) would be for you to come down from your garret and mingle with the serfs while you wait for your prince to come.
My unsolicited advice (for what it's worth) would be for you to come down from your garret and mingle with the serfs while you wait for your prince to come.

Not looking for a prince, but thanks for your kindly advice, I'm sure. Unlike some people, however, I'm not wealthy enough to have serfs on my estate. And I'm more a post-Industrial Revolution kind of girl anyway. Thanks ever so much! :D
It would appear that the game is still afoot. If there should be a gentleman who finds it seemly to read my message an deems to answer it, well, have at it.
Am I insane or just dimwitted? Who knows. I am still looking for that one gentleman whom I can adore with all my submissive tendencies. Surely you are out there...
Good times ahead

Dear Ms. Satin I truly wish you find that perfect gentleman that you are seeking. Have a little faith that the you seek is just around the corner. A little advice from a 53yr. old widower this will happen.