All kinds of people here...
Make your own opinion: Personally, I laughed.
Here's a message I received. By the way, I won't say who sent it:
( Note: I never said not to send me messages: I said I don't answer most of the time. That adds to the weirdness of this message)
TRULY DISAPPOINTED. while I respect your decision to do things your way, I too have certain criteria to meet. while I don't do it often, I do like the fact of sending a PRIVATE message. as you're unwilling to accept them, I WILL NOT be following you, your pic thread any longer. no disrespect intended.
seriously iza1972?? for the life of me I simply can not fathom why you did this. or just what it is you hoped to gain by taking this action. first of all, let me qualify this by saying I'm not on here every day and it's quiet possible I missed something or that there's more than likely more to the story. but at least to me, you not only detracted from the purpose of your thread but also left yourself looking in a very less favorable light and also giving them the satisfaction of knowing they got a reaction out of you. I get that maybe they said something you didn't particularly like but at least they did so via p.m. so as to not cause or distract from your thread here. why not simply delete the weird message, (possibly a troll) and be done with it? instead you come across as someone with your own issues that I'm sure you didn't want. I know you'll more than likely have some jumping to your defense and that's their right just as it's this person's right to voice theirs. I just don't see that this action was needed nor one that reflects at all on you favorably.
while I do appreciate those that choose to post their pics, I do often wonder if they actually take the time to think things all the way thru. there's simply no way to make everyone happy or agree with what you post or say so be willing to accept that going in. seen several come and go cause of things like this over the years. you're not the first to get their feelings stepped on and you're sure not going to be the last. just my thoughts.