Iza Pictures

This is OUR place - you fucking idiots take from us.
Go away and leave these people alone.

Lit is a little treasure in life - so go fuck yourselves somewhere else.
Sorry, had to take all my pictures down.

Because of some not so funny weirdos.

This is why we can’t have nice things. Im so very sorry you’ve had unpleasant things happen. I hope your general sense of safety is restored even if you never post another ic again.
Sorry, had to take all my pictures down.

Because of some not so funny weirdos.

So sorry to hear, this is such a wonderful thread.

It's sad that some choose being shitty over being appreciative. As was mentioned above, it explains why we can't have nice things.

I hope you're ok.
Sorry, had to take all my pictures down.

Because of some not so funny weirdos.

Good on you for taking your pictures down. And fuck those assholes.

I am truly, truly sorry this happened.
Sorry, had to take all my pictures down.

Because of some not so funny weirdos.

I also enjoyed your thread. What I do when I get negative or hurtful comments about my posts is to put the nasty person on my Ignore List immediately. Then I do not have to see their trashy comments any more. And continue posting away! :)
Sorry, had to take all my pictures down.

Because of some not so funny weirdos.

Hope you are able to get past the ugliness. And I hope you were able to let the ADMIN folks know of the experience and which accounts were not so funny weirdos.
I am good, folks, don't worry!

Trying a new necklace.
But will buy one that will be long enough to get buried lower ;)

I am good, folks, don't worry!

Trying a new necklace.
But will buy one that will be long enough to get buried lower ;)

I'm glad you're doing well and back :)

And have certainly come back in style! A beautiful necklace and that's not all ;)
I am good, folks, don't worry!

Trying a new necklace.
But will buy one that will be long enough to get buried lower ;)


It is so great that you did not disappear. You are a beautiful and sexy woman, and at age 49, unbelievably so. You probably post because you know that you are a hot middle aged female and you like the attention - who wouldn't? Kudos to you for sharing your beauty.

But with that comes the risk of inappropriate, salacious comments. You know that you have to ignore most of that. Truly over-the-top messages, comments, etc have to be dealt with using all resources available. Hopefully, there are very few of the extreme type of comments. Even some of the comments here in the forum actually seem a bit much.

Here's hoping that you don't lose your enthusiasm for posting. I suspect that you have quite a few fantastic photos waiting to see the light of day.