
Ooc: We'll deal. You and me, if need be.

Waters gave a reassuring nod to the local store owners.
"We're doing everything we can. I just need to question some more people. Was anyone a good friend of Annie Chapman?"
A few names were given out, but they were mostly first names of prostitutes, and no one would admit where any of them lived. He sighed, it looked like he was going to have to just wait for peak time in this district to ask them all himself.
Renting a small hotel room for the night, he went around to a few of the local prostitute hang outs. Bars, taverns, restaurants, even certains blocks on the street. Come the evening rush he'd be out here with the rest of them, trying to get into who knew Annie and who might have killed her.
He went to a local pub, his first stop for the night. He ordered a light dinner, and waited. Soon he'd have some answers.
Sarah came out of her room and sighed . NO news on anything . She was sick of this man, or girl , whoever this person was. smothering her eyes with her hands to wipe her remaning tears she walked out of her room and down into the cavarn she looked around and saw a man who she could swear she saw before . She coughed and turned to walk the door. She knew her work today would not be as good as usual, she would be to nervous and sad to do work.
"So, anything else you could give me?"
"I'm sorry. I wasn't that close to Annie, I'm sorry."
Waters finished, and thanked the woman. She went back to her drink, and he walked outside. The cold crisp air wafted around him, a steady coldness that only be felt during an approaching fall.
There stood a woman, on the corner, he didn't think he had spoken to her yet. However, there was so many. He could have been mistaken. Nearly thirty interviews, and nothing as to the killer. He knew a littler more about Chapman, but that didn't help much.
"Excuse me, can I ask you a few questions..."

Several minutes later, he sighed, again nothing important. Annie seemed to be a very nice girl, just looking to make some money. Now she was dead, and he was left with so many questions unanswered.
"Miss?" He came up behind her. She turned around.
Deja vu. He knew he had seen her before. Had he talked to her earlier tonight? No, it might be from somewhere else. Where though? It racked his brain.
"I'm sorry, Ummm, can I ask you a few questions about Annie Chapman?"
Sarah felt a tap on her shoulder and hurled around so fast she got whiplash. Holding on her hurt neck she coughed and looked up seeing the man she had seen in the bar..."she was a friend, very friendly . a little to easy but hell, thats our job.right? "she laughed nervously . and looked down at his clean boots. She could tell that he was a well payed whatever he was...a cop? newspaper interviewer....She looked for a pen and paper . she looked and saw a pad of paper..."do i know you from somewhere?" A man crossed the street with a snobby house girl and sarah and the girls harrassed her and flirted with the guy. She turned her attention back to this man
Introducing John Brannigan CID

I'm john Brannigan of New Scotland yard. My inspector is having fits over some crazy knocking off the ladies of the night. I'm 64 years old and retirement is just around the corner. I have spent the past ten years sat at a desk. I thought that was where I was going to stay. Don't get me wrong. I liked to get out but for christs sake why now. Just because the inspector thinks that these young bloods 'Pardon the expression' aren't up to much. I've solved some beautiful cases in my time but this is a bit of a puzzler. Never seen anything so callous. So totally brutal. Well the papers are on my desk and I will have to do a lot of wading to get to the bottom of this one.
Introducing John Brannigan CID

I'm john Brannigan of New Scotland yard. My inspector is having fits over some crazy knocking off the ladies of the night. I'm 64 years old and retirement is just around the corner. I have spent the past ten years sat at a desk. I thought that was where I was going to stay. Don't get me wrong. I liked to get out but for christs sake why now. Just because the inspector thinks that these young bloods 'Pardon the expression' aren't up to much. I've solved some beautiful cases in my time but this is a bit of a puzzler. Never seen anything so callous. So totally brutal. Well the papers are on my desk and I will have to do a lot of wading to get to the bottom of this one.
OOC::glad to have you here gothy. you don't know how glad i am that someone else joined welcome aboard
Sarah looked back down at her feet. then she noticed something under the mans foot. Thinking fast she took a step forward and stood behind the man with her foot standing on the note so it would stay with her. She put her hands on his back and rubbed his back "you seem tense.. let me work that out. she rubbed his back the best she could untill he loosened up a bit . then she pretended to sneeze to hide her smile she stood behindhim and made him turn around. "Thats all i know . to put it in a nutshell. I don't know who could have killed her.I wish i did . I want to kill whoever did this ... and if you're in the newspaper ...tell them my full name , Sarah Lynn Chesnut. and tell them where you saw me , i need more men.Come around sometime.i'll be here."she bent over very casually and folded the paper into her hand.She excused herself and walked away. Unfolding the paper it read:Dearest journal, augest 7th 1888
One i forgot to say. my first , my real first . Martha Tabram .. she was a fool.I say i am glad i killed her off.who i am practicing for is .....
the rest of this was gone . Sarah looked around with tears spilling from her eyes . She screamed loudly"NO!!!!!"
He wrote down furiously, letting her do the talking. If she wanted to think he was in the paper, that was fine with him. People usually told you more when they thought it might get published. He saw that.
Abruptly, she left. That was a bit dissapointing, he was beginning to like that back massage. He was almost going to call her, but decided against it. There were more girls to question.
"Sarah!" he said, suddenly remembering. He had interviewed her the other day from the other murder.
He turned, walking the direction she had gone in. He at least wanted to say that he had recognized her. All of a sudden a huge scream pierced the night. Intstantly, his hand went to the club on his waist. It was a female scream. He wondered? Had the ripper struck again?
"Hello," he said, running onto the scene. It wasn't a murder though, it was simply Sarah. She was standing in the middle of the sidewalk and was screaming like crazy. Instantly he crossed over to her, hugging her close to him.
"Sarah, what's wrong? Did you see something? Did someone say something to you?"
He looked into her eyes, "Why are you screaming?"
John O'Hair

As john Got to his office he rell ized He didnt fill Quite right. He was standing in Front of his Office whene he grabed his Cheast And colapsed .
Sarah pushed away from the hug."You ......you killed them!! It says so in this entrey! "She cried taking a step back. "you killed my friends." she turned around to run , run for help ....she hadn't gotten to far when she turned around again . " you kill again and I'll kill you ,you sick basterd!" Sarah yelled crumpling up the journal entrey and threw it at his feet. She ran to the corner and stopped. some of her friends were there and she thought it was safe.
A cop

"John , John are you all right? " The cop said shaking him."Someone , get a docter!"
John O'Hair

" Get A.... Doc..Docter........And... Wa..Waters......"
"I... uhhh, what?"
Waters furrowed his brow, watching the woman run away. Did she accuse him of killing those girls? What made her think of that? Why was she even thinking...
He bent down, looking at the crumpled piece of paper.
"What in the world?"
He looked up, seeing the girl run into what seemed like a bar. He would have to talk to her, reassure her. He wasn't the killer, he was the only one trying to stop him.
Who would put this where she could see it? There was only one answer, the real killer. Somehow, the real killer has been watching him. All this time, watching him. He was suddenly uneasy.
"Waters!!!" Someone came up to him, yelling.
"What is it?"
"Quick, it's the chief, he needs you right away."
Waters furrowed his brow again. What could it be now? He began running along with the other constable, making his way back to Scotland Yard.
Dr. Moreartie

" That Was Good move My boy "Th doctor says to A Man standing Beside him" That Should set the young detective back Alittel Plus What I did to that Old Cop mentor of his . But I think you should kill that young Sinner Bridget Tmarow night Jack." Moreartie thought to him self ~ Tmarow while you kill her I will STill the Crown jewls~
John Branigan

(Paces his office talking to himself and thinking aloud whilst looking through the papers that were strewn all over my desk and reading Derek's M O of the killer) This bastard is just pure evil. There doesn't seem to be any links with his victims. Either that or someone is hiding something. Wading through interview sheet after interview sheet to try and find something to tie this all together. It appears the only motive is a hatred of prostitution. Derek hasn't put a foot wrong in this case what the hell do they need me for. Think Dammit.

To summerise what I have so far.

1: he or she kills prostitutes. Strength to cover the victims mouth and still remain in control suggests a male.
2. Medical reports suggest that the attacks were sudden and all wounds were clean and full. So whatever weapon he is using it is very sharp.
3. He also looks not out of place in the East End of London
Hang on a minute. (riffles through papers on the desks). I'll need to check with Derek on that one.
4. Odd that the boss sent Derek to see Moriarty. He was a thief yes. Not a killer though. I cought him once, Those eyes pierced me like a knife. He makes me uneasy even today. Perhaps the boss thinks Moriarty knows the killer.
Must check out his room mates at HMP Holloway. They might know something of his plans. He is never going clean he enjoys crime too much. He used to be respected as a doctor. Since his release he can't have many clients. His reputation was obliterated. Maybe the killer is one of his clients.
What else does moriarty know? This note of Dereks saying that Moriaty knew about the nature of the killings is most puzzling.

This is hopeless. We need set a trap for this maniac.
"she wasn't really who i hoped for she wasn't on my list that you gave me ."
" Neither was the first girl you killed"the docter reminded me.
"Bridget's no prositute. " I said ignoreing the docter"Or not a very good one , she seems to , ah, hard to get. Shes not like the other hores. shes more like a play-hard-to-get girl. but as you wish" I walked out of the room , taking my cape and my hat from his closet. "I will be back." I turn to exit again , I had forgotten my knife. I turn around and the docter was holding the knife out for me .
"musn't be so forgetfull. or you'll leave evidence." I took the knife and set out. "do this one diffrently. so they don't suspect it was Jack."
"you musn't call me jack in public. They'll find out" i said in a hushed voice and walked off . The night surronded me as a blanket as i looked around for that girl.
Sarah looked out the window of the pub to see a cop go to the man who questioned her. The killer ,she thought. She smiled as she thought he had been caught. But indstead the two men ran together somewhere. He must be a cop, She thought. She must have been wrong. She bit her lip and walked out of the bar. Stumbling on the last step and walked quickly after the man. Anouther man walked up to her. He was dressed in a cape. "excuse me" he said smiling . That was about all she could see. A smile under a hat. "I'm looking for Bridget."
"she's over there" Sarah said pointing over to a small girl sitting on a step of a hotal. Then she ran after the two cops again

I knew i shouldn't kill her tonight. but i wanted to see what she looked like. Having the knife with me just in case she trys anything funny. The knife hidden away in my coat and Apporched the girl "are you Bridget?"
"yeah," she said looking up at me. "who wants to know ? "
"Hi, I'm ...." should i say Jack? why not , if she trys to scream I'll cut her thoart now "Jack" I said shoveing my hand out for her to shake. she took it and shook it lightly. Looking away as if looking for people. "Your very attractive. " I said. looking at her with gentle eyes.
She looked at me and smiled . "am i?"she stood up and stepped closer to me.
"Yes , and I'm going to come tomorow with money so , meet me here. " I said pointing to the ground.
"how bout you pay me later.."she wrapped her arms around my neck. This isn't like her, she must be a little drunk , she never was this easy... i know her style. "and have fun tonight." She smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder , kissing lightly on my neck.
" I can't do it tonight. My wife is going to come out of that pub any minute ." I said pointing toward the pub.
"oh come on. "she said tracing her hands down my stomach."we could have some quick fun" she put her hands down my pants and roamed for my pleasure . I took a step back and she frowned. "Please." she said smiling again placing her small hand around my penis .
"can't. " I said and took her hand out of my pants. "I'll be back tomorow . I'll even rent a room. "
She smiled and waved me off. "Tomorow. I'll be here."
Not for long i thought and smiled back waveing . Tomorow you will be dead. I laughed a short laugh and walked away.
Walking towad the door to his office John Branningan took hold of the handle. He pulled the handle down and held it. He took a deep breath. This was it. He was going out into the world again. No time for mistakes. Finally he opened the door. He walked down the long corridor of the 3rd floor of scotland yard. Surprisingly brisk for a man of his age John felt the world on his shoulders again. He was going to run with it. He came down the stairs two steps at a time. The feeling of isolation was gone. He was alive again. Alive for a reason and with no time to waste.

When John arrived at the ground floor he made his way to the front desk. The duty officer was standing by the front door. He appeared to be waiting for something. "Afternoon Tom" said John, "What's up. Are you waiting for something ?". Tom turned his head away from the glass. "Oh, good afternoon Sir. I am waiting for the doctor. Mr O'hair has collapsed." Stunned by the news John stood in silence. The wheels of his mind turning. "Is he concious ?" said john as he put his hand to point in the direction of the chiefs office. "I believe so, Sir." John began to run to the chiefs office. Just outside the office was the laying flat on his back clutching his chest. John knelt down by his boss. The chiefs eyes open wider than he had ever seen. He was trying to say something. "Don't try to speak sir, the doctor is on his way".
"Out of the way, out of the way."
He pushed and shoved other constables to the side, as he lead the doctor into the Chief's office. Once they were inside, the doctor began working, checking everything out. Waters just stood there silently, not knowing what to do, but wanting to do something so bad.
Silently, he was by the chief's side as the doctor helped all he could. He knew heart attacks were never good though, if he was lucky he might get his side paralyzed... if not.
Sighing, Waters leaned down, holding onto the Chief's hand.
There were shouts from behind him. John heard Derek's voice from over his shoulder. He stood up and let the doctor through. Standing back he saw the look in Derek's eye as he stood over the man for whom he had so much respect. John remembered his old boss and how he was just as hard nosed as O'hair. He remembered how he had loved the old bugger.
Out of the corner of his eye John saw something very odd. The chief as far as he knew had been married for 30 years. Never once had he seen flowers in his office. There on the table was a bunch of white lillies. Inquisitive in nature as Brannigan was he slowly walked over to the table. beside the flowers lay and empty envelope and an unfished slice of chocolate cake. The chief was known for his love of cakes.

I went home and slept . I dremt of the next victem on my list , not the silly fool the docter had in mind. I had my own list. This was MY work. He was only helping a little. I am fighting for more then the foolish ideas that are running in the docter's mind. I could care less if he got the jewels. I was in it to murder prositutes . every last one of them . Plus, how could me killing the whores help him get the crown jewels. I don't even know.

Sarah still ran after them. She stood at the gates of scotland yard and disided to give up . She had work. Her boss wouldn't be to happy if something like this showed up to him. She walked back . Flirting with men who came along. A tall man with tan skin came up to me as i entered my area of work. "hi" he said smiling taking out his money.
"hi " I said back as i beckoned to see his money. He pulled it out. "your place or mine?"
John O'Hair

John Opend his eyes To See Waters And the Doctor.
"Wa...Wa... Waters My Son Your like on of my sons to me. Left drorw Of ma Desk Are tha jack Notes And the file On Your New Part....Ner , Get this Baster." And with That John o'hair passes Away. The docter Calls the time Of death.

Waters Stands Up Sand by the lost of his mentor. Waters reflects on the fact that befor this day John O'Hair has never show A sine weakness of the helth of his body ever. Waters Walks to Johns desk And looks At The File on his New Partner.

OOC: Phoolive, Sary For moveing your guy But I need him to Look at The new Cop File So I could in troduce My Replacement Character. Pleas Chaneg up WHat I have writen to sute your tast.
Josh O'Hair

Acadimiie file-- Josh O' Hair

Eyes- Blue
Father- Head Of Scotlien yard John O'Hair
Hair- Dark Blond
Instructers Notes- Second in the class He is exclent Yard metaireal But Has Problem With Athurity And bad mouths his fother. If it wasnt For his Additude He Would Give SHerlock Holems Arun for his money.

Assinment- The Riper Task Force Selcted By John O'Hair And Headed By John Branningan

Task Force Members:
John Branningan
Derek Waters
Josh O'Hair
(no problem, wouldn't be a thread without plot twists... here's on now)
Waters threw the file down, shaking his head. The Chief's last wish was for him to babysit his kid? What the fuck kind of messed up shit was that?
What about, find this killer? Avenge his death? Make him proud kind of shit that everyone else says...
No, he got the rest of his life making sure the love child of the Chief didn't fuck up while he was on the yard. This disgusted him.
Waters walked out of the room, shaking his head. He bumped into someone.
An aging man... Brannigan was it?
Another partner grilled up by the Chief. Waters shoved the file at him, not saying a word. The man was a detective, he would figure it out.
Walking outside, he asked someone for a cigarette. He hadn't smoked a day in his life, but today seemed like the perfect day to start.
Hey, let's call it put all the shit on Waters day? How about it... First he gets accused as a rapist murder, then the only person on the inside he thought trusted him now won't even talk to him. The only person who thought he was worth anything dies, he gets left caring for his ass of a son.
Rumors travelled, he knew what the man was like.
And... just to make it a little more interesting, Jack the Ripper, not only know who he was, but where he goes. Waters would go further to guess that the man knew more about him then most of his victims. Now, he had to worry about finding this asshole, and not getting killed by him.
I'll have a shit sandwhich, extra cheese please.
Waters dragged in deeply, choking and coughing. It felt hot and cry in his lungs, but honestly it wasn't that bad. Waters took in another drag, it took his mind off of all of it for a short while.
As the doctor called the time of death , Brannigan lowered his head and said a thoughtful prayer. With a cold dissociation he raised his head and walked over to the doctor. Water was completely distraught. He almost looked angry. Brannigan tried to get out of the way. Not fast enough. Water nocked him sideway in his efforts to reach the door. in the moment of contact John felt a file shoved in his hand. It was the case file. "Well" , brannigan thought "probably not the best time to introduce myself"
When Brannigan got to the doctor he was putting away all his tools. "Hi Frank" said brannigan in a low and almost inaudible tone. "john" replied the doctor as he nodded to Brannigan. Brannigan stood looking the doctor in the eye. He knew how people worked. Something was playing on the doctors mind. The Doctor resumend lovingly stowing all his various tools in a myriad of small pockets within his bad. When he eventually finished and raised his head again, john was still there. "I just don't know" the doctor said as if his thoughts broken free through his mouth. "ok Frank, You find out" Brannigans voice taking a cold and commanding tone. The doctor was used to it. Hell, Brannigan pushed him all the time but he knew that it was faith in him rather than mistrust. The two men looked at each other for just a second then john headed for the door.
He headed for the outside world. He needed to talk to Waters. The way he went out of the room was not a man running to something. He was running away. He found Waters outside smoking a cigarette. He was obviouslly struggling with it. Waters looked like a boy. John slowly walked in front of him and turned towards him. "My name's John Brannigan". Water's looked up eyes wide then looked down again. John notice a mix of so many emotions but this had to be done and it had to be done now. "I aleady have a copy of this file." John held out the file to waters who raised a hand to take it. Waters continued to say nothing. Knowing that time was not on our side in the case John decided to give waters the harsh treatment. "This case is not going away and there is no time to feel sorry for yourself. Be in my office in an hour and a half. I am off to tell his wife. Unless you want the job?"