Intentional Upskirt

Having lived in Tokyo and taken the subway system regularly. There you’ll find many of the “office girls” wearing the ubiquitous dark skirt, white blouse and pantyhose. And being a “gaijen” or foreigner, mature, American and most likely successful, I’d receive many upskirt views. While many Japanese women seem demure, they are quite naughty. I enjoyed an almost daily view of panties through the pantyhose. Or some very naughty views of no panties.
Only once have I ever caught the glimpse of a naked pussy on a subway. It was in Toronto and as I got on I caught some bare legs to my left and took a mental note to look once we started moving. As I held the pole beside me and looked down, I saw a girl with her feet up on the seat in front of her, then quite suddenly I saw that her legs were open just enough and there was her naked pussy up under her skirt. I got such a surprise that I only got that one look, before I turned away. She did look at me and I was never sure if there was a faint smile on her face, or if she knew what she was doing or not.